The Out Jury
By Flicka
Kimmi wrote:*vote Mookie the round I left

Sophie has told me to write down Mookie 3 times and all 3 times I said I would, but I didn't do it. Ironically, the 1 time I tell Sophie to write Mookie and I actually DO write down Mookie, she writes down Flicka instead and I get voted out. Such poetic justice for ol' Flicka. :/
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By Flicka
Liliana wrote:Sigh... why couldn't you have just been a quiet good girl and let Sophie steamroll you, Flicka?

Lil, you were the one person coming into this season that I actually knew and the one person I wanted to work with going into this season. It seems like if we work together, it doesn't work out for us and if we do work together, it doesn't work out for us. icon_wacko

I wonder if we ever play again on different seasons if we'd end up winning them... Doubtful, but a girl can dream. icon_wub
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