The Bold and the Beautiful
By Trashley Markwood
Welcome Alumni, to Stranded in Suriname!

This season I will, for the fourth time, be running a live Fan Favourite tally to determine who, like Teresa, Sarah, Mia, Trashley, Vitinho, Varner and Jessica, are the viewers' choice for most entertaining player of the season!

We will be using an off-site player ranking - the links for which will be provided each round. Don't fret, those of you who do not wish to venture away from this place - you also have the option of providing a full ranking in the designated thread for the round.

To prevent double-up voters, we require off-site voters to provide their (Stranded) name as a means of identification. This will be run on an honour system. If we discover that anyone has been voting under another person's name, consider yourself barred from future FF participation.

Episode 8:
Immunity Challenge: Trivia
Swapped Pair: Flicka & Sugar
Tribal Immunity: Waiwai
Going to Tribal: Kaikusi
Idol Play: Liliana (wasted)
Eliminated: Ozzy

To proceed to the off-site voting arena for EPISODE 8 - click on the lovely picture below

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Trashley Markwood

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By English Fuckwit
#4111 From Sophie's confessional:

"Hell fucking no I haven't reached out to Lilliana about working with me. Did you like fall in a well or something? Lilliana is the epitome of a stupid little shit that somehow managed to make it far in her original season, but hopefully will make it to the end in this only to get like 0 votes lol. She's like a dirty mop. Fuck her."

Sophie is back to my number 1/2 (dat Mookie doe) and cringenado Liliana has sunk to the bottom (above borewhores David and Artis of course)
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English Fuckwit

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  • Posts: 35
  • Location: Dublin, Ireland