By Sandra
#191 Might as well make it, right?

Who's good at puzzles?
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By Diane
#201 It depends on the puzzle. I'm not so hot with puzzles that involve posting pictures (online at least) but I'm pretty good with research puzzles. So if we have a challenge where we have to look up the answers to something I think I'll do really well.

What about you Sandra?
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By Sandra
#208 I'm good at Sudoku.

But really, I'm decent at actual puzzles. The digital version... that remains to be seen. icon_unsure
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By Diane
#210 Haha, yeah I'm the same. If it was tangible and right in front of me I'm golden, but I'll have a little trouble with them digitally.
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By Sean
#254 I'm guessing color will seperate the 4 puzzles and ours will be green.
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By Diane
#264 Maybe 2 people should be in charge of finding all 25 of our pieces and the other 3 should focus on putting them together?
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By Sean
#271 Yea maybe we all take a row pulling out just our pieces from the bigger puzzle and once we have all our peices we can start puttin it together?
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By Sandra
#280 Maybe we should count out rows? If there's 100 pieces and we each search and find 5, that could be everything. Maybe everyone just search 20%? Alphabetically?
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By Liliana
#282 I wonder... do you think our pieces will be green, and the other's will be blue/yellow/orange? I feel like that would be too easy.
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By Diane
#291 True, but there's gotta be some way for us to distinguish the puzzles and know which one is ours....hmm
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