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Final Words

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:57:48 am
by Jeff Probst

You will go down as one of the biggest, most hilarious trainwrecks in stranded history and I loved every flipping mother trucking second of it <333333333333


Tell me EVERYTHING, how you thought you did, what you would do differently, if you would play again, how you would play a third time, who you hate, who you love, what you learned, EVERYTHING.

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:45:52 am
by Liliana
Well first off I seriously think I have one of the best story arcs ever.

I start off in my first season as an incredibly dull and boring person who is immune almost until merge, and at almost every single phase of the game I was a probable target for elimination. So I survive until the merge miraculously, and there my alliance is hopelessly pagonged with a couple blindsides in between(except for that freak Rocky. wtf how did he survive.) But for the most part, I never really chose who went home. So now this time I pledged that I wouldn't be the same thing that I was in my last game. My first tribal council, I was blindsided and one of my closest allies was sent home, which wasn't a great sign. But then I managed to somehow... shake up the game when I switched to Waiwai. I convinced people to vote Sophie if we went to tribal council, and made people recognize the threat she is. However, this caused them to view me as also a threat. All this time, my paranoia and anxiety had been growing and growing because whenever I talked to anyone, I felt like they were keeping stuff from me. That's just how I operate, I guess. So coming into the merge, all of this paranoia and anxiety was sort of spilling over and I couldn't take it any more. When tribal council came, and some people flipped, it all exploded. All of the frustration from being blindsided and having all of my friends being voted out on NuWaiwai and I turned into a huge trainwreck and started accusing people and feeling really paranoid and just dead on the inside. Next vote, I tried to get Artis out but couldn't control my emotions and ended up being the only person to vote Shane, even though I thought 8 people would, and I was voted out unanimously

So basically, i went from being boring and on the bottom of my tribe in my first season to coming back and being an insane mess. Which isn't too shabby, if you ask me.

I would definitely be open to coming back again. This is such a fun ORG, and I'm planning on staying to host next season! But if I did come back in I would definitely not take it so… seriously. It was my intense emotional devotement to this game that sort of caused me to be so stressed out, so if I really saw it as a game I'd enjoy it a lot more I think. But I'd definitely try to play like I played this game, it seemed to work out better for me.

At this point, I really kind of dislike everyone in the game except for Sugar and Mookie. Everyone else was kind of a lying scumball or just annoying. Kimmi… i bonded with her but she was just kind of gross to me at the merge. Sophie is literally the luckiest person ever to still be in right now. If she hadn't gotten the PII… she'd be dead. ugh. Shane is ew. I really don't have many strong opinions on the others.

But this was fun, definitely loved playing it, and I'm excited to see the winner!