- Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:01:14 am

You were on this season???

Carl, I never really got to know you due to your inactivity, but thanks for being an easy vote for our first tribal council, even though you weren't technically voted out.

У меня ничего нет.

Yau Man! I played with you last season and you made my paranoia level go through the roof taking that public idol on day one.
It was interesting to see you back this season, but it was a bit of a bummer to see you go out even sooner than last time. I mean, I'm glad you were out so soon, but it's just a bummer to know you got a second chance and didn't play your balls off.

Sandra, you scared the hell out o me knowing that you were watching me all last season, which means you knew me better than most this season. I definitely did not want to play against someone who knew my thoughts during the first time I played. Scary as dick! Also, not remembering that you were voted out first on Kaikusi 2.0 instead of Kristina probably cost me this game and that sucks. Oh well.

I felt bad voting you out because I told you it was you or Artis the night you went, but I had to be more ruthless this season to get far. I also had to stay true to the Pirai alliance + Shane, although that dissolved not too long after.

I don't know if I ever even PMed with you at all this season and as a result, I don't really have anything to say about you. Sorry.

Sean, you offered to be my partner pretty quickly when we had to pick one, but I was too unsure of you to say yes so I pretended that I didn't see your PM. I'm glad I did, though, because I got to be Sugar's partner and that was kickass. Voting you out, I think was the point when everyone in the game new about the Pirai + Shane alliance and that was a turning point in the game for in terms of having to turn on my allies, which I didn't do last season, so you're a part of why I made it to 5th place.

Kim! I felt so bad for you being voted out on Kaikusi when you involuntarily swapped with Marissa. I wish we could have saved you because you were such a good friend and ally, but circumstances in the game screwed you. I wish we could have gotten the chance to play more than we did.

Rupert, you were the first member of Pirai at camp and when I got there right after you, I went right up to you and said we need to get a solid four on a tribe of six. You, me, Sophie and Kim were gonna dominate this game. Unfortunately, you had to quit due to personal reasons and Kim was voted out so it was up to me and Sophie to keep the Pirai legacy alive. I hope we delivered. I trusted you more than anyone and was very shocked when you left, although it did help take eyes off the Pirai + Shane alliance we had going on. I wish we had the chance to go deep together. <3

Oscar! You were first out in the Faroe Islands because you had to quit, so I was excited to see you this season as well with the million other Faroe Islanders that were put on. Didn't get a chance to chat with you too much, but I'm glad you at least got to play the game to a certain extent this time.

Oh, David. Never was I more confused at a tribal council than the night you were voted out. The 5-5-2-1 vote was stone cold fucknuts and never did I think YOU were the one that was going to be voted out that night. We hardly ever talked but I wish we did get more opportunities to do so.

Oh, Jesus, Liliana. We were aligned last season, but this season was a clusterfuck of disaster to say the least. When you swapped tribes with Mookie and you joined us on Wai Wai, you PMed me saying that you knew the original Pirais were sticking together and so did everyone else in the game. I already knew this, but your approach was so in my face and it pissed me off. However, you were a big part in making me want to turn on the Pirai alliance and get out Sophie. (We all know how that went.) You said I was living in the past constantly bringing up last season, and I'm not gonna lie, I was to a certain extent, but I also knew that if you could vote me out last season when we were aligned, you could very well do it again this season. We started to finally work together again once the merge hit, but at the tribal council David was voted out at, you threw my name under the bus in front of everyone saying I flipped, when I in fact did not. It was at this point I realized that no matter what I did, you simply would not and/or could not trust me and that's when I realized I had to find another way to get further in the game. Love ya, but I'm not gonna lie, it felt good to vote out someone who voted me out last season.

Marissa. Unfortunately, I don't have much to say about you. I certainly don't mean that in a bad way. Even though you swapped over to Wai Wai (involuntarily) and we made it to the merge, I never really felt like I got to know you that well. I tried to get to know you and I think you tried to get to know me too, but I guess we just weren't meant to get to know each other... or some shit. I don't know.

Artis, we started out on Pirai and we went Pirai strong when went down to two tribes. I liked you, but going into the merge, it became clear that you were unreliable as a vote and are one of the reasons Sophie made it as far as she did. If you had prevoted her the night Marissa was voted out, she would have been voted out back then and the game would be entirely different. Had to vote you out for that reason.

Kell Bells! You were one of the people I loved talking to the most. Pretty much anything you said would make me feel like I was talking to myself. We seemed to be so alike from my point of view. When I swapped with Sugar with me ending up on Kaikusi, you were one of the few people who cared to talk to me and get to know me, so I knew once the merge hit, I wanted to stick with you. Having said that, I felt like such a bag of tyrannosaurus rex diarrhea for voting you out. I'm telling you, never did it take me so long to figure if I was going to vote for someone or not than the night you were voted out. I hope you forgive me, you seem to at the moment. I'm so happy I got to play a large portion of the game with you there.

Oh, Kimothy. You were a person who I did genuinely like, but I never could tell if we were in the same alliance. lol Sorry for voting you out, but me and Sugar wanted those immunity talismans badly and voting you out was our chance to get them. Loved playing with ya, guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurl.

Gabers, you were someone who I thought was such an awesome dude and still do. You were funny, fun to talk to and when I met you, I didn't want you going anywhere anytime soon. However, I learned in ponderosa you didn't seem to be too fond me. That's a huge boner killer. Never could tell if you trusted me or not and apparently you never really did, but I always thought you did. lol Anyway, glad I could play with you.

MY SUGAR COOKIE!!!!! It's so crazy to look back on the day we became partners and it was pretty much out of sheer randomness. Never did I think we would get along as well as we did. I loved chatting with you, strategizing with you and it was just comforting knowing I could talk to you whenever I wanted thanks to the partner confessional. I'm so proud of us for being the last pair of partners left in the game. Seriously, YOU AND ME ended up being the last pair. I was so sad to see you leave and I was pretty sure I was coming to join you the next council I wasn't immune, and sure enough I did. Flugar for life!

Oh, Jenna. I never did get to know you all that well despite us going very far into the game. You, me and Shane made a final 3 deal and you were the only two I made that deal with, so it really sucked to know you voted me out when Shane stuck to his word. I was so confused when I was voted out. You, me and Shane had the numbers to take out Mookie and I may have been able to beat Sophie in the final immunity challenge, and you me and Shane could have been final 3. But you had to go and throw all of that away and get me voted out and then you got voted out right after. I'm not gonna lie, I'm happy about that, though.

Mookie, you helped/hurt me by picking the two new tribes at final 20 by putting all 5 Pirai members together. You were insane Liliana's sane partner. We (kind of) played in the Faroe Islands together. You voted me out. You ended up in the final 3. I have no idea how to describe all of this. lol I wanted to be the last Faroe Islander left in the season, but you have that title now and it's really awesome to see that you took advantage of your second chance and went SO MUCH further than last season. Hats off to you, Mook.

Shane, I am very grateful for aligning with the Pirais on Nu Wai Wai because you put us all in a good position in the game. You were pretty under the radar most of the game, but once Liliana came around, you became the anti-Liliana. Once she was gone you became the anti-Sophie. You pretty much always made your vote be known and I don't know if this was strategy or if you really just had the "I don't give a fuck" attitude. Either way, it's been awesome to see what you would do next every day and I'm glad you made it to the final 3 since me and Jenna did not.

Sophie, we have had a long journey together. We started out on Pirai and had our core alliance going into two tribes. You absolutely dominated in the challenges. You won like 6, maybe more and I had the second most challenge wins and I only won 2. I tried so hard to get you out so many times and I just couldn't get the job done. You bested me. You outwitted, outplayed and outlasted me. You are the lone Pirai member and I'm glad you carried out that legacy to the end. You were a huge force to be reckoned with and I'm so proud of you for making it to the finals. I'm glad I had someone like you essentially the entire game to chat with and play with. Love ya, Soph.

You were on this season???

Carl, I never really got to know you due to your inactivity, but thanks for being an easy vote for our first tribal council, even though you weren't technically voted out.

У меня ничего нет.

Yau Man! I played with you last season and you made my paranoia level go through the roof taking that public idol on day one.

Sandra, you scared the hell out o me knowing that you were watching me all last season, which means you knew me better than most this season. I definitely did not want to play against someone who knew my thoughts during the first time I played. Scary as dick! Also, not remembering that you were voted out first on Kaikusi 2.0 instead of Kristina probably cost me this game and that sucks. Oh well.

I felt bad voting you out because I told you it was you or Artis the night you went, but I had to be more ruthless this season to get far. I also had to stay true to the Pirai alliance + Shane, although that dissolved not too long after.

I don't know if I ever even PMed with you at all this season and as a result, I don't really have anything to say about you. Sorry.

Sean, you offered to be my partner pretty quickly when we had to pick one, but I was too unsure of you to say yes so I pretended that I didn't see your PM. I'm glad I did, though, because I got to be Sugar's partner and that was kickass. Voting you out, I think was the point when everyone in the game new about the Pirai + Shane alliance and that was a turning point in the game for in terms of having to turn on my allies, which I didn't do last season, so you're a part of why I made it to 5th place.

Kim! I felt so bad for you being voted out on Kaikusi when you involuntarily swapped with Marissa. I wish we could have saved you because you were such a good friend and ally, but circumstances in the game screwed you. I wish we could have gotten the chance to play more than we did.

Rupert, you were the first member of Pirai at camp and when I got there right after you, I went right up to you and said we need to get a solid four on a tribe of six. You, me, Sophie and Kim were gonna dominate this game. Unfortunately, you had to quit due to personal reasons and Kim was voted out so it was up to me and Sophie to keep the Pirai legacy alive. I hope we delivered. I trusted you more than anyone and was very shocked when you left, although it did help take eyes off the Pirai + Shane alliance we had going on. I wish we had the chance to go deep together. <3

Oscar! You were first out in the Faroe Islands because you had to quit, so I was excited to see you this season as well with the million other Faroe Islanders that were put on. Didn't get a chance to chat with you too much, but I'm glad you at least got to play the game to a certain extent this time.

Oh, David. Never was I more confused at a tribal council than the night you were voted out. The 5-5-2-1 vote was stone cold fucknuts and never did I think YOU were the one that was going to be voted out that night. We hardly ever talked but I wish we did get more opportunities to do so.

Oh, Jesus, Liliana. We were aligned last season, but this season was a clusterfuck of disaster to say the least. When you swapped tribes with Mookie and you joined us on Wai Wai, you PMed me saying that you knew the original Pirais were sticking together and so did everyone else in the game. I already knew this, but your approach was so in my face and it pissed me off. However, you were a big part in making me want to turn on the Pirai alliance and get out Sophie. (We all know how that went.) You said I was living in the past constantly bringing up last season, and I'm not gonna lie, I was to a certain extent, but I also knew that if you could vote me out last season when we were aligned, you could very well do it again this season. We started to finally work together again once the merge hit, but at the tribal council David was voted out at, you threw my name under the bus in front of everyone saying I flipped, when I in fact did not. It was at this point I realized that no matter what I did, you simply would not and/or could not trust me and that's when I realized I had to find another way to get further in the game. Love ya, but I'm not gonna lie, it felt good to vote out someone who voted me out last season.

Marissa. Unfortunately, I don't have much to say about you. I certainly don't mean that in a bad way. Even though you swapped over to Wai Wai (involuntarily) and we made it to the merge, I never really felt like I got to know you that well. I tried to get to know you and I think you tried to get to know me too, but I guess we just weren't meant to get to know each other... or some shit. I don't know.

Artis, we started out on Pirai and we went Pirai strong when went down to two tribes. I liked you, but going into the merge, it became clear that you were unreliable as a vote and are one of the reasons Sophie made it as far as she did. If you had prevoted her the night Marissa was voted out, she would have been voted out back then and the game would be entirely different. Had to vote you out for that reason.

Kell Bells! You were one of the people I loved talking to the most. Pretty much anything you said would make me feel like I was talking to myself. We seemed to be so alike from my point of view. When I swapped with Sugar with me ending up on Kaikusi, you were one of the few people who cared to talk to me and get to know me, so I knew once the merge hit, I wanted to stick with you. Having said that, I felt like such a bag of tyrannosaurus rex diarrhea for voting you out. I'm telling you, never did it take me so long to figure if I was going to vote for someone or not than the night you were voted out. I hope you forgive me, you seem to at the moment. I'm so happy I got to play a large portion of the game with you there.

Oh, Kimothy. You were a person who I did genuinely like, but I never could tell if we were in the same alliance. lol Sorry for voting you out, but me and Sugar wanted those immunity talismans badly and voting you out was our chance to get them. Loved playing with ya, guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurl.

Gabers, you were someone who I thought was such an awesome dude and still do. You were funny, fun to talk to and when I met you, I didn't want you going anywhere anytime soon. However, I learned in ponderosa you didn't seem to be too fond me. That's a huge boner killer. Never could tell if you trusted me or not and apparently you never really did, but I always thought you did. lol Anyway, glad I could play with you.

MY SUGAR COOKIE!!!!! It's so crazy to look back on the day we became partners and it was pretty much out of sheer randomness. Never did I think we would get along as well as we did. I loved chatting with you, strategizing with you and it was just comforting knowing I could talk to you whenever I wanted thanks to the partner confessional. I'm so proud of us for being the last pair of partners left in the game. Seriously, YOU AND ME ended up being the last pair. I was so sad to see you leave and I was pretty sure I was coming to join you the next council I wasn't immune, and sure enough I did. Flugar for life!

Oh, Jenna. I never did get to know you all that well despite us going very far into the game. You, me and Shane made a final 3 deal and you were the only two I made that deal with, so it really sucked to know you voted me out when Shane stuck to his word. I was so confused when I was voted out. You, me and Shane had the numbers to take out Mookie and I may have been able to beat Sophie in the final immunity challenge, and you me and Shane could have been final 3. But you had to go and throw all of that away and get me voted out and then you got voted out right after. I'm not gonna lie, I'm happy about that, though.

Mookie, you helped/hurt me by picking the two new tribes at final 20 by putting all 5 Pirai members together. You were insane Liliana's sane partner. We (kind of) played in the Faroe Islands together. You voted me out. You ended up in the final 3. I have no idea how to describe all of this. lol I wanted to be the last Faroe Islander left in the season, but you have that title now and it's really awesome to see that you took advantage of your second chance and went SO MUCH further than last season. Hats off to you, Mook.

Shane, I am very grateful for aligning with the Pirais on Nu Wai Wai because you put us all in a good position in the game. You were pretty under the radar most of the game, but once Liliana came around, you became the anti-Liliana. Once she was gone you became the anti-Sophie. You pretty much always made your vote be known and I don't know if this was strategy or if you really just had the "I don't give a fuck" attitude. Either way, it's been awesome to see what you would do next every day and I'm glad you made it to the final 3 since me and Jenna did not.

Sophie, we have had a long journey together. We started out on Pirai and had our core alliance going into two tribes. You absolutely dominated in the challenges. You won like 6, maybe more and I had the second most challenge wins and I only won 2. I tried so hard to get you out so many times and I just couldn't get the job done. You bested me. You outwitted, outplayed and outlasted me. You are the lone Pirai member and I'm glad you carried out that legacy to the end. You were a huge force to be reckoned with and I'm so proud of you for making it to the finals. I'm glad I had someone like you essentially the entire game to chat with and play with. Love ya, Soph.