The Out Jury
By David
#4603 I don't even know where to start. Why was I the one they wanted out? they even said at tribal council that there was a Team Sophie vs Team Liliana thing going on. They had a free shot at Liliana. So, I don't understand the logic of voting me out.

What frustrates me more is the fact that for the first time, I've gone against my gut. My gut told me to vote Kimmi and I actually did! But I changed it in the last 20 seconds to Sophie. fml

It's been fun. I had big plans, but oh well.
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By Jeff Varner
David wrote:What frustrates me more is the fact that for the first time, I've gone against my gut. My gut told me to vote Kimmi and I actually did! But I changed it in the last 20 seconds to Sophie. fml

I'm sorry to mention it, but you changed your vote mere 20 seconds before the deadline (as you said) which caused the tie and ultimately sent you home. I have to ask: why? what caused you to change your vote with so little time left?
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Jeff Varner

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