By Mookie
Mia Galeotalanza wrote:Play your hearts out everyone! Mia is back for the endgame to root for all of you! <3

You can't root for everyone, Mia.

You have to pick a favorite.

And if you don't pick a minority as your favorite, then you are a racist.
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  • Saramaka Tribe
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By Mia Galeotalanza
Mookie wrote:
Mia Galeotalanza wrote:Play your hearts out everyone! Mia is back for the endgame to root for all of you! <3

You can't root for everyone, Mia.

You have to pick a favorite.

And if you don't pick a minority as your favorite, then you are a racist.

A man will NOT tell Mia what rules she has to follow.
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Mia Galeotalanza

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By Mia Galeotalanza
Mookie wrote:Mia is a strong independant jersey girl who don't need no man.

What a tired, old, boring, pathetic phrase! Try something like this:

Mia is a talented, thoughtful, caring, intellectual, spirited, inspiring, beloved, and Two-Time Fan Favorite woman of hispanic descent, residing in the Great State of New Jersey who can make her own choices and succeed in all her endeavors with ease regardless of the presence of a man in her life.

That's more like it!
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Mia Galeotalanza

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  • Location: Costa Rica, Legends, Marquesas
By Mookie
Mia Galeotalanza wrote:
Mookie wrote:Mia is a strong independant jersey girl who don't need no man.

What a tired, old, boring, pathetic phrase! Try something like this:

Mia is a talented, thoughtful, caring, intellectual, spirited, inspiring, beloved, and Two-Time Fan Favorite woman of hispanic descent, residing in the Great State of New Jersey who can make her own choices and succeed in all her endeavors with ease regardless of the presence of a man in her life.

That's more like it!

"Mia is a tumblrina"

There. Summed it up icon_laughing
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  • Saramaka Tribe
  • Posts: 392
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By Mia Galeotalanza
Mookie wrote:
Mia Galeotalanza wrote:
Mookie wrote:Mia is a strong independant jersey girl who don't need no man.

What a tired, old, boring, pathetic phrase! Try something like this:

Mia is a talented, thoughtful, caring, intellectual, spirited, inspiring, beloved, and Two-Time Fan Favorite woman of hispanic descent, residing in the Great State of New Jersey who can make her own choices and succeed in all her endeavors with ease regardless of the presence of a man in her life.

That's more like it!

"Mia is a tumblrina"

There. Summed it up icon_laughing

Mia has never had a tumblr, honey.
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Mia Galeotalanza

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  • Posts: 304
  • Location: Costa Rica, Legends, Marquesas
By Mookie
Mia Galeotalanza wrote:
Mookie wrote:
Mia Galeotalanza wrote:
Mookie wrote:Mia is a strong independant jersey girl who don't need no man.

What a tired, old, boring, pathetic phrase! Try something like this:

Mia is a talented, thoughtful, caring, intellectual, spirited, inspiring, beloved, and Two-Time Fan Favorite woman of hispanic descent, residing in the Great State of New Jersey who can make her own choices and succeed in all her endeavors with ease regardless of the presence of a man in her life.

That's more like it!

Good. Now I can go back to quietly loving your existance.

"Mia is a tumblrina"

There. Summed it up icon_laughing

Mia has never had a tumblr, honey.
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  • Saramaka Tribe
  • Posts: 392
  • Location: Canada