Stephannie Favor wrote:Well well well, hopping into the later stretch of the game!
We saw it at the challenge: discussions about goats and threats is becoming more and more common. Of course the most important thing for you to do is get to the end and win - how are you going to do that? [/quote[
my plan of getting to the end is to keep doing what i'm doing.... stick with kimmi and sophie until probably the final 5 and oust sophie ASAP from there on out. hopefully at that point i still have sugar, jenna, and kimmi left in the game... all of which i feel would take me to the end with them. plus.... three original WaiWais... which i really think is a testament to those players because i think we're the most legit 3 left... i mean as far as just being urself goes... i love sugar and kimmi both and i really want them to be two people im deep in the game with. but i am hoping on making the final three me, kimmi, and jenna...
i think at this point in venezuela was when i was trying to set my final 3 plans in motion too. i think i had Lex included in them but... that didn't work out. and then i think i was actually in a pretty solid spot to win the game but fucking DESTROYED myself at final tribal council because i was short tempered and some of the jurors comments made me mad lmao
now obviously im not that way and im hoping if i can make the final three with
jenna (who is... i mean she's a competitor but i think i could ultimately beat her in the finals)
kimmi (who is basically here to do the same thing as i am... make the finals again but actually prove herself at final tribal)
but i mean even i lose to kimmi i will still be ok... because this game is a win for me either way. i'm really proud of my gameplay so... if i end up getting blindsided or just voted out before the end... i'll still be okay. but obviously, i really dont want that to happen lol. i will not feel... like everything is en routine if i get voted out... because getting on here, figuring out or NOT figuring out the vote (in most cases, the latter), is definitely part of my daily routine now so... not doing that every day will be weird. if i make it to the end then that's a smooth close and it can easily slide out of my daily routine but... just getting ousted. that will hurt!! lmao
Do you think you have a good shot at making it to the end, or are there a lot of obstacles in your way. What are the obstacles? Who do you need to get rid of so that you're sitting there at the final tribal council?
i think i do have a good shot at making it to the end, but there are some definite obstacles keeping me from getting there. some are threats, others are not....
the main obstacles are
sophie... i have a lot of trust for and i know she won't be voting for me. but i think me and kimmi both know that she will need to go before the end if we want to be secure in our attempts at getting a win... because at this point i think that sophie and kimmi will be getting the immunity necklaces from the partner twist... which would be crazy annoying to deal with... especially if someone else were to win final tribal or something. but if flicka goes tonight... which is the plan. then sophie and kimmi would have the necklaces. that would leave:
so... say... they both were to play their necklaces and then whoever who wins immunity ISNT me... lets just say sugar wins.
then its
only 3 other people than me that could be voted for. that's very scary because all three of those people have voted together before... ugh. so i'm really hoping something like that doesnt happen. also im hoping the idol hasnt been found so i can get a more solid clue and get on the right track and actually get it this time!! (KELLY ISNT AROUND TO GET IT FUCKING SECONDS BEFORE ME)
anyway... i just need to get SOPHIE, SUGAR, MOOKIE, SHANE, & FLICKA out.... those are my obstacles. i'll do that by trying to keep sophie and kimmi safe for as long as possible... then me and kimmi can turn on sophie at the final 5 with sugar or jenna... and then i could go to the final 3 with any of them.
Was the immunity challenge tonight telling, or was it just more of what you already knew?
the immunity challenge wasn't too telling.... except for who the people would trust with their lives!!! honestly. that was very very flattering
and... TRASHLEY.
as far as kelly going and it being "BOOOOOOO"... it is in the sense that i lost a friend in the game, but if you look at it from my standpoint, recognize this:
i've been to
one tribal council on Waiwai.... MAJORITY
1. WAIWAI - majority (yauman left)
minority (diane left) i voted for ARTIS
minority (sean left) i voted for... SHANE?
4. WAIWAI - didnt vote (rupert removed)
5. SARAMAKA - majority (david left) i voted for DAVID both times
MINORITY (Liliana left) i voted for ARTIS
MINORITY (MARISSA left) i voted for FLICKA
MINORITY (ARTIS left) i voted for JENNA
9. SARAMAKA - majority (KELLY left) i voted for KELLY
so see.... KELLY didnt vote with me on... nearly ANY of the saramaka votes. and it was just something that i recognized the eternal spirit wanted me to do. i need to reward honesty loyalty and integrity and show karma exists for those who arent reciprocating it when i give it... and thats what Kelly was doing. so i had to do it... and once i realized that. look. i voted in the majority