5th Place | Voted Out 3-2
By Jeff Probst
#8047 Congrats on making FINAL 5!!! You played a strong game, probably couldve been a bit stronger, but then again, might have made you an easy target.

Tell us all hte dirty deets, from who you ahted, who you loved, what you would do differently in a 3rd shot, if you would play again, what you learned about yourself and strategy overall, EVERYTHING <3
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Jeff Probst

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By Mia Galeotalanza
#8113 Question- do you think letting Sugar make the F5 would have helped your cause? Another big threat in the F5 to take some of the eyes off of you. Food for thought.
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Mia Galeotalanza

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By Flicka
#8115 Well, that was a plan of mine. Sugar was a bigger threat than me and she was decent in challenges. I wanted that to happen, but Mookie idoled her out of the game. Hidden immunity idols this season and fucked me hard.
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By Flicka
#8169 Hearing Mookie has had a death in the family fucking sucks. It's bringing up memories for me because my dad died last year so I know how that goes and it's really shitty. I hope he's doing alright. Shit really fuckin' sucks.
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