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Final Tribal Council Jury Statement

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:09:15 pm
by Kelly
Hey guys! Congratulations on making it to the end, I'm thoroughly impressed with the three of you sitting there. I honestly have no hard feelings in terms of how it all went down and I do believe all three of you deserve to be sitting there in the final 3.

Mookie, we were from the same tribe from the very beginning, I always enjoyed working with you and getting to know you as well you're a great player. I'm sorry about the loss in your family that I heard about. I hope you're ok. I loved learning about your dogs and geeking out on Game of Thrones and Star Wars. I'll be honest, I thought for sure you weren't gonna make it past final 4 since people seem to have targeted you as a potential threat after Sophie, I am really impressed that you got here. You found an idol once and played it when you had to but other than you were always fighting by the skin of your teeth, strategizing left and right to get you further in the game. I commend you for your gameplay and I do believe that, in the traditional sense, you are the rightful winner of this game.

Sophie, you were a beast throughout this whole thing. Very early on people had their sights on you, people wanted you gone desperately. You were the Parvati in Heroes v.s. Villains of this season where everyone just knew how dangerous a player you were and everyone wanted you gone so you had no choice but to play as hard as you can and damn if you didn't lay everyone's ship bare! You were the definition of unstoppable. You went straight for that public idol and you played the shit out of it and then right after that you went on what is probably the greatest immunity run of the whole game. As Probst would say, you were a legend. I think the entire jury was pretty much prepared to bow down to your amazingness until last night when for some reason, you took Mookie to the end. Let me put it this way, if you're Parvati, Mookie's the Sandra. This guy's been trying to take you down the entire game and he's someone a lot of people on the jury liked and worked with closely. I mean, Mookie never even won an immunity, he had to fight tooth and nail to get there so for you to take him to the final 3? That's a huge mistake, Huge.

And then we have Shane, people think you were mean, people think you were lazy, people even thought your were just a puppet. However, unlike the rest of the people on the jury, I actually quite like you. I mean, we go way back you and I. Most of the people here I don't think really respect your game but I do. Right from the merge you were up front about where you stood and who you were voting for. Some people need to play all the sides and lie, cheat and steal to make it far, others need to find idols and win every immunity challenge to make it. You didn't need to do any of that. You knew that these people would be trying to outplay each other left and right and you knew that you could be smarter than all that and just watch them all fall by the wayside while you remained outlasting all of us. A lot of people make a big play about playing this game with honesty but you're someone who, twice now has made it all the way to the end by being completely honest. In fact, this right now is a little bit of deja vu because we were in the exact same situation in season 4. I was in the jury and you were in the final 3. I don't know if you remember this, but I was the reason you lost that season because I didn't vote for you. It's taken me 8 years and an entire season built of Second Chances to realize that this Second Chance is for me to correct that mistake from 8 years ago. You may not win but damn it Shane, you have my vote tonight.