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Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:16:13 am
by Jeff Probst
Welcome everyone,

Votes will be due at 10:30:00 sharp.

Let's bring in the members of our jury, David, Liliana, Marissa, Artis, Kelly, Kimmi, Gabriel, Sugar and Flicka voted out at the last Tribal Council. They are reminded to only post in Smiley's.

First thing's first,

Sophie, you have Individual Immunity yet again, are you gonna keep it? You have 5 minutes to decide this.

Tonight you will not only be advancing to the final 3, but you will be deciding who becomes your final juror.

Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:16:40 am
by Liliana

Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:16:58 am
by Kelly

Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:16:59 am
by Sophie
I'm going to keep it! It's an honor to get the last one, and I'm definitely grateful to have this.

Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:17:43 am
by Jenna
Sophie wrote:I'm going to keep it! It's an honor to get the last one, and I'm definitely grateful to have this.

Oh darn, I thought I almost swayed you

Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:17:46 am
by Kelly
Sophie wrote:I'm going to keep it! It's an honor to get the last one, and I'm definitely grateful to have this.


Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:18:29 am
by Jeff Probst
Mookie, have you, Jenna and Shane been close throughout the season or is this an easy vote tonight?

Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:19:45 am
by Jeff Probst
Jenna, was tonight's goal mainly to beat Sophie? Is it a foregone conclusion that she was the jury's favorite?

Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:20:39 am
by Mookie
Jeff Probst wrote:Mookie, have you, Jenna and Shane been close throughout the season or is this an easy vote tonight?

It's impossible to go for this long and not form SOME sort of bond, isn't it? There's nothing easy about voting someone off at 4.

Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:20:51 am
by Sophie
Jeff Probst wrote:Is it a foregone conclusion that she was the jury's favorite?

Judging by how many icon_sick faces I've gotten, I would hope that you wouldn't think that I was the hands down jury favorite icon_laughing

Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:21:02 am
by Jeff Probst
Sophie, do you like any of Jenna, Mookie or Shane; or has it just been you against the world?

Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:22:39 am
by Sophie
Jeff Probst wrote:Sophie, do you like any of Jenna, Mookie or Shane; or has it just been you against the world?

I actually like all three of them. Mookie has been kind of like my "nemesis" in this since we've only ever voted the same way on the last two votes, but he's never been someone that I've been annoyed to talk with since we go to the merge. Jenna is the same, and her and I have formed a pretty close bond even while we worked with different people for the majority of the game. And although Shane hasn't exactly been tooting the "Go Sophie" horn, I do love him and think he was a hilarious adversary to have in a game that can be pretty serious at times.

Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:22:52 am
by Jenna
Jeff Probst wrote:Jenna, was tonight's goal mainly to beat Sophie? Is it a foregone conclusion that she was the jury's favorite?

I mean yeah, whether Sophie would have gone home or not, it would have been really nice to have snatched that Final Immunity Necklace. And for the first time this entire season, I wasn't too far from getting it, so that makes it an even more crushing blow.

Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:23:14 am
by Jeff Probst
Shane, is there more to you than just shouting and shit bitch lists?

Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:24:06 am
by Jeff Probst
Sophie, are there any jurors you are dreading seeing agian in the final tribal council?

Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:24:25 am
by Jenna
Jeff, I know I'm getting at least 2 votes tonight, possibly 3. But my pitch is that I'm pretty sure that the entire world hates me, as I've been spammed with icon_sick and icon_redface at the last few Tribal Councils. Also, I'm no shining star when it comes to challenges, and even though we obviously don't have any more of those, it's still a component of the game that I can't add to my resume at FTC.

Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:24:48 am
by Sophie
Jeff Probst wrote:Sophie, are there any jurors you are dreading seeing agian in the final tribal council?

No not at all. I mean, there are jurors that I know are going to be tougher on me than others. I think Kelly and Liliana currently have the biggest issue with voting for me, and that's understandable.

Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:25:37 am
by Liliana
Jenna wrote:Jeff, I know I'm getting at least 2 votes tonight, possibly 3. But my pitch is that I'm pretty sure that the entire world hates me, as I've been spammed with icon_sick and icon_redface at the last few Tribal Councils. Also, I'm no shining star when it comes to challenges, and even though we obviously don't have any more of those, it's still a component of the game that I can't add to my resume at FTC.


Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:25:38 am
by Kelly
Sophie wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:Sophie, are there any jurors you are dreading seeing agian in the final tribal council?

No not at all. I mean, there are jurors that I know are going to be tougher on me than others. I think Kelly and Liliana currently have the biggest issue with voting for me, and that's understandable.


Re: Day 32 - Tribal Council #17

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:26:06 am
by Liliana
Sophie wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:Sophie, are there any jurors you are dreading seeing agian in the final tribal council?

No not at all. I mean, there are jurors that I know are going to be tougher on me than others. I think Kelly and Liliana currently have the biggest issue with voting for me, and that's understandable.
