- Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:12:30 pm
Swap/Partner-Choosing RecapWith 20 people in the game, the tribes dissolved and the players were left in the arena to PM the other 19 players in order to choose a new parter to spend the rest of the game with, incentives being things like being able to swap and get immunity for swapping as well as immunity idols for the last pair remaining.
I think the strategy here is two-fold. If you're a gamer/threat with a high-profile, grab someone with a low-profile. If you're someone with a low-profile, grab one of the people with a high-profile. Two high-profile players make themselves bigger threats by association, two low-profile players remain too low-profile for my liking. Aim to have an average profile of somewhere in the middle.
In order of their announcements:
Jenna and
Sean - Jenna and Sean are a good pair of low-profile Jenna and somehow middle-profile Sean(? I feel like he belongs in high-profile, good for him). Jenna's treading new water here after surpassing her previous season of being the second boot and Sean is a wily, craft vet. Jenna comes from the Meku alliance (formerly known as "the punctual alliance") of herself, Marissa, Kelly, and Mookie. Sean comes from the LSD alliance from Kaikusi of Liliana, himself, and Diane. He spoke about how he also liked Sandra. Jenna is also involved, through Marissa, in an alliance with Sophie and Kim so it will be interesting to see if Sean is able to pull Jenna in and away from that other alliance, or if these two just work together in separate alliances and separate tribes. All in all, I like this pairing for both of them.
Gabe and
Kelly - Gabe and Kelly both seem like low-profile players here, despite being two of the more (hyper-)active posters and messagers. Gabe comes from the "Three Amigos" alliance from Waiwai of himself, Kimmi, and Ozzy and he also is cool with Sugar. Kelly comes from the Meku alliance of herself, Jenna, Marissa and Mookie. Gabe and Kelly quickly hit it off once their tribes dissolved and I see them continuing to get along really well though I am not sure either one of them has the influential powers to have much sway in bringing people in. I do like this pairing because of how well they were able to get along but I am a little worried about Kelly after she so quickly and hastily formed the punctual alliance in her old tribe.
Kimmi and
Sophie - Kimmi and Sophie are two high-profile players, Sophie much more so than Kimmi. Kimmi's coming from that "Three Amigos" alliance from Waiwai of herself, Ozzy and Gabe and she was also in good with Sugar and Kristina. Sophie's coming in from "Rupert's Angels" alliance from Pirai of Rupert, herself, Flicka and Kim and Artis thought highly of her too. Sophie also quickly connected to Marissa, as did Kimmi. This seems like it is easily the most well-connected pair. Sophie is very bullheaded so I am curious to see how often Kimmi will be willing to concede on things. I don't really like this pairing based on personality-meshing and I don't really like this pairing for either of them as it makes them both bigger threats than they already were. Mistake by both, I think.
Flicka and
Sugar - Flicka and Sugar are two kind of middle, kind of low-profile players - both could be categorized as either. Flicka's coming in as a member of "Rupert's Angels" alliance from Pirai of Rupert, herself, Sophie, and Kim. Sugar is coming in as part of "whywhy4life" which I think is her way of saying she liked and was in good everyone on Waiwai, but she wasn't in that tribe's core alliance. Sugar and Flicka are both people who seem to be able to get along with everyone but I am not sure either of these two are of the game-influential variety. They are both individually entertaining so they should be more entertaining together. I don't love the pairing but I don't hate it either.
Shane and
Kristina - Shane is ???-profile while Kristina has kept a low-profile thus far but I don't anticipate that remaining the case. Shane is coming in from Kaikusi actively hoping for a swap so he could jump ship. Kristina is coming in being on the outside of the core alliance of Waiwai. This swap came at a good time for both of them however I am completely unsure of what to make of it. It could be great, it could be awful, it could be anywhere in between. It all depends on Shane.
Artis and
Sandra - Artis is a low profile while Sandra is a mid-profile (similar to Sean, her profile is probably lower than I think it should be which is good for her) which I think makes for a good pair. Artis is coming from Pirai where he was the 5th wheel on the back of the car while "Rupert's Angels" ran the show. Sandra is coming in from Kaikusi where apparently she liked Liliana but I didn't get a good gauge of where her head was at beside the fact that she was fringely included or at least considered for the LSD alliance with Liliana, Sean, and Diane. I think this will turn out to be a pretty good pairing as Artis is a very calculating player and Sandra is a "wait and see" type player, so they should get on just fine. Artis was friendly with Rupert in Pirai and Sandra played with Rupert back in their previous season so they have some connections. I like this pair.
Liliana and
Mookie - Liliana is a mid-low profile that is playing as a high-profile (which is not so good), while Mookie is a mid-low profile player, making them a solid pair. Liliana is coming from Kaikusi as part of the LSD alliance of her, Sean and Diane as well as being well-trusted by Sandra and David. Mookie is coming from the Meku alliance of himself, Marissa, Jenna, and Kelly. I am not loving this match as they both seem a little bit reliant on other players and are mildly influential by themselves. It's an alright pairing, not great, not bad either.
Ozzy and
Diane - Ozzy, imo, is a mid-high profile while Diane has kept a low-profile so far. Ozzy is coming from Waiwai as part of the "Three Amigos" alliance of himself, Kimmi, and Gabe while being on ok terms with Kristina and Sugar. Diane was part of the LSD alliance on Kaikusi of herself, Sean, and Liliana and she seemed to be on just fine with Sandra. Ozzy quickly got on with Mookie during this no-tribe period but they decided to take their chances that they'd end up together on the same tribe rather than being partners (mistake, imo) while Diane had a few options and decided on Ozzy. I think they individually have a good amount of connections should they choose to connect to each other. I don't love this pairing but I do like it.
Marissa and
Kim - Marissa is a high-profile player while Kim is a low-profile player, making this a good match from the jump. Marissa and Kim apparently played together and were aligned in some form in Portugal and so they are re-connecting here. Marissa's coming from the Meku alliance of herself, Mookie, Jenna, and Kelly. Kim's coming from "Rupert's Angels" on Pirai of Rupert, herself, Sophie and Flicka. These two are probably the best pairing in the game if people don't target them for being from the same previous season. They have the Meku connections via Marissa who pretty much ran the Meku alliance while bringing in Sophie to make a larger alliance. It will be interesting to see who gets pulled where in this tug of war but I think this pairing made too much sense for both of them to pick anyone else. I like it a lot for both of them.
Rupert and
David - Rupert and David were the last remaining two on the board and so they will get paired up together. David is a low low-profile, I barely notice he's there. Rupert has kept a high-profile on the Pirai side but I think he is more of a mid, maybe mid-low profile player. David's coming in without much of a resume from Kaikusi, at least that I noticed. Rupert is coming in from "Rupert's Angels" from Pirai of himself, Sophie, Flicka, and Kim and was friendly with Artis. Rupert also is connected to Sandra through playing together back in the day. While David has been pretty quiet socially (to my knowledge), Rupert has been a social butterfly out of the gate. Being that this was the final pair on the board and they didn't choose it, I actually like it. I think Rupert needed someone more mid-profile and he and David together might be too low together but I think it will work out.
To summarize the pairings by former tribe:
David and
RupertDiane and
OzzyLiliana and
MookieSandra and
ArtisSean and
JennaShane and
Jenna and
SeanKelly and
GabeMarissa and
KimMookie and
Artis and
SandraFlicka and
SugarKim and
MarissaRupert and
DavidSophie and
Gabe and
KellyKimmi and
SophieKristina and
ShaneOzzy and
DianeSugar and