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PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:28:53 am
by Nate Gonzalez

You guys know what this means? Pregame time.

Dear Faroe Stephannie, Ozzy, Candice and CiCi and Flicka when you eventually see this,

We can't let Penner beat us once again. We can team up with Flicka once she's eliminated and take power of the Svinoy tribe. We all know that they'd swap after two boots anyway so there's no need to be paranoid about some of us (*cough* *cough* CiCi *cough* *cough*) betraying each other. If the six of us stick it out, we can definitely take a stranglehold of the game and restore glory to the original Svinoy tribe, the tribe that I stayed 100% loyal to for all six hours I was on it.

Oh also, we can ditch Rebecca if we lose two challenges because nobody wants to deal with her gif shit again.

JP is cool so we could add him if he sees this. Forgot the rest of our tribe though.

Signed Nate.