6th Place | Voted Out 3-(3)
By Trashley Markwood
#4017 Sugar,

I've read your messages and would like to have a brief conversation with you about the situation. Firstly, it absolutely was not my intention to make you feel like you were being personally discredited. Nor was I aware you felt that way until Probst brought it to my attention.

I thought it was interesting to see someone call out another tribe for bad behaviour when it was happening while they were on that tribe, so mentioned it to you. I did not think it would have any tangible impact on your standing in the game (and do not believe it has, just to be clear), but I apologise for it nonetheless as it is clearly something you believe may have negatively reflected upon you, and that was not my intention. There has been no move or decision to punish you (or anyone else for that matter) for anything, and so if you feel that my comment did that, then I am sorry for that as well.

On my end this was a misunderstanding, I didn't take it that seriously, but if you have taken particular offense to what I said, then again I am sorry that I caused a misunderstanding which has hurt your view of me or the game in general. Specifically with respect to "credibility", my comment was not directed at your character, nor was it accusatory in any way, nor did I intend to imply you had behaved inappropriately. Truth is I'd seen the GDoc days ago and not said anything because I didn't realise it would become an issue and then it did tonight and we discussed it, but you did not have that context for my comment so I can not expect you to have known I had no nefarious intent and was predominantly a joke.

Sorry Sugar :(

x trash
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Trashley Markwood

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By Sugar
#4023 Thanks for taking the time to write this. I won't be as eloquent or in depth. but my response is as follows.

I was annoyed with the challenge in general, sometimes the jibber jabber goes on too long. I was unaware that the Gdoc was a cheating tool anyway, I know that as a group you guys try and do what is fair. I feel like my group didn't clearly understand the rules and to lat erbe labeled "cheaters" by Varner kinda pissed me off, joke or not. So I chose to defend my team by mentioning the previous Gdoc I found from a challenge I was not a part of merely as a counter point.

I really only took offense to your joking about my credibility due to the timing and the way it was done (and really you saw it, so glass houses hun)
anywho, you know you're my second favorite host. the thread in which my gameplay may have been hurt was removed anyway. and for anybody who did see it I played my own defense with.

Ultimately, you were an ass, I was an ass. it happens....no hard feelings. Sorry for any annoyance I may have caused you
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