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N8s Gr8 R8s M8

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:07:39 am
by Nate Gonzalez
Somehow slightly more on topic than my confessionals.


PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 8:18:35 pm
by Nate Gonzalez
I'll judge the Faroes first because I know them...

Ozzy. Fun Fact: I played with Ozzy before in a Big Brother ORG that lasted like five months. The five-monthiness of it all led to me sleeping through most of the game, while he got super active with alliances and really overplayed it and got on pretty much everybody's radars from the very beginning. I feel like part of the difference between Survivor and Big Brother is that Big Brother encourages overplaying and I know he was relatively experienced in ORGs so I think he'll probably do well, but he seems really enthusiastic for this season and I hope he doesn't come across too enthusiastic. I r8 7/8.

Liliana. Okay I know Liliana a bit more. Every game I know that he/she has played in she hasn't ever beaten seventh. Her biggest problem is that she doesn't really fight when she's in the minority and usually she gets too cocky when she's in the majority. In the ORG we played together a month before our stranded season, she threw a challenge to get rid of me and that's how she went home. In the ORG she played most recently she literally burned so many bridges in that game eventually she wasn't able to have any lifelines when she did end up in the minority. I r8 3/8.

Mookie. Great guy. I never really had the chance to talk to him because we were never on the same tribe, but he got a shitty tribe draw and was fucked by Anthony winning the Tribal challenge if I recall correctly. Hopefully he gets far enough to get into a tribe with a lot of wiggle room that can allow him to survive and get into a good position. I r8 6/8

Yau Man. Never spoke to him. Wasn't there for the Public HII, Was never on a tribe with him. Nobody else is picking him so I'll r8 2/8.

Flicka. Didn't really have too much time with her in Faroes, but the hosts loved her so there must be something behind that. The shit with the idol and with CiCi always wanting her as an option probably shows game skill. She also might have been the person to send me the "Lol u were meant to go home but now ur not" message (it might have been Stephannie) and she did rob my spot on the DVD cover, so I r8 0/8.

But honestly 5/8.

JP. Could have sworn that JP was on this season. Nevermind.

Re: N8s Gr8 R8s M8

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 1:40:02 am
by Nate Gonzalez
I realized that I really do not have the time to study everybody's game play, so I figured I'll BrantSteele it with Poody's ratings used as skills. But then I realized that you couldn't fit 24 people into a BrantSteele, so I put it into a Hunger Games.

Notes: Flicka is put under "Jessica Smith" on BrantSteele
More Notes: Sugar is put under "Jessica Kiper" icon_surprised icon_surprised icon_surprised
Looks like Jessica is going to play into this season after all.

Also, no stats in Hunger Games so icon_glare looks like I'll do it at F20.


"Yau Man grabs a backpack and retreats"
Lol. Was it the public immunity backpack?

Shane, John, Sugar, and Carl share everything they gathered before running.

Gabriel runs away from the Cornucopia.

Rupert runs away from the Cornucopia.

Kimmi runs away from the Cornucopia.

Kelly runs away from the Cornucopia.

Sandra kills Liliana with a sickle.
Lol of course Liliana is the first boot.

Flicka finds a bag full of explosives.
Wtf did this happen in any of the movies? Because that's the equivalent of the guy who got a shotgun in Battle Royale. That's way too fucking OP. #ProducerRigging

David runs away from the Cornucopia.

Marissa breaks Kim's nose for a basket of bread.
What is this The Hunger Games: Wall Mart?

Mookie runs away from the Cornucopia.

Jim gathers as much food as he can.

Diane runs away from the Cornucopia.

Sophie runs away from the Cornucopia.

Jenna grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.
Isn't the first day supposed to be the bloodiest day? Can people get to killing?

Sean rips a mace out of Kristina's hands.
Okay one person has a mace, one person doesn't. How doesn't killing happen?

Artis runs away from the Cornucopia.
To be fair if everybody literally just ran away from this, it's either the shittest cornucopia or everybody is just trying to be so UTR2

Ozzy takes a spear from inside the cornucopia.
Okay so Ozzy gets to loot the cornucopia...

Re: N8s Gr8 R8s M8

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 1:47:12 am
by Nate Gonzalez
Day 1

John constructs a shack.

Gabriel camouflauges himself in the bushes.
He was a cake decorator? Completely OP.

Diane, Sugar, Jenna, and Kim hunt for other tributes.

Jim is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Ozzy tracks down and kills Carl.
Finally people fucking dying.

Marissa, Artis, Shane, Sean, and Mookie hunt for other tributes.
This alliance is some next level shit though.

David, Flicka, Rupert, Kristina, and Sophie hunt for other tributes.
Motherfucker, I need to draw an alliance diagram for this BrantSteele

Kelly picks flowers.
*goddess* At least she didn't prick herself like that fucking flop Jim

Sandra makes a slingshot.
Kay. Somebody has a spear so I doubt i'd do any good.

Kimmi receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Varner... #producerRiggage

Yau-Man receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Yau-Man the UTRN fan favorite

~Fallen Tributes: only Liliana and Carl are dead~

Night 1

Flicka and Jenna run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Flicka and Jenna playing the social game.

Sophie dies from thirst.
You can't have been outside for more than six hours. Hunger Games ProTip: hydrate before you go into the games.

John climbs a tree to rest.

Sandra convinces Jim to not kill her, only to kill him instead.
Holy shit Jim flopped so much harder than I expected him to. Sandra = OTTN God.

Kelly tries to sing herself to sleep.

Yau-Man, Mookie, and Gabriel cheerfully sing songs together.

Sugar receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Sean receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
How are all the fan favorites so MOTR?

Shane goes to sleep.

Marissa goes to sleep.

Artis passes out from exhaustion.
okay? you haven't done shit, but whatever.

David stays awake all night.
that's not going to work out

Diane is awoken by nightmares.

Kim receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
who keeps on giving these MOTR people gifts? How hasn't every item gone to Ozzy and Sandra, I thought this system was put into place to encourage aggressiveness

Kimmi goes to sleep.

Ozzy sets up camp for the night.
Kind of late to do that Ozzy.

Kristina is awoken by nightmares.
I would say how is this a common thing, but "certainly going to get killed" is a pretty good reason to get nightmares

Rupert attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Alliance Diagram

Re: N8s Gr8 R8s M8

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 2:37:55 am
by Nate Gonzalez
Day 2

Flicka attacks Kristina, but she manages to escape.

Well that alliance was pointless...

Yau-Man overhears John and Rupert talking in the distance.

Someone is trying to fuck with my diagram...

Kimmi practices her archery.
How does somebody have time to practice archery? at the very least that must dull the arrow or some shit.

David receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Again, who is this mystery guy who keeps rewarding MOTR-ness

Gabriel hunts for other tributes.
Okay, hopefully somebody dies soon...

Ozzy, Kelly, Shane, Sugar, and Mookie hunt for other tributes.
Clearly BrantSteele has ZERO RESPECT for the diagram.

Artis sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Sandra constructs a shack.

Marissa questions her sanity.
me irl

Diane runs away from Sean.
Hunger Games Racism.

Kim and Jenna split up to search for resources.

Fallen Tributes
Sophie and Jim are died.

Night Two

Ozzy tends to his wounds.

Kim and Diane sleep in shifts.
At least that works alliance-wise.

Sandra, Sugar, David, and Shane sleep in shifts.
Shane is the mastermind of the season though.

Sean passes out from exhaustion.

Jenna questions her sanity.
again, me_irl.

Rupert loses sight of where he is.
Fucking flop.

Marissa kills Yau-Man as he tries to run.
Finally another kill on the board. There are still 19 people left...

John, Kelly, Kimmi, and Gabriel tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
1) Are they telling each other stories about Yau Man?

Mookie receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
Okay, the sponsors are fine now.

Flicka convinces Artis to snuggle with her.
I would say no respect for the diagram, but this is the showmance of the century

Kristina dies from thirst.
rip in peace.

Day 3

Sandra tends to Gabriel's wounds.
I think there has been more "tending to wounds" then actually killing each other so far

Rupert constructs a shack.

Shane strangles Jenna after engaging in a fist fight.
Finally some action. OTTN Shane rn dominating.

Flicka runs away from Kim.

Marissa and Diane split up to search for resources.

John overhears Mookie and Kelly talking in the distance.
And he does nothing about it. Typical John.

Kimmi steals from Artis while he isn't looking.

Ozzy sprains his ankle while running away from Sean.
Why does everybody keep running away from Sean?

David receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Sugar makes a slingshot.
The most effective weapon. Even though bows and arrows and spears both exist in the game, but nobody has used them yet.

Updated Alliance Diagram

Re: N8s Gr8 R8s M8

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:00:09 am
by Nate Gonzalez
Arena Event

The arena turns pitch black and nobody can see a thing.
Twisty twisty

David trips on a rock and falls off a cliff.
flop. Hope you got to use your purified water or whatever you got well.

Kimmi finds and kills Kim, who was making too much noise.
*beast mode kimmi*
Finally people are dying.

Sandra survives.
OTTN to INV in a span of two episodes.

While fighting, Marissa and John lose their balance, roll down a jagged hillside, and die.
Okay I can get behind this. Finally some action.

Mookie survives.
Did he just stand still the entire time?

Gabriel survives.

Shane survives.
he better have.

While fighting, Sugar and Kelly lose their balance, roll down a jagged hillside, and die.
Wait, is this arena literally all jagged hillsides and massive cliffs? How does this keep happening? More people have died from falling than by murdering.
Also *goddess*

Artis survives.

Ozzy survives.

Flicka finds and kills Diane, who was making too much noise.
Flicka has gone into her form finally.

Rupert survives.

Sean survives.
With all these women dying, it seems like #maleWinner is inevitable.

Fallen Tributes
10 Cannon Shots - Yau Man, Kristina, Jenna, David, Kim, Marissa, John, Sugar, Kelly and Diane.
That's really fucking with my diagram. Considering that the entirety of an alliance died in a day.
Also 14 dead but only a total of six kills between all the living.

If this is also any indication of the game, Mookie got on the shit tribe AGAIN.


Night 3

Rupert, Sean, and Flicka sleep in shifts.
Okay, still no respect for the diagram, but I feel like after half the cast dies alliances don't matter.

Gabriel thinks about winning.
Is that what Gabe thinks about late at night? "Winning"?

Shane sets up camp for the night.
Wasn't shane supposed to be the alliance mastermind here? He's only taken 1 or 0 kills right? What happened to him?

Mookie sets an explosive off, killing Sandra, Artis, Ozzy and Kimmi.
Quadruple Kill, MVP of the Season
He also got like explosives on the first day right? So the random events of the simulator help control the later random events of the simulator?
Mookie MVP. OTTP. Stranded Suriname Winner GG.

The Feast
Really? Literally 3/4 of the cast died in the last 24 hours do you really need to add another "twist"?

Rupert decides not to go to The Feast.
you better not, Mookie is probably going to blow the shit up or something

Flicka decides not to go to The Feast.

Mookie kills Gabriel with his own weapon.

Sean decides not to go to The Feast.
No shit you just saw Mookie being a badass

Shane decides not to go to The Feast.
Same reason as above.

Re: N8s Gr8 R8s M8

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:12:19 am
by Nate Gonzalez
Day 4

Sean sprains his ankle while running away from Flicka.
At least it's the other way around this time?

Rupert defeats Shane in a fight, but spares his life.
Fucking flop.

Mookie camouflauges himself in the bushes.
Mookie = OP.

Cannon Shots
Sandra, Artis, Ozzy, Kimmi, Gabe

Rupert stays awake all night.
of course he does...

Sean attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
Didn't this happen before?

Shane, Mookie, and Flicka sleep in shifts.
Shane literally has an alliance with everybody in the game
Mookie can't be killed
Flicka is the only non-#MaleWinner

Day 5
Rupert collects fruit from a tree.

Flicka defeats Sean in a fight, but spares his life.
Flop harder. After all the running away people have done

Shane dies from hunger.
So anti-climatic. RIP Shane - you were literally in an alliance with everybody so the only way you could go is natural causes.

Mookie accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.
At least he died doing what he loved, blowing people up.
Now everybody I was rooting for is gone :(. Fuck this.

Battle of the UTRS

Night 5
Sean sets up camp for the night.

Flicka tends to Rupert's wounds.
WHAT THE FUCK FLICKA? There are three people left in the game you can't help somebody else at this stage.

Day 6
Flicka and Rupert work together for the day.
No shit. Artis is probably feeling cheated on in the afterlife.

Sean hunts for other tributes.
No shit.

Arena Event

A volcano erupts at the center of the arena.
Fucking producer rigging

Flicka is buried in ash.

Sean dips his weapon in the lava and kills Rupert with it.
See Rupert? This is what happens when you don't kill people earlier.

Well good game Sean, with all of your one kill icon_sick icon_sick
Fucking UTR -_-.


Re: N8s Gr8 R8s M8

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:22:24 am
by Nate Gonzalez
Okay so entirely based on that simulator my favorites are: Ozzy, Sandra, Mookie, Sean, Shane and Kelly

Re: N8s Gr8 R8s M8

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:23:29 am
by Mia Galeotalanza
This is coming from somebody who already has fanfic in her host blog, but I feel like this would fit better in the alumni lounge. Just a thought.

Re: N8s Gr8 R8s M8

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 4:01:16 am
by Nate Gonzalez
Oh sorry, I have no idea what the difference between the two are.


PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 12:43:27 am
by Cassandra Franklin
Nate Gonzalez wrote:Mookie. Great guy. I never really had the chance to talk to him because we were never on the same tribe, but he got a shitty tribe draw and was fucked by Anthony winning the Tribal challenge if I recall correctly.

Sometimes I hate being so amazing that people still don't understand my covert assassination of the Mookster.

Re: N8s Gr8 R8s M8

PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 3:11:56 am
by Nate Gonzalez
Well I don't even remember what actually happened, so pardon my ignorance


PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 3:21:42 am
by Candice Cody
Cassandra Franklin wrote:
Nate Gonzalez wrote:Mookie. Great guy. I never really had the chance to talk to him because we were never on the same tribe, but he got a shitty tribe draw and was fucked by Anthony winning the Tribal challenge if I recall correctly.

Sometimes I hate being so amazing that people still don't understand my covert assassination of the Mookster.

I remember icon_wub

Re: N8s Gr8 R8s M8

PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:32:01 am
by Nate Gonzalez
My alliance diagram of original tribes plus partners


Re: N8s Gr8 R8s M8

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:35:18 pm
by Nate Gonzalez
Updated Diagram:

"Pairs I Would Like To See Swap Tribes Power Ranking"

1. Liliana/Mookie. This is the only pair that I could see voluntarily swapping. Liliana would be on the bottom either way but with a turns worth of immunity, and Mookie would have a chance to rejoin Meku, which would put pressure onto Meku to make a move on the WaiWais or vice-versa, making David a valuable swing vote.

2. Sean/Jenna. Sean said that he wouldn't want to swap and screw over Jenna, but if Mookie/Liliana don't do it, I feel like out of the two other people with partners and on the chopping block (Sean and David), I think Sean and Jenna have a better chance to try to get shit to happen. It would put all of the non-Shane Kaikusis on the same tribe, which could make them a solid bloc again which could potentially allow Marissa/Kelly to make a move against the WaiWais and on the other tribe without any Kaikusis it becomes a lot more likely that the Pirai's will turn on Artis or get rid of Mookie as opposed to eliminating Gabe, which is probably the next big moment of the season.

3. Kim/Marissa. I feel like this swap puts a lot more pressure on Kelly/Jenna to try to make a move against the WaiWais/Kristina – they can’t solely hope for Sugar flipping anymore. The Pirai’s probably stick together but I guess it depends on Marissa’s influence to see if Mookie or Sean gets voted out. There’s a problem with the green team only getting a couple minutes to strategize and attempt to make a big move though.

4. Kimmi/Sophie. I feel like without Kimmi there wouldn’t be a lot of resistance to getting rid of Kristina and without Sophie I feel like the cracks in the Pirai alliance will show a lot more. I don’t think anything completely crazy will happen if these two flip, but this is the scenario where Kristina is the most likely. Kimmi could also potentially find the half on the Pirai side and merge it with Ozzy when they eventually flip back together, which could lead to them both going deep.

5. Flicka/Sugar. This would significantly weaken WaiWai on Green and could lead to a scenario where Kelly/Jenna/Marissa seriously consider taking their chance while they still can and take out Kristina. Granted, it would take time for Meku to get people on board for a flip which I don’t think they could do in the thirty minutes between the challenge and tribal council and on Orange the Pirais will still stick together and get rid of Sean, so I don’t think anything exciting would happen in this scenario.

6. David/Rupert. This is honestly the best case scenario for Artis and worst case scenario for Sean and Liliana. If this happens the Pirai advantage is reduced to 4+Shane, which would make it a lot riskier to boot a Pirai, cementing that either Mookie/Sean goes home tonight. It also pretty much cements the fact that Liliana is going home, unless if Meku really wants to get out Kristina, which seeing as she's being blamed for the stray vote last TC - is probably Liliana's only in.

7. Shane/Kristina. If this happens, they both immediately swap back and both stay in their respective majorities. If Orange loses the Pirai’s stick together and vote out Sean, If Green loses the Meku’s don’t have anybody who they could make a move on and just vote out Liliana.

8. Gabe/Kelly. This swap would completely screw over the Meku tribe and would give the WaiWai’s the disgusting majority that Pirai also has right now. This would make the narrative of this part of the season the Pirais vs. WaiWais and will make the Pirai’s a lot less willing to take out Artis because the WaiWais would also have the same numbers advantage. At least if this happens, I can imagine a race between Sean/Jenna and Mookie/Liliana for “who gets to trade off immunity every week” with the losers being voted out and the winners being the key swing votes at merge.

The more that I write out the possibilities, are we sure we don’t want to give them the weekend for this Poody?

Re: N8s Gr8 R8s M8

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:55:14 pm
by Trashley Markwood
What do you mean by Kimmi merging her piece with Ozzy? If Sophie is still in the game, she has to do it with Sophie, and if two non-pairs give each other the other piece, it effectively becomes first to claim gets an individual idol and the other is shit outta luck.

Re: N8s Gr8 R8s M8

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 5:39:34 am
by Nate Gonzalez
oh you have to do it with your pair? I thought if somebody had the two halves through whatever means they could merge it?

Re: N8s Gr8 R8s M8

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:45:52 am
by Nate Gonzalez
Weekly Diagram:

Re: N8s Gr8 R8s M8

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:46:57 am
by Nate Gonzalez
Warning: Entirely based on Kelly's confessional

Re: N8s Gr8 R8s M8

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:03:50 am
by Nate Gonzalez
Request: Stranded 27: Public Immunity Idol Island. Every challenge there's a PII.