By Nate Gonzalez
#5085 N8 here, fresh off my release from Cook Island County, questions:

How’d you feel about Liliana going home?

Looking at the tribal council, it seems like the vote should have been unanimous for Liliana. Why do you think it wasn’t and do you think it has any impact on the rest of the season?

This is the second vote in a row where four people got votes. Do you think that this is going to continue? Does this say anything about the way the game has been played or will be in the future?

Now that we’re at Final 11, do you feel like you are an under the radar or over the top player? Do you feel like an under the radar or over the top player is the next to go?

This tends to be the point where a strong core group of people tends to form and lines get drawn in the sand. Who’s on your side and how sure of that are you?
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By Jenna

I'm a busy bee today. Still putting in footwork though. I should be back for the challenge, or at least Tribal Council. Right now, us Meku 4 are trying to get the vote split between Sophie and Flicka, and it's my duty to get Flicka, Sugar, and Shane to vote for Sophie.

If we fail, I don't care. YOLO. I've already voted wrong 2 out of 2 times so far this merge. You gotta risk it to get the biscuit, and I ain't letting that power alliance stomp me out so soon. I ain't giving into their whims.
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By Jenna
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By Jenna
#5197 Ok Marissa is obviously tight with Sophie. Sophie herself confirmed that to me.

This round, Flicka's going home. And afterwards, I'm making a chat with Kelly and Mookie to sort this out. One of those 2 has to go next.
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By Jenna
#5268 Idk what's going on anymore. Of course, the other players don't have to know that. Read through my PMs for juicy deets.
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By Jenna
#5278 Literally every single round of this season is such a mess.
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By Jenna
#5297 I am honestly considering joining Shane next round to target Marissa. I love her to death, but I think it's pretty clear where her loyalties lie.

Flicka is supposedly targeting Sophie for real? I don't think I buy it though. Sophie says she's voting Mookie. Shane is targeting Marissa now for some reason. I'm voting Sophie, but I'm almost positive I'll be in the minority again.

Kimmi's idol clue distribution was pretty telling. She threw Kelly in there to throw off the scent, and then she gave the rest to the people like Gabe and Sugar who are on the outs of the big power alliance.

These people need to learn how to turn on each other. There's like 7 people in the majority alliance. They can't all make it to the end! I wanna cut some fools.

Teach me how to Survivor. I'm a noob at everything.

I think Marissa, Flicka, Sophie, and Mookie will all get votes, so the streak of 4 different people getting votes at Tribal will continue.
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