By Shane
#8406 Hey everyone. first thing to say is that yes I know I'm the underdog of this final 3 and that I am not going to lie or bullshit for the final tribal at all, and plan to be truthful about everything. I think the beauty of this game is simply that everyone has different values and that will determine how you vote. For example, Sophie is only sitting here with Mookie and I because she won challenges and idols. Sophie is amazing at riddles to find idols and fantastic at puzzles for challenges. If Sophie went to one tribal without winning she was gone. We all know that. So if you admire a person's ability to do puzzles and riddles and think that deserves a win then that will be your vote. However I think there is more to being the winner than simply winning challenges to stay alive. She talks about all her PMing and scheming. None of it would have worked if she lost a challenge. Mookie was a much better player than Sophie because she actually strategised and played this game and not rely on challenges. Mookie played a very safe UTR game, and eventually needed a last minute idol or he would have been voted off.

That was my case against those two, here's my case for me. I am a man who yells and argues. But in not JUST s man who yells and argues. There's a method to my madness. Back on my original green tribe, I showed up late, and alienated myself. I was supposed to be the first one voted out. Once the switch happened I found myself in a tribe that was mostly Pirari , so I found a way to join them to save myself. This got me to merge working with them. I also wanted to be allys with people who are seen as a bigger threat, so if we got turned out, they would be taken out unexpectedly and not me. This is what happened when Kelly left. Once merge came it became very apparent that the threats were being targeted so I knew I had to not been seen as a threat. What people are afraid of most is the unknown. So I wanted to make it known what I was thinking and doing and wanted to be very very blunt. I targeted Lilina because I knew she said things that pissed people off and she was a big threat that people would want off for sure. I had it out with Liliana because I wanted to get support to take her out and my tribe could know what I was thinking. The next target people wanted out was Sophie. I decided to berate her and make it known I wanted her out. Seeing as she's still here, I made it known that the second she didn't pull an idol or win immunity I was coming for her. Sadly the tribe and I never got our chance because Sophie is good at puzzles. Eventually threats started to become people that were liked. I had to make myself unlike able so I wouldn't become a target. Throughout this game I adapted to what happened and made it very apparent what I was thinking and doing in this game to avoid being a threat. It worked and got me here today.

I have never won a single Immunity challenge or idol in this game. I was vulnerable at every single tribal. I got here due to strategy and didn't take the easy way out of winning challenges to stay alive. Also, playing this entire game on an iPad is tough as hell. It has been 8 years since I last played this game, and have had a blast. I'd love to come back 8 years later as a different person and somehow pull the upset and win. Than, you for listening and am looking forward to your questions, as a finish, I would like to briefly address you all individually.

Dave : you're a cool guy Dave. I didn't want you to go but had to vote you because I couldn't get out Liliana.

Liliana : we had a huge fight. Honestly you were a great player and that's why I went after you, people knew that and it was an easy sell since you said cocky things to your alliance and were a threat, you have a lot of passion for this game. I understand you're definitely still pissed at me, but regardless I hope we can look past our differences.

Marissa : I only brought your name up because you weren't active at the time, and thought it would be an easy sell. You were nice to talk to.

Artis : Artis, I really didn't want to vote you out, but you kept siding with Sophie and everyone knew it. I enjoyed being allied with you on Wai Wai and you were fun to talk to.

Kelly : Kelly you're awesome. You deserve to win this game more than anyone in this game. I didn't vote for you and was shocked when you were taken out, I was sad to see you go. Great player, I wanted to go to the end with you. Known you for 8 years now. You didn't vote for me last time I was in the final 3, (you voted Courtney, and I lost by 1 vote) so I hope I can change your mind and have you vote for me this time around.

Kimmi : the only reason I brought up your name and voted you was because I didn't want Sophie to get an idol and you were her partner, I'm sorry about that.

Gabe : you were funny as hell. You would best anyone in final 3 easily. The game lost its charm when you left. However you were with Sophie too, so I had to vote your way.

Sugar : you, like Gabe, are so frickin likeable! I didn't want to see you go and voted with you. Didn't see your vote off coming.

Flicka : I had all intentions of going to final 3 with you and Jenna. Still wish it happened. I didn't vote you off, Jenna threw me for a loop when she voted for you. You played s good game as well.

Jenna : Darkness 7.0, voting for you in final 4 was the most difficult vote I cast this whole game. Easily. I wanted to go to the end with you. Sophie and Mookie wouldn't budge, and I didn't want to risk a tie. You were very likeable yourself! I also felt like it was ok since you did the same to sugar and Flicka behind their backs. In the end, I loved talking to you, and I wish our final 3 deal with Flicka could have worked!

Thank you all for listening!mlets get this mother fucking final tribal started.
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