- Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:55:48 am
So here's what's going to happen.
You are now two new tribes of 10. However, you are both going to Tribal Council tomorrow night at 9c/10e.
Mookie and Liliana are Immune from this upcoming tribal council.
Here's the fun part, all partnerships will be able to Private Message here at the arena. You are only allowed to PM your partner on the other tribe, you MAY NOT PM anyone else from the other tribe under penalty of DQ.
Furthermore, before every future Immunity Challenge, you will be given the opportunity to swap tribes with your partner. If you do so, you will be Immune for that round only. You can swap as many times as you would like throughout the season, but only 1 partnership can swap per round. We will do this on a first-come-first-serve basis. If no one volunteers, then we will pick a pair at random to swap.
There will be more twists to come and partnerships will be more important than ever before.
For now, you should all prepare for Tribal Council tomorrow night.
Good luck, this game is on.
You are now two new tribes of 10. However, you are both going to Tribal Council tomorrow night at 9c/10e.
Mookie and Liliana are Immune from this upcoming tribal council.
Here's the fun part, all partnerships will be able to Private Message here at the arena. You are only allowed to PM your partner on the other tribe, you MAY NOT PM anyone else from the other tribe under penalty of DQ.
Furthermore, before every future Immunity Challenge, you will be given the opportunity to swap tribes with your partner. If you do so, you will be Immune for that round only. You can swap as many times as you would like throughout the season, but only 1 partnership can swap per round. We will do this on a first-come-first-serve basis. If no one volunteers, then we will pick a pair at random to swap.
There will be more twists to come and partnerships will be more important than ever before.
For now, you should all prepare for Tribal Council tomorrow night.
Good luck, this game is on.