Partner Immunity Talisman

Congratulations! You and Flicka were the last partnership standing! As a result, you are both receiving individual immunity necklaces to be used up to and through the final 5.
You must play them at the beginning of Tribal Council within the first 5 minutes. You may also play them on someone else during that window.
If you wish to give them away before hand, you must specify so here. After posting that you have given it away you are no longer in control of the idol and cannot get it back unless it is given back by its new owner.

You must play them at the beginning of Tribal Council within the first 5 minutes. You may also play them on someone else during that window.
If you wish to give them away before hand, you must specify so here. After posting that you have given it away you are no longer in control of the idol and cannot get it back unless it is given back by its new owner.