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Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:02:22 am
by Stephannie Favor
Final 7! icon_mml
So it looks like you and Flicka are the last group standing and will be receiving the immunity talismans, congrats! Did you expect to be the final group when the partnerships were made?

We only have a few more rounds before the finale, do you think you'll be able to get from here to the FTC? What's your game-plan?

Who are your ideal people to be sitting next to at the end?

Re: Episode 15

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:12:07 am
by Sugar
I feel gross!!!!
The last time we had an obvious vote, everybody got really quiet and BOOM, Kelly went, I totally thought it was me tonight. whew!!!!

When Panda and I joined up, I had some regrets, like "ooh, this person is cooler" but the more time I spend with her the more "game love" I get for her. she keeps me sane, she's my rock, I couldn't have asked for a better partner. can't believe we pulled this off.

is my final 4 real? Mookie/Jenna/Panda??? not sure...but Shane is awesome and Gabe realizes it's time to jump ship so there are the end of the day I just want to do what's best for Panda and I, we might have Immunity things...but we're not done yet.

If the final could be me/flicks and Jenna, that might be fun I'll even be ok if it's flicks/Mookie and Jenna. this has been one helluva ride!!!!