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Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:12:14 am
by English Fuckwit
Similar to how they do them on XFinity ( and other sites I figured it would be fun to do some power rankings for the rest of the game. Post your rankings here after each tribal council based on who you think will go home next round. Your rankings should look like this:

1. Artis
2. Flicka
3. Gabriel
4. Jenna
5. Kelly
6. Kimmi
7. Liliana
8. Marissa
9. Mookie
10. Shane
11. Sophie
12. Sugar

Each tribal council, one person will be voted out. You will receive points based on where you placed your castaway. For example, if Mookie went home, you would receive 9 points for this round. If Kimmi went home, you would receive 6. Remember, you are putting contestants in order of likelihood to go home each rounds, not in order of who you think has the best chance of winning.

Feel free to add some narrative to your post also. Post your entries here and I'll collate the points etc. each round.

It'd be best if people post their entries shortly after each TC but I'll be pretty relaxed about timings to begin with while we get this up and running.

Re: Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:16:11 am
by Jeff Probst
ooooh fun <3
1. Jenna
2. Kelly
3. Sugar
4. Gabriel
5. Flicka
6. Marissa
7. Artis
8. Shane
9. Mookie
10. Kimmi
11. Sophie
12. Liliana

Re: Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:20:25 am
by Nate Gonzalez
1. Jenna
2. Gabriel
3. Marissa
4. Kimmi
5. Sugar
6. Kelly
7. Mookie
8. Artis
9. Flicka
10. Shane
11. Sophie
12. Liliana

Re: Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:27:32 am
by English Fuckwit
Final 12 Ranking:

1. Artis
I don't see anyone being bothered enough about Artis to vote him out.

2. Gabriel
Who doesn't love them some Gabe

3. Jenna

4. Kelly

5. Sugar

6. Flicka
She's on a rampage to get Liliana out, which will either work, or backfire.

7. Sophie
On the off chance things swing back against Lil, Sophie could get blindsided with the idol. But it seems unlikely right now.

8. Kimmi

9. Marissa

10. Mookie
Might get collateral damage from being partnered with Lil. He really needs to say "forget this idol business I'll vote her out with all of you"

11. Shane
Seems to have Russeled some feathers so could be an easy target.

12. Liliana
Completely lost the run of herself at tribal council. She basically had the numbers at the start of the night to vote out Sophie, then unsuccessfully to split the vote, resulting in a draw, and had more people flip on the revote. Public enemy number one this round.

Didn't really have much to say about some people, plus I gotta go to work icon_chaos

Re: Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:32:39 am
by Jeff Varner
01. Kelly - She's in too good of a spot right now to get targeted.
02. Gabe - see above. no one is targeting him at the moment.
03. Marissa Marissa is enough of a threat to not be higher but is probably safe.
04. Sugar - see below.
05. Flicka - people could try to target a pair and Flicka is more threatening than Sugar.
06. Jenna - Jenna could become a target with her "wreck shit up" Jenna
07. Artis - Artis' name always comes up as someone that is expendable
08. Kimmi - people have shown a willingness to vote her out, why stop now?
09. Sophie - She has the PII. I don't think she goes home here but her threat level is too high to risk.
10. Shane - his public call out thread might've ruffled some feathers.
11. Mookie - people trying to get Lil out but can't, breaks up the partners
12. Liliana - no surprise here. public enemy #1 right now.

I'm banking on Liliana going home.

Re: Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:40:14 am
by English Fuckwit
Jeff Varner wrote:10. Shane - his public call out thread might've ruffled some feathers.
11. Mookie - people trying to get Lil out but can't, breaks up the partners
12. Liliana - no surprise here. public enemy #1 right now.

I'm banking on Liliana going home.

Penner wrote:10. Mookie
Might get collateral damage from being partnered with Lil. He really needs to say "forget this idol business I'll vote her out with all of you"
11. Shane
Seems to have Russeled some feathers so could be an easy target.
12. Liliana
Completely lost the run of herself at tribal council. She basically had the numbers at the start of the night to vote out Sophie, then unsuccessfully to split the vote, resulting in a draw, and had more people flip on the revote. Public enemy number one this round.

Eerily similar.

Re: Stranded Power Ranking - Episode 10

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:20:02 am
by Jeff Varner
EP 10

This one's a whole lot tougher now that there's no obvious boot.

01. Gabe - don't think he's a threat to anyone here.
02. Sugar - ^
03. Jenna - ^
04. Shane - his callout thread puts him below the three above but I still don't see anyone getting rid of Shane here.
05. Kelly - maybe people realize she is a big threat and in control of the Meku alliance + partners with Gabe.
06. Mookie - maybe they want to exterminate all traces of Liliana's alliance and Mookie was handcuffed to her.
07. Kimmi - she is the Mookie to Sophie's Liliana. if she/Sophie go, Gabe/Kelly get the idol.
08. Sophie - even with the PII, she stands a risk of going home.
09. Marissa - she is a threat that hasn't been around as much as everyone else which seems to be annoying people
10. Artis - so expendable that his name seems to come up every TC.
11. Flicka - now that Liliana's gone and Sophie's immune, I think Flicka will fall into the next target spot.

Re: Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:21:50 am
by Nate Gonzalez
After doing many calculations, here is the leaderboard
PENNER - 12 Points
VARNER - 12 Points
PROBST - 12 Points
Nate, who has to be called by his first name because Gonzalez is one of the most common surnames in the world and not particularly nickname-able (N8WHTBCBHFNBGIOOTMCSITWANPN for short)- 12 Points

Anyway, mine for top eleven:
1. Jenna
2. Gabe
3. Marissa
4. Sugar
5. Shane
6. Artis
7. Mookie
8. Flicka
9. Kelly
10. Kimmi
11. Sophie

Re: Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:42:00 am
by English Fuckwit
12 points for Caryn too, who entered via Skype. Caryn's for this round:

11 Sophie
10 Kimmi
9 Marissa
8 Artis
7 Jenna
6 Sugar
5 Mookie
4 Gabe
3 Flicka
2 Shane
1 Kelly

Re: Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:43:29 am
by English Fuckwit
Mine for this round:

11 Kimmi
10 Mookie
9 Marissa
8 Artis
7 Sophie
6 Shane
5 Kelly
4 Flicka
3 Sugar
2 Kelly
1 Gabe

Re: Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:17:08 pm
by Jeff Probst
11. Marissa
10. Mookie
9. Artis
8. Kimmi
7. Kelly
6. Shane
5. Sophie
4. Flicka
3. Sugar
2. Jenna
1. ????

Re: Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:19:54 pm
by Nate Gonzalez
well shit i shouldn't have done mine immediately.

Re: Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:28:41 pm
by English Fuckwit
Meh it's more fun that way. I'm just going on wild guesses to be honest.

Re: Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:02:22 am
by Jeff Probst
Honestly I hadn't seen ANYTHING when I ranked. i've been crazy busy. I just assumed since Marissa was inactive and people were calling her out that she would get votes.

Re: Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:04:27 am
by Jeff Probst
10. Kimmi
9. Gabriel
8. Artis
7. Sophie
6. Flicka
5. Kelly
4. Mookie
3. Sugar
2. Shane
1. Jenna

Re: Stranded Power Ranking - Episode 11

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:06:48 am
by Jeff Varner
EP 11

I guess I'll keep a tally of my points here: Liliana (+12), Marissa (+9) = 21 points.

01. Sugar - ^
02. Jenna - ^
03. Shane - ^
04. Gabe - I think he became a little visible which I don't think is good for the game he is trying to play but he still has enough allies to keep him in.
05. Kelly - she's a big player that's making big plays. it's only a matter of time until people realize and take her out.
06. Mookie - playing well but a little too visible. he still has that stench of Liliana on him that is pinning him as a target from "the other side".
07. Kimmi - Marissa is gone, the numbers on Team Sophie are dwindling, she might be the next casualty of shooting at Sophie.
08. Sophie - even with the PII, she stands a risk of going home.
09. Artis - so expendable that his name seems to come up every TC.
10. Flicka - she had her name thrown around quite a bit last episode.

Re: Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:06:49 am
by Nate Gonzalez
Marissa gone means me in last place :( [15 points]

Me for Final 10:
1. Shane
2. Gabe
3. Sugar
4. Jenna
5. Artis
6. Kimmi
7. Kelly
8. Mookie
9. Sophie
10. Flicka

Re: Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:17:12 am
by English Fuckwit
Posting Caryn's here, I'll add mine in and tally the scores when I hit the office

Ranking time:

10. Sophie
9. Artis
8. Kimmi
7. Jenna
6. Sugar
5. Flicka
4. Gabe
3. Mookie
2. Shane
1. Kelly

Re: Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:46:17 am
by English Fuckwit
Nearly forgot mine!


Kelly being least likely (posting from my phone!)

Re: Stranded Power Ranking

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:19:38 am
by Nate Gonzalez
Let's see what I fucked up more - the reading of the votes or the power rankings (20 points):
1. Shane
2. Sugar
3. Flicka
4. Gabe
5. Mookie
6. Kimmi
7. Kelly
8. Jenna
9. Sophie