- Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:51:53 am
I don't know if this is the 2nd clue you have, but this is mine:
"You will find the riddles less of a mystery
Working Arms in Arms with your partner, side by side
Two pieces of one puzzle send you through history
But when in time does your idol hide?
Though times of unrest and trouble are not, here, scarce
The right one may benefit you at the least
The name of the lost ones, not far in the past
Will leave you sitting safely with your idol piece "
I have a thought here. I may be COMPLETELY off here, but one word in this clue is sticking out to me. The last word "piece".
"Will leave you sitting safely with your idol piece "
Do you think, and please tell me if you think I'm just flat out wrong here, but do you think there's a chance that my tribe gets a piece of the HII and your tribe gets another piece?
"Working Arms in Arms with your partner, side by side"
Maybe we need to pieces to make the idol? Because of the partner twist and my first clue is the right half of the Suriname coat of arms, maybe there's something to that? Why would it be phrased "idol piece"? Unless it was just for rhyming purposes? They said there was gonna be a crapload more twists this season, so what do you think?