Arena EventThe arena turns pitch black and nobody can see a thing.Twisty twisty
David trips on a rock and falls off a cliff.flop. Hope you got to use your purified water or whatever you got well.
Kimmi finds and kills Kim, who was making too much noise.*beast mode kimmi*
Finally people are dying.
Sandra survives.OTTN to INV in a span of two episodes.
While fighting, Marissa and John lose their balance, roll down a jagged hillside, and die.Okay I can get behind this. Finally some action.
Mookie survives.Did he just stand still the entire time?
Gabriel survives.k.
Shane survives.he better have.
While fighting, Sugar and Kelly lose their balance, roll down a jagged hillside, and die.Wait, is this arena literally all jagged hillsides and massive cliffs? How does this keep happening? More people have died from falling than by murdering.
Also *goddess*
Artis survives.k
Ozzy survives.k
Flicka finds and kills Diane, who was making too much noise.Flicka has gone into her form finally.
Rupert survives.ROOOARR
Sean survives.With all these women dying, it seems like #maleWinner is inevitable.
Fallen Tributes10 Cannon Shots - Yau Man, Kristina, Jenna, David, Kim, Marissa, John, Sugar, Kelly and Diane.
That's really fucking with my diagram. Considering that the entirety of an alliance died in a day.
Also 14 dead but only a total of six kills between all the living.
If this is also any indication of the game, Mookie got on the shit tribe AGAIN.
Night 3Rupert, Sean, and Flicka sleep in shifts.Okay, still no respect for the diagram, but I feel like after half the cast dies alliances don't matter.
Gabriel thinks about winning.Is that what Gabe thinks about late at night? "Winning"?
Shane sets up camp for the night.Wasn't shane supposed to be the alliance mastermind here? He's only taken 1 or 0 kills right? What happened to him?
Mookie sets an explosive off, killing Sandra, Artis, Ozzy and Kimmi.HOLY SHIITTTTT
Quadruple Kill, MVP of the Season
He also got like explosives on the first day right? So the random events of the simulator help control the later random events of the simulator?
Mookie MVP. OTTP. Stranded Suriname Winner GG.
The FeastReally? Literally 3/4 of the cast died in the last 24 hours do you really need to add another "twist"?
Rupert decides not to go to The better not, Mookie is probably going to blow the shit up or something
Flicka decides not to go to The Feast.#lastWomanStanding
Mookie kills Gabriel with his own weapon.Badass
Sean decides not to go to The Feast.No shit you just saw Mookie being a badass
Shane decides not to go to The Feast.Same reason as above.