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Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:56:14 am
by Jeff Probst
Welcome Final Three.

Mookie, Shane and Sophie, you have come as far as you can in the game on your own. The power now shifts from the three of you, to the 10 jurors that you had a hand in voting out. Let's welcome the jury:

David, Liliana, Marissa, Artis, Kelly, Kimmi, Gabriel, Sugar, Flicka and Jenna voted out at the last Tribal Council.

Jury, tonight you will finally get the chance to speak. You are gathering enough information to cast your vote FOR the winner of Stranded in Suriname.

We'll begin first by allowing the final three to address you with their opening statements. Please do so now finalists.

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:57:18 am
by Liliana

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:58:08 am
by Sophie

Wow. Throwback to when I gave a scathing review of everyone's game in Namibia that made it to the Final 3. Let's hope none of you were as harsh as I was! Seriously, I'm downright honored and shocked to have made it this far. I think anyone who says that they knew they would make it to the end in a season of 24 players that have already done this jig at least one other time is a bit of a liar. I know that I thought the farthest I would make it would be the early merge, and it turns out, I likely would've been there had it not been for a lot of factors leading me here. I know tonight that you jurors likely have a lot of beef with me, and have a lot to say to me as well. And I am 100% fine with that, and I knew that if I ever made it here, I wasn't going to have fans all across the board. I know I've done questionable things in this game and lied to many of you, but I'm hoping tonight that I clear that up. Ultimately, what it boils down to is the name of the type of game we're playing. Survivor. I know that I encompass everything that comes with the title of being the winner, and I hope to prove that to you tonight.


Obviously my game did not start at WaiWai. I was one of the lucky six people that ended up going to Pirai during the initial stage of four tribes existing. I think out of all the tribes to land on, I think everyone (sans Carl RIP) was happy to have landed on Pirai. During this stage of the game, my goal was to lay low while still forming connections and getting myself in to a majority alliance. I was able to do that right away with Rupert, Flicka, and Kimpy. Although Artis wasn't initially in the alliance, I think I had just as close of a relationship with him as I did with anyone else on the tribe (besides Flicka). But obviously the land of sunshine and rose petals didn't last forever, and the literal sandstorm of chaos was the tribe I went to (Aka WaiWai). WaiWai had 5 people originally on it from Pirai, which instantly made me a huge target, combined with the fact that I could perform well in challenges. After we made it clear that we were sticking together, the target strengthened. I think one of the things people may critique about my game is that I didn't seem open to other options besides my original tribe. The truth is, I was DEFINITELY open to doing something, but the time to make a move against someone from original Pirai was not during those first two votes. Diane and Sean were two people who weren't going to be with me more than the people I had spent time with, and Gabe was someone I definitely trusted already and so his name wasn't going to be the one we ever wrote down over there if my say mattered (which obviously it did). After the Sean vote, I think that's when the Sophie that you see now emerged. I was the PRIME target by a lot of people, and it was more so from people on the other tribe than it even was on my own. After Rupert, one of my closest allies, left the game, I really knew that I had to make it to the merge and get a "fresh start." I think my sociability and allies as well as my venting partner in the form of Kimmi really were the key factors in keeping me going through this stage and keeping me alive. I was never one to dismiss a connection or potential ally, so even when I voted differently from people, I made sure to make it clear that the possibility of us working together down the line was not that unlikely. But the chaos at WaiWai only got crazier once the merge started to appear on the horizon, and everything seemed to be completely questionable besides one thing: I was going to be a huge target.


So I know that a backstory on my season really isn't wanted or anything, but I thought for sure that the Namibian merge was the craziest stage that would ever happen to me during my time of playing these games. I was so so so wrong. I'm not going to go through every vote, but I'll say this. Going in to the merge, I knew people were going for my head, and so that's why I immediately decided to go for the public idol. After finding it, I made sure to make people think I would play it by either saying I wouldn't play it, or by just telling them what they thought were "clues" during tribal councils. I was able to bluff my way through two of the votes, but during the Final 11 vote where one of my closest allies left, I handed my idol to Kimmi even though she voted for Marissa (whom I definitely did not want to go home). I knew that Kimmi was more concerned with me than I was with her, and doing that kind of reinforced the fact that I was never going to go against her in the game, even if we were to ever win the partnership talismans. My reason for voting for Flicka, who definitely was my ally, during the Final 11 round was simple: she was going to be the hardest person to vote out in the game. I knew Flicka was going to be a big threat way back in WaiWai. She had the sociability and genuineness in her character, and also was really good at laying low and making people want to work with her. I instantly came to her afterwards and told her how sorry I was (completely genuine), and we were able to continue working together even if she may have hated my guts icon_laughing The Artis vote is probably one I'll get some slack on, and that's deserved. Artis, all I can say is that I did not want the vote going to a tie. I knew as we were sitting in tribal that the vote tying could only lead to you likely still going home, but if it didn't, I definitely didn't want rocks to end up sending one of my allies that was in a better position than you or I home. And then after that, I think the game started to work in my favor while simultaneously working against me. I mean in my favor since my commitment to beating the odds and winning literally spiked through the roof, and each challenge win made me more motivated to win the next, since I knew I was in trouble if I didn't. Kelly leaving meant that one more person who would for sure have a better case against me in the Finale left, and then my partner leaving right after that left me with mixed feelings on my state in the game. The Final 7 round was probably one of the most bittersweet experiences I've ever had in Stranded, since Gabriel was probably the person I had the most in depth conversations with and had built a lot of trust with even after I lied to him back at WaiWai. I was able to play my idol (which ugh I sadly found just seconds before Gabe) to keep myself safe, but losing an ally was tough, even if they were going to write my name down. And then the Final 6 and Final 5 both made me think that I actually had a chance at winning the game. Sugar was far and away the biggest social threat left, because she was amazing as fuck even when we hated each other, and so her leaving made the only person I knew I would for sure lose against that was left in the game Flicka. Flicka was everything to look for in a winner, and that's why her leaving was a decision that I think everybody was in agreement with (even Shane, who said so afterwards). I think a lot of questions may come up about why Mookie is still here when I could've had a better chance at beating Jenna, but I just don't think I could argue as well against Jenna's game as I could against Mookie. Mookie's was very clear cut: Lay low and make people think you're the strategic mastermind that's slightly less threatening than the current threat. Jenna on the other had a huge hand in many votes. Ultimately, I'm more than pleased about how this merge went down. I've lost many allies and seen many people go that were huge threats to me having a chance at winning.


"Sophie, You Suck. You only got here because of challenge wins." - To be honest, that had a huge hand in getting me here. Let's look at the math. Of the ten tribal councils that we attended in the merge, I was immune or with an idol for 8 of them. That means only two I was actually vulnerable for, but I still took risks and still had a huge chance of going home before every single round. My first priority was always to make sure that I won over people in to thinking that I wasn't a threat, since that was the only way I was going to avoid being voted for by the people against me strategically (such as Sugar, Kelly, and Mookie). This didn't work, and that's why immunities were always a necessary fallback that ended up becoming my main source of protection. Although i won immunity, none of you can say I had a poor social game. I sent messages of quality to everyone, and always was eager to get back to people. The immunities and idols hands down had a huge role in getting me here, but my sociability was crucial in the pre-merge phases as well as the early merge in keeping me through to my immunity-run era.

"Sophie, you suck. You were rude and brash and we hate you." - To say that I'm a lovable duckling of a human being is definitely false, and I think I was definitely more brash in this than I was outright friendly. I always play with my guard up in Stranded, since I become so invested and so eager to win, but I know that being friendly has always just earned me the title of being "fake" in previous games. Because of that, I was always responsibe when people said something that I didn't agree with, and I think that can be seen at my tirade against the hosts during the Final 10 tribal. I've apologizes to the hosts since then, and I do apologize if I rubbed anyone the wrong way. I was always committed to this game, and sometimes that ended up making me very brazen and harsh. I think a good example of this can be found in the way I immediately went to Kelly after the Marissa vote and basically explained how hurt I was by her. I definitely should've been more compassionate and not so cynical, but it's part of me, and although I'm not sorry for not being who you wanted me to be, I do apologize for offending anyone if I did.


In conclusion, I just know that this is my season to win. That may sound arrogant, which is another thing I've been accused of being, but I just don't see how my game was inferior to Shane's or Mookie's. Yes, Mookie was definitely under the radar, but did he have this HUGE MASTERMIND HAND in each vote? I think everyone can agree that he didn't, so I think strategically, I was just as much undervalued as he was. And as far as Shane goes, I will never undervalue his game, since he was always providing some drama. But I think around the angry and vindictive shell that was Shane-The-Bane-Of-Sophies-Existence, there wasn't that much of a social or strategic game. But this isn't about why they shouldn't win, it's about why I should win. Every connection I've formed with you jurors was real, and I never took this game for granted. I fought harder than probably anyone this season to make it here, and had the biggest uphill battle. Coming in to the merge and "laying low" was not an option for me, and fighting seemed to be the only one that could end up getting me here. So ultimately, in a game where so much was unpredictable, let's make tonight another one of those times, and somehow make Sophie the winner of Stranded in Suriname. Thank you, and I can't wait to see what you all have to say.

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:58:40 am
by Mookie
First off, I’d just like to say “Thank you” to the players and hosts of this season, as well as to a number of Stranded alum who have been following the season. Not for just “being here” (super clichéd), but for the support I received from a large number of you over the last few days. It’s been a tough weekend, and it strangely met a lot getting messages from a lot of you who I haven’t really “met”. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Anyway, onto my statement.

Survivor (and by association, Stranded) is a social game. It’s about playing the best you can with the hand you’ve been dealt, maximizing your successes, and minimizing your failures. This particular Final 3 have all played VASTLY different games, and I truly believe the win could come from any of us. It’s all going to come down to what the 10 of you appreciate in a winner. Is it going to be the challenge monster? Is it going to be the guy who kept stayed under the radar and built as many relationships as possible? Or are you going to award the win to someone who played the entire game on an iPad and STILL managed to make the Final 3? I’m going to do my best to convince you that while I wasn’t the most vocal person publicly in the game, I was working my ass off constantly to put myself in a position to make it another round, hopefully take home the title of Stranded Champion.

A Strong Start
As soon as I heard this next season was going to be “Second Chances”, I was ecstatic. In my only other game of Stranded, I failed miserably by not being present enough, and not building any real relationships during the game. I knew that was my biggest weakness, and I vowed to fix it. Enter Meku. I logged in as soon as possible, and found myself on a tribe with 3 other people who all had the same idea as I did. Build a strong core alliance, and have each other’s backs as soon as possible. I had conquered my first demon, and actually formed something on day 1, and set up the next two boots with this alliance. We floundered in the first two immunity challenges (Partly because of my horrible failings in the first challenge, and my complete absence in the second challenge). Rice went home first because of not showing up for the entire time the game was going, and John was voted off at the next round, despite being there for the challenge, and doing well in it. This speaks to my game when even in the early rounds, I was kept around for my loyalty and social gaming while a challenge asset was voted off.

My First Big Mistake(?)
Then came the partner twist. I had received a few messages from people who had either seen my season, or liked what they saw from the first part of the game. I formed a strong relationship with both Sophie and Ozzy at this point, but opted to pair up with Lil, as I knew her game better. I also deduced that this was going to be how we were split up as tribes, and I hoped that I’d end up with either Sophie or Ozzy on my tribe at the swap rather than being paired with them. What followed was a challenge that I actually did well in, and then building two tribes. This is the moment in the game that I will call a mistake and something that I definitely could have done a better job on. I had focused so much on myself not having any belief in tribal lines; I didn’t take into account that not everyone was going to be thinking that way. I built two tribes that were (by my own partners kind words) “really terrible tribe divisions honestly”. I knew I screwed up, but I was confident I could make it work. I had already formed a solid (or so I thought) bond with Sophie, and we would only need 6 for a majority. I assumed we could form strong against Pirai and pull in Sophie. Oh how hilariously wrong I was. Sophie stuck with Pirai, Shane flipped to them to stay in the majority, and I watched an ally go home. THIS was my wakeup call. This was the moment that I realized that I needed to have laser focus for the rest of the game if I was going to have a shot at winning. From that point on, I knew I couldn’t rely on assumptions and that people would just instantly conform to what I thought was the best move. I was going to have to start working harder on building bonds with as many people as possible, and start using every advantage the game presented. And that advantage presented itself beautifully with the partner swap twist. If Lil and I swapped with each other every round, not only would be both be immune right up the merge, it would give me a chance to talk to everyone in the game and benefit myself when the merge hits. The short term gains were huge, and the long term benefit of having at least some sort of relationship with everyone was invaluable.

The Pre-Merge FusterCluck
At this point, I focused on the aforementioned relationship building, trying to help my tribe as much as possible in challenges, and using every advantage possible (even if that advantage turned out to be against a rule I had misinterpreted). I rarely had to go to tribal councils, and this suited me just fine. Even when I did, I would be immune. This allowed me to keep the target off of my back, not have to vote off any allies, and allow the Pirai alliance to fester. This all came to a head when we came to the round before the merge. Flicka approached me with music to my ears. “Artis and I want to vote off Sophie”. Finally. After seemingly dictating the alliance from the beginning, she was ready to flip things on its head. The plan was in place, the target was set, and Sophie was going home. This all came to an end when Rupert had to pull himself from the game for personal reasons. I can’t fault him for this (emergencies are emergencies), but that saved Sophie’s game. Had Rupert not been pulled from the game, Sophie would be a pre-merge boot. She was saved by luck. “No matter” I think to myself. “She doesn’t have the numbers; we’ll get her at the merge”. Oh how silly of me.

Merge Time
Its merge time, baby. And a big one at that. With 13 people all voting at the merge, we all knew it was going to be a mess. The odds of a majority alliance forming at this point was slim to nil, so voting blocs were “formed”. What followed was multiple tribals with 3 or 4 people receiving votes multiple times, but at no point was I ever a target. It was at this point where I became involved with a set of strong alliances. The Meku 4 (Mookie, Jenna, Kelly, Marissa), The Partners Alliance (Mookie/Lil, Flicka/Sugar, Kelly/Gabe) , a 4-some of active people I truly trusted (Mookie, Kelly, Sugar, Flicka), and obviously my partner who I. These “alliances” as well as having a working relationship with everyone in the game is what I planned to utilize to get to the final 3.

David was the first casualty at the merge. I was truly sad when he went home, but it would hurt my game a lot more had it been Kimmi as the ragtag voting bloc had wanted. I switched my vote to David on the revote to protect someone who I had much stronger relationship with.

Lil was taken out next. It was simply a case of her painting herself as a major threat, and there was very little chance to sway enough people away from that vote. Ultimately, it helped my game more to not have a partners target on my back.

Marissa was the next to go home. While it may seem odd taking out someone who I had been working with since the beginning, I had reservations about her true allegiances from the moment she was swapped to WaiWai. She had grown very close with Sophie, and I could not trust her. I assume (Marissa, I’d appreciate clarification on this) that her true allegiances lay with Sophie, and that I would be cut at the earliest convenience. Then Kelly came to me saying the same thing I was already thinking. The two of us worked all day to put together (what I think) was the blindside of the season. This was where my working relationship with everyone started to shine. I was able to lock down a vote that (if everyone had voted, Artis) would tie things between Sophie and Marissa, and put 3 votes on Flicka. Sophie would go home on a revote if she didn’t play her idol. This is the only part of the game where I’m truly not sure what happened. Marissa went home (which was the second best option at that point) because Artis “forgot” to vote. He claims that he was going to be voting for Flicka (which would have caused a tie, with Sophie going home had she not played her idol, and Marissa going if she did) so it ultimately didn’t matter. All it did was create animosity towards Artis. I received a message from Artis the next day with his thoughts on the alliances that had formed. They were completely off base. I only bring this up because not only had the blindside went down almost perfectly, but the real allegiances were never revealed.

I don’t want to bore you all with a play-by-play of every vote off past this point. All of the work I had performed in the early rounds is what led to the rest of the merge boots. I had surrounded myself with people who were happy to paint themselves as a bigger target than I was, the people who went home (while I consider them friends) were all ones who did not want me near the finals, and I pushed every vote I could to maintain a core alliance that would never turn on me until it was too late. I had accomplished my second goal of this season, and truly formed the bonds I had always wanted to.

At the Sugar vote, I had Jenna/Shane/Sophie all ready and willing to keep me around while Sugar wanted me gone. At the Flicka vote, it was the same situation. Even when it was probably in their own best interests to keep around someone who was better in challenges and could beat Sophie for immunity, I was the one who stayed because of the relationships I had formed many rounds earlier.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts
I hope what I’ve written is enough to sway some people who might have been on the fence, and reiterate to people who were already planning on voting for me WHY I deserve to win this game. Don’t hold back on your questions, I’m an open book tonight. Rake me over the coals if you have to.

Now I have to give credit where credit is due. Sophie, you MURDERED those challenges. You were either narrowly beating out known challenge beasts or crushing everyone in sight. Your holding onto the public idol was amazing as well. Whether it was from knowledge that I wasn’t privy to (I’m sure the truth will come out at this tribal) or pure luck that you didn’t go home, it was still ballsy as hell. Shane, your willingness to call people out for their bullshit was incredible. Not a lot of people would be willing to do that for fear of being voted out, but you managed to pull it off. So kudos for that.

It’s no secret that a lot of what it takes to win this game comes down to luck. Bad luck can end your game before it really begins, and good luck can come out of nowhere and save you when you were 5 minutes from being eliminated. But what makes a truly great winner is someone who can take advantage at every opportunity and MAKE their own luck.

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:03:32 am
by Jeff Probst
Shane wrote:Hey everyone. first thing to say is that yes I know I'm the underdog of this final 3 and that I am not going to lie or bullshit for the final tribal at all, and plan to be truthful about everything. I think the beauty of this game is simply that everyone has different values and that will determine how you vote. For example, Sophie is only sitting here with Mookie and I because she won challenges and idols. Sophie is amazing at riddles to find idols and fantastic at puzzles for challenges. If Sophie went to one tribal without winning she was gone. We all know that. So if you admire a person's ability to do puzzles and riddles and think that deserves a win then that will be your vote. However I think there is more to being the winner than simply winning challenges to stay alive. She talks about all her PMing and scheming. None of it would have worked if she lost a challenge. Mookie was a much better player than Sophie because she actually strategised and played this game and not rely on challenges. Mookie played a very safe UTR game, and eventually needed a last minute idol or he would have been voted off.

That was my case against those two, here's my case for me. I am a man who yells and argues. But in not JUST s man who yells and argues. There's a method to my madness. Back on my original green tribe, I showed up late, and alienated myself. I was supposed to be the first one voted out. Once the switch happened I found myself in a tribe that was mostly Pirari , so I found a way to join them to save myself. This got me to merge working with them. I also wanted to be allys with people who are seen as a bigger threat, so if we got turned out, they would be taken out unexpectedly and not me. This is what happened when Kelly left. Once merge came it became very apparent that the threats were being targeted so I knew I had to not been seen as a threat. What people are afraid of most is the unknown. So I wanted to make it known what I was thinking and doing and wanted to be very very blunt. I targeted Lilina because I knew she said things that pissed people off and she was a big threat that people would want off for sure. I had it out with Liliana because I wanted to get support to take her out and my tribe could know what I was thinking. The next target people wanted out was Sophie. I decided to berate her and make it known I wanted her out. Seeing as she's still here, I made it known that the second she didn't pull an idol or win immunity I was coming for her. Sadly the tribe and I never got our chance because Sophie is good at puzzles. Eventually threats started to become people that were liked. I had to make myself unlike able so I wouldn't become a target. Throughout this game I adapted to what happened and made it very apparent what I was thinking and doing in this game to avoid being a threat. It worked and got me here today.

I have never won a single Immunity challenge or idol in this game. I was vulnerable at every single tribal. I got here due to strategy and didn't take the easy way out of winning challenges to stay alive. Also, playing this entire game on an iPad is tough as hell. It has been 8 years since I last played this game, and have had a blast. I'd love to come back 8 years later as a different person and somehow pull the upset and win. Than, you for listening and am looking forward to your questions, as a finish, I would like to briefly address you all individually.

Dave : you're a cool guy Dave. I didn't want you to go but had to vote you because I couldn't get out Liliana.

Liliana : we had a huge fight. Honestly you were a great player and that's why I went after you, people knew that and it was an easy sell since you said cocky things to your alliance and were a threat, you have a lot of passion for this game. I understand you're definitely still pissed at me, but regardless I hope we can look past our differences.

Marissa : I only brought your name up because you weren't active at the time, and thought it would be an easy sell. You were nice to talk to.

Artis : Artis, I really didn't want to vote you out, but you kept siding with Sophie and everyone knew it. I enjoyed being allied with you on Wai Wai and you were fun to talk to.

Kelly : Kelly you're awesome. You deserve to win this game more than anyone in this game. I didn't vote for you and was shocked when you were taken out, I was sad to see you go. Great player, I wanted to go to the end with you. Known you for 8 years now. You didn't vote for me last time I was in the final 3, (you voted Courtney, and I lost by 1 vote) so I hope I can change your mind and have you vote for me this time around.

Kimmi : the only reason I brought up your name and voted you was because I didn't want Sophie to get an idol and you were her partner, I'm sorry about that.

Gabe : you were funny as hell. You would best anyone in final 3 easily. The game lost its charm when you left. However you were with Sophie too, so I had to vote your way.

Sugar : you, like Gabe, are so frickin likeable! I didn't want to see you go and voted with you. Didn't see your vote off coming.

Flicka : I had all intentions of going to final 3 with you and Jenna. Still wish it happened. I didn't vote you off, Jenna threw me for a loop when she voted for you. You played s good game as well.

Jenna : Darkness 7.0, voting for you in final 4 was the most difficult vote I cast this whole game. Easily. I wanted to go to the end with you. Sophie and Mookie wouldn't budge, and I didn't want to risk a tie. You were very likeable yourself! I also felt like it was ok since you did the same to sugar and Flicka behind their backs. In the end, I loved talking to you, and I wish our final 3 deal with Flicka could have worked!

Thank you all for listening!mlets get this mother fucking final tribal started.

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:05:29 am
by Shane
Jeff posted mine for me.

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:07:09 am
by Jeff Probst
Thank you final 3,

Let's welcome our first Juror. It's only appropriate that the first juror be the one who has waited the longest to play Stranded again.

Kelly, you're up!

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:09:53 am
by Liliana
where the hell is everyone

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:12:37 am
by Kelly
Hey guys! Congratulations on making it to the end, I'm thoroughly impressed with the three of you sitting there. I honestly have no hard feelings in terms of how it all went down and I do believe all three of you deserve to be sitting there in the final 3.

Mookie, we were from the same tribe from the very beginning, I always enjoyed working with you and getting to know you as well you're a great player. I will never forget that time you thought you were voted out and we kept making fun of you for it. You were definitely like our little brother throughout this game and I just want you to know I really appreciated having you here. I'm sorry about the loss in your family that I heard about. I hope you're ok. I loved learning about your dogs and geeking out on Game of Thrones and Star Wars. I'll be honest, I thought for sure you weren't gonna make it past final 4 since people seem to have targeted you as a potential threat after Sophie, I am really impressed that you got here. You found an idol once and played it when you had to but other than you were always fighting by the skin of your teeth, strategizing left and right to get you further in the game. I commend you for your gameplay and I do believe that, in the traditional sense, you are the rightful winner of this game.

Sophie, you were a beast throughout this whole thing. Very early on people had their sights on you, people wanted you gone desperately. You were the Parvati in Heroes v.s. Villains of this season where everyone just knew how dangerous a player you were and everyone wanted you gone so you had no choice but to play as hard as you can and damn if you didn't lay everyone's ship bare! You were the definition of unstoppable. You went straight for that public idol and you played the shit out of it and then right after that you went on what is probably the greatest immunity run of the whole game. As Probst would say, you were a legend. I think the entire jury was pretty much prepared to bow down to your amazingness until last night when for some reason, you took Mookie to the end. Let me put it this way, if you're Parvati, Mookie's the Sandra. This guy's been trying to take you down the entire game and he's someone a lot of people on the jury liked and worked with closely. I mean, Mookie never even won an immunity, he had to fight tooth and nail to get there so for you to take him to the final 3? That's a huge mistake, Huge.

And then we have Shane, people think you were mean, people think you were lazy, people even thought your were just a puppet. However, unlike the rest of the people on the jury, I actually quite like you. I mean, we go way back you and I. Most of the people here I don't think really respect your game but I do. Right from the merge you were up front about where you stood and who you were voting for. Some people need to play all the sides and lie, cheat and steal to make it far, others need to find idols and win every immunity challenge to make it. You didn't need to do any of that. You knew that these people would be trying to outplay each other left and right and you knew that you could be smarter than all that and just watch them all fall by the wayside while you remained outlasting all of us. A lot of people make a big play about playing this game with honesty but you're someone who, twice now has made it all the way to the end by being completely honest. In fact, this right now is a little bit of deja vu because we were in the exact same situation in season 4. I was in the jury and you were in the final 3. I don't know if you remember this, but I was the reason you lost that season because I didn't vote for you. It's taken me 8 years and an entire season built of Second Chances to realize that this Second Chance is for me to correct that mistake from 8 years ago. You may not win but damn it Shane, you have my vote tonight.

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:15:52 am
by Sophie
Hey Kelly! I still know that my chance of winning may be slim, but I don't think that I made a mistake. I know that the jury may have been very eager to vote for Shane instead of Jenna, but I talked with Jenna and Mookie both equally I would say once the merge started, and Jenna always seemed like someone who had much more of a grip on what was happening. She made herself a central part of many votes, and that to me seemed more threatening than going up against someone who may claim to be this strategic mastermind that had to fight "tooth and nail to get here."

I don't think that me being immune should be looked at as something negative. I had to win those immunities to get through some of the rounds, but that doesn't mean I didn't play a hard social and strategic game. In fact, out of the three of us, I know I put the most effort in to every message I got and was always trying to get in with a group that would keep me for more than just one round. But I totally understand your points, and it's good to see you again!

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:17:37 am
by Shane
Thanks Kelly, I mentioned it in my opening statement, your vote for Courtney cost me the win last time I played I remember. You're the best, thank you for the vote, it will probably be the only one I get, but 8 years later, that vote makes coming back all worth it to me. Thank you for seeing my strategy in this game, and thank you for being a good friend from 8 years ago.

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:19:45 am
by Mookie
Thank you for the kind words, Kelly.

I worked with you the most and you know more than anyone the amount of strategizing and work that really went into my game. The fact that Sophie is saying "Jenna always seemed like someone who had much more of a grip on what was happening" speaks better about my UTR game while still being a strategic threat than I ever could.

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:22:25 am
by Sophie
Mookie wrote:The fact that Sophie is saying "Jenna always seemed like someone who had much more of a grip on what was happening" speaks better about my UTR game while still being a strategic threat than I ever could.

What? Just because nobody noticed you having a strong strategic game doesn't mean automatically that you had one.

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:23:10 am
by Kelly
Guys, they were supposed to be statements, not questions but thanks for the feedback! great game everyone!

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:23:45 am
by Jeff Probst
Thank you Kelly.

Next up, Marissa!

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:24:05 am
by Mookie
Sophie wrote:
Mookie wrote:The fact that Sophie is saying "Jenna always seemed like someone who had much more of a grip on what was happening" speaks better about my UTR game while still being a strategic threat than I ever could.

What? Just because nobody noticed you having a strong strategic game doesn't mean automatically that you had one.

YOU not noticing a strategic game does not mean everyone else missed it too.

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:25:28 am
by Sophie
Mookie wrote:
Sophie wrote:
Mookie wrote:The fact that Sophie is saying "Jenna always seemed like someone who had much more of a grip on what was happening" speaks better about my UTR game while still being a strategic threat than I ever could.

What? Just because nobody noticed you having a strong strategic game doesn't mean automatically that you had one.

YOU not noticing a strategic game does not mean everyone else missed it too.

Oh I totally understand that, but me missing it doesn't mean that it was something everyone but me was privy to. icon_lol

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:25:29 am
by Shane
Mookie wrote:
Sophie wrote:
Mookie wrote:The fact that Sophie is saying "Jenna always seemed like someone who had much more of a grip on what was happening" speaks better about my UTR game while still being a strategic threat than I ever could.

What? Just because nobody noticed you having a strong strategic game doesn't mean automatically that you had one.

YOU not noticing a strategic game does not mean everyone else missed it too.

I mean it may hurt me to say this but Mookie was without a doubt s strategic player and it's dumb to think otherwise.

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:28:35 am
by Jeff Probst
Nvermind, Sugar is here, sugar you can go.

Re: Day 33 - Final Tribal Council

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:31:14 am
by Sugar
Jeff Probst wrote:Nvermind, Sugar is here, sugar you can go.
