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Fallen Comrades

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:28:49 am
by Liliana
You had 3 posts
If you hadn't been first out of your tribe you could've gone deep like the other Pirais (thanks a lot Mookie)
Rip meku
If you want to play orgs make time for them.

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:36:43 am
by Liliana
Sandra <3 I love you so much. I loved chatting with you, I loved watching you completely dominate challenges, I loved sleeping on you. You could've gone deep, girl. But the fucking Mekus decided that since there were 6 Kaikusis (SPLIT EVENLY ACROSS 2 TRIBES), one of us should go, despite the fact there were 3 of us on NuKaikusi and 4 WAIWAIS. Idiots. Sandra you are the most underrated goddess ever
DIANE <3 First victim of Shane. Goddamn fucking Shane. I loved snarking with you about him, and I wanted us to go deep together. Then the Kaikusi slaughter happened so yea. I love you Diane <3 sorry my partner fucked everything up for you

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:27:35 am
by Liliana
I'm sorry Kristina. I lied to you. You were always super positive, and it killed me to vote you. I loved chatting with you, and even if it ended so soon I'm glad we had our moments. People thought you had an idol for some reason, I never knew why. Lol
Ahh, Sean. My very first ally and the second victim of Shane's terrifying rule. I wish we could have merged together and completely dominated everything. I loved talking to you and you were out way too soon.
You were a diehard Pirai. It's fitting you were voted out because of it. I didn't like you.
Fuck you for quitting. If you hadn't done that, Sophie wouldn't have ruined the game for all of us. You disgust me.
You lied to me. You backstabbed me. I lied to you. I backstabbed you. And despite all of that, we were still allied. We had a very complex relationship through the whole game, and while I really wished you had gone instead of Sandra I'm glad I got to know you

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:31:46 am
by Liliana
David I think I'm legitimately in love with you. We were always really close, and I loved talking to you. I hated how much you were targeted, and I'm so grateful I got the chance to spend a day in Ponderosa with just us 2. People may say you played a bad game, but you know what? Sophie may have had a better one than you, but in the end you're the one I truly love and enjoy, while Sophie is... eugh. David never change because you are amazing <3

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:18:26 pm
by Liliana

You were the one who spearheaded the Sandra vote according to Kelly and Jenna. You were okay. We just never really clicked. You were always super shady to me and I was never sure whose side you were on.

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:25:46 pm
by Liliana
who? like i literally have no opinion of you. you flipped on me, so I guess I don't like you that much. but I have no idea who Artis is as a person

You were one of my biggest allies post merge and I loved talking to you <3 There were a couple times you deceived me, but in this game everyone deceived me and I guess you just did it the least. It was fun getting to be in Ponderosa together! Please find a boyfriend though, you're thirsty as fuck girl icon_lol

The biggest moment I remember about you is when Ozzy told me he was targeting you and I told you that he was, you still picked him over me and voted with him because you knew him longer. It was fun talking about Survivor with you, though. You were basically a part of Sophie in the merge; I feel like you could be a good player, but sometimes shit happens. You could've gone farther had you distanced yourself from her.

I don't really like the people who post a bunch of offtopic things in challenge beach, usually about drugs in your case. But although the outside was less appealing to me, I loved you on the inside. When everyone started turning on me, I was basically ranting out of paranoia, anger, and fear in our PMs and you always comforted me, and I really appreciate you for that.

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:28:22 pm
by Liliana
SUGAR! <3 I think you trusted me a helluva lot more then I trusted you. The whole pre-merge, I thought you were on Kimmi and Ozzy's side, though you may have been on mine? I'm really not sure. But you were so sweet and fun to talk to, just like Faroe Flicka. And thank you for being there for me in my final hours <3

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:30:43 pm
by Liliana
I liked you a lot more in Faroe Islands. This game, we sort of argued and we set up an alliance after we made up but then it all came tumbling down when I started being a paranoid bitch lmao. But congratulations being the Faroe Islander with most days played!

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:31:33 pm
by Liliana
You were okay. You were inactive, but we talked. I mean I don't have much to say about you, but good job getting all the way to 4th despite being second out your original season!

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:32:44 pm
by Liliana
MOOKIE <3 I loved partnering you and we always seemed to be on the same page. It was so much fun chatting with you and I really hope you win the game. You deserve it.
Sorry about not telling you about the idol, but some things you have to keep to yourself.

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:34:37 pm
by Liliana
Remember All-Stars? How it completely ruined a bunch of legendary Survivor characters? You were a Stranded legend by the looks of it, and you completely ruined that with your vile personality, constant inactiveness, and unwillingness to use a computer or try in challenges.

Re: Fallen Comrades

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:36:10 pm
by Liliana
I just have no energy left to rant about you or Shane, because I feel like you know how I feel about both of you. I don't think you should be in the end, and if you or Shane wins this season will have been a disappointment. But hey. You made the DVD cover no matter what happens