- Sat Nov 28, 2015 7:18:52 am
Hey Jenna. Hope you are enjoying your extra long break from challenges and all that.
How have you been feeling about the merge so far? How have you been getting on with your new tribe ? Do you have any thoughts about who could possibly be the first merge boot and what is your thought process for that?
Also, please size up your competition for me. How are you feeling about your chances of winning at this point in the game?
- Sun Nov 29, 2015 3:16:49 pm
Haha, bless your soul Jeff for realizing that challenges are the bane of my existence. They're my kryptonite. I've been loving this Shanksgiving break. I might have gained a pound or 12 but that's OK! It's all in the name of gratefulness.
Speaking of gratefulness, I'm so grateful I made the merge! I'M SO HAPPY (--Caryn)
Things are about to get pretty crazy, and I have no idea what's going on really. This round is like a tornado of loud people trying to act sneaky. Let's discuss in-depth, shall we?
First off, I'm glad things went smoothly with the Ozzy boot. I wasn't letting fellow Nepalian Kimmi get the heave ho any time soon, so I'm glad I could switch the target to Ozzy, even though Kelly and Liliana were both against it. And then I voted for him over Liliana because he threw my name out to Kim P as the alternate boot. Ozzy is an awesome guy, but the same thing will apply down the road in this season. If I catch wind of you throwing MY name out as a target...then you may as well already be dead in the water.
The merge has been going pretty well so far, I think. I've made a point out of messaging everyone in the game, because I'm not some cliquey loser who doesn't talk to people outside of my alliance. My social game is my strongest asset, and possibly my only asset given that I'm weak when it comes to challenges, and stoopid when it comes to strategy. So to me, forming bonds with everyone left in the game is crucial. I think this is a pretty good cast of people. You want to root for most of us, and then tell us to shut up and stop being so obnoxious 2 seconds later. That sounds like the makings of a good season to me.
I'm still trying to figure out who the first merge boot for me. I don't think anyone really wants to talk because we're all lethargic from the Thanksgiving holiday. However, the vote is an elephant in the room, and given that it's right after the challenge tonight, we have to burst that bubble eventually. So far, I've only heard a little bit about the vote. Marissa pointed out to Nookie's Nymphs that we don't always have to vote together, because we don't want people to fear us as a voting block. Obviously, even though they're all cool kids, I'll have to blindside Marissa, Kelly, and Mookie some time soon, because they're all threats to win in the end. I'm not gonna sit by idly and let them coast there. And whenever I do make a move against them, it's gonna have to be stealthy, and I'll need allies in my back pocket to do it, so there's another example of the social game helping me out. However, it's way too early to worry about that this round. So for now, they're just 3 of my tightest allies, and we're trying to figure out how this vote will go down.
Next, Sophie told me that she's feeling nervous, which makes sense. She's certainly...ahem...aggressive, so it's understandable that people would want to take her out. I don't think I want Sophie to go just yet though. She's entertaining, and entertainment value is obviously way greater than smart strategic moves. If I have to target her to save my own skin though, then so be it.
And finally, and most importantly, David told me that Liliana is trying to cobble up some rebellion in order to defeat the "cross-tribal alliance". This set off so many alarms in my head that it sounds like Jingle Bells in there. I'm almost positive that he's talking about the alliance Kim P. mentioned during her boot. Like, what the heck are you doing Liliana? First of all, I'm pretty sure every single person in this game is in a "cross-tribal" alliance after that swap. The 4 original tribes are gone, and new alliances have sprung up in their place. But even more strangely, assuming she means the Meku 4 and their partners, SHE'S A
PART OF THE ALLIANCE! She's Mookie's partner! So what is she doing? I considered booting her last round, but I kept her over Ozzy because HE seemed worried about the cross-tribal alliance too, and I thought I could trust Liliana as an ally. But if she's trying to stir up a movement against an alliance that includes me, then she doesn't know what she's getting herself into. Like I said, as soon as I hear a WHISPER that someone is targeting me, I'm going in with guns a'blazing. I'm confronting Lil about it now, and I won't be afraid to start a counterstrike against her.
Alright, onto your final question, Varner. Let me briefly size up my competition (and I mean briefly because I have a postlab to write):
Marissa: Obviously a huge threat. I'm really tight with her, and she repeatedly tells me that I'm the only one she trusts fully. She and her temper keep me sustained. However, she obviously has to go home some time down the road, because I feel she'll curb stomp me in the end.
Kelly: Everyone seems to want a slice of Kelly pie, and that makes sense. She's really likable, and she's got a good head on her shoulders. She's like a Mama Bear, and I'm one of her cubs. Again, she's awesome, but she needs to go home eventually.
Mookie: Nookie is a really cool guy. He's chill and laid back, and he's an OG Meku, so that's automatically +1000 points in my book. However, I know I'll have to be wary of any connections he may have formed over on the other tribe.
Gabriel: Gabe pretty much just trolls people and makes puns during serious moments, and that's EXACTLY the kind of person I get along with. I don't care what anyone says, puns are gr8. He's an original Waiwai, and I'm close with Kimmi and Sugar, so I'm hoping we can work together in this season.
Kimmi: Kimmi is fantastic, and I know her outside of the game. I want her to go far because why not? I know she might be a little bit nervous after the Ozzy blindside, so I need to make sure to calm her fears and let her know that I'm still protecting her best interests.
Sugar: All she ever really says to me is that I'm adorable, so...good job! Keep stroking my ego please. She seems a little put off by the Ozzy vote too, but I think she'll get over it. I heard she played an idol or something...? But now Sugar told me that it was Liliana that played an idol instead. I don't know. I'll figure this fiasco out eventually.
David: David has really grown on me. We pretty much only talk about the game, but he's a cool guy. I'm blessing his soul for telling me about Liliana's movement. I think I can trust David, and who knows? I may end up trying to go to the end with him, because it doesn't sound like he's made that many bonds with people.
Liliana: Until about 5 seconds ago, I thought Liliana was golden. I thought she would be a solid ally throughout the post merge. But now I'm a little more nervous. I like Liliana A LOT, but I'll quash any movement she's trying to stir up against me without a second thought.
Shane: Here's another fella who says what he wants to and doesn't care what other people think. I love that quality in a person. We haven't talked that much yet, and I know he's part of the Pirai empire, but if we get past that stage in the game, I could totally see us working together.
Sophie: Sophie is HILARIOUS, and she's a trainwreck too. That's my favorite kind of person. A+. I know I may have to vote her out soon because she's an uber threat to win, but I'll savor every second that she's still in the game as if I was enjoying the last Oreo in the box.
Flicka: She was on my tribe for about a day, so I don't know too much about her yet. She seems cool and real though, y'know? Like, Flicka seems pretty down to earth and willing to call it as she sees it. I have to keep her in the back of my mind throughout the season.
Artis: Artis is another OG Nepalian, which makes me happy. However, despite being on the same 2 seasons, I have yet to say a word to him. Fate has just torn us apart like that. We'll see how he is when he finally gets a chance to respond to my greeting PM. I remember hearing in the PW Lounge that he was basically a robot put into a human body, so I can't wait to meet Artis the calculator.
As for my chances of winning the game? At this point, I have no idea. I'd say about so-so right now. I think I have the social game to drum up a little bit of support in the end, but that's not enough to win it all. To get to the end, first I have to squeeze into the right alliances. I gotta play with the structure of the tribe like how you play with Play-Doh. I need to make sure I'm not the one in an alliance that will be the first target, and so far, I think that's working out pretty well for me. But of course, not being the biggest threat in an alliance won't get you the win. I've got good bonds with people, but don't think that means that I'll be afraid to blindside my fellow castaways when the time comes. I completely separate my emotions and friendships from the game, and I'm not gonna have some whack moral crisis storyline. I'll vote out whoever I need to vote out, and I'll try to do so from a seat of power. If I manage to control who goes home and when, maybe the jury would be willing to vote for lil' ol' "adorable" Jenna in the end. Just maybe.
Stay tuned for more of the Jenna Roller Coaster Experience.
Jeff Probst wrote:Questions to come.
Merge Baby!!!
Jeff Varner wrote:Hey Jenna. Hope you are enjoying your extra long break from challenges and all that.
How have you been feeling about the merge so far? How have you been getting on with your new tribe ? Do you have any thoughts about who could possibly be the first merge boot and what is your thought process for that?
Also, please size up your competition for me. How are you feeling about your chances of winning at this point in the game?
Haha, bless your soul Jeff for realizing that challenges are the bane of my existence. They're my kryptonite. I've been loving this Shanksgiving break. I might have gained a pound or 12 but that's OK! It's all in the name of gratefulness.
Speaking of gratefulness, I'm so grateful I made the merge! I'M SO HAPPY (--Caryn)
Things are about to get pretty crazy, and I have no idea what's going on really. This round is like a tornado of loud people trying to act sneaky. Let's discuss in-depth, shall we?
First off, I'm glad things went smoothly with the Ozzy boot. I wasn't letting fellow Nepalian Kimmi get the heave ho any time soon, so I'm glad I could switch the target to Ozzy, even though Kelly and Liliana were both against it. And then I voted for him over Liliana because he threw my name out to Kim P as the alternate boot. Ozzy is an awesome guy, but the same thing will apply down the road in this season. If I catch wind of you throwing MY name out as a target...then you may as well already be dead in the water.
The merge has been going pretty well so far, I think. I've made a point out of messaging everyone in the game, because I'm not some cliquey loser who doesn't talk to people outside of my alliance. My social game is my strongest asset, and possibly my only asset given that I'm weak when it comes to challenges, and stoopid when it comes to strategy. So to me, forming bonds with everyone left in the game is crucial. I think this is a pretty good cast of people. You want to root for most of us, and then tell us to shut up and stop being so obnoxious 2 seconds later. That sounds like the makings of a good season to me.
I'm still trying to figure out who the first merge boot for me. I don't think anyone really wants to talk because we're all lethargic from the Thanksgiving holiday. However, the vote is an elephant in the room, and given that it's right after the challenge tonight, we have to burst that bubble eventually. So far, I've only heard a little bit about the vote. Marissa pointed out to Nookie's Nymphs that we don't always have to vote together, because we don't want people to fear us as a voting block. Obviously, even though they're all cool kids, I'll have to blindside Marissa, Kelly, and Mookie some time soon, because they're all threats to win in the end. I'm not gonna sit by idly and let them coast there. And whenever I do make a move against them, it's gonna have to be stealthy, and I'll need allies in my back pocket to do it, so there's another example of the social game helping me out. However, it's way too early to worry about that this round. So for now, they're just 3 of my tightest allies, and we're trying to figure out how this vote will go down.
Next, Sophie told me that she's feeling nervous, which makes sense. She's certainly...ahem...aggressive, so it's understandable that people would want to take her out. I don't think I want Sophie to go just yet though. She's entertaining, and entertainment value is obviously way greater than smart strategic moves. If I have to target her to save my own skin though, then so be it.
And finally, and most importantly, David told me that Liliana is trying to cobble up some rebellion in order to defeat the "cross-tribal alliance". This set off so many alarms in my head that it sounds like Jingle Bells in there. I'm almost positive that he's talking about the alliance Kim P. mentioned during her boot. Like, what the heck are you doing Liliana? First of all, I'm pretty sure every single person in this game is in a "cross-tribal" alliance after that swap. The 4 original tribes are gone, and new alliances have sprung up in their place. But even more strangely, assuming she means the Meku 4 and their partners, SHE'S A
![icon_censored icon_censored](./images/smilies/icon_censored.gif)
Alright, onto your final question, Varner. Let me briefly size up my competition (and I mean briefly because I have a postlab to write):
Marissa: Obviously a huge threat. I'm really tight with her, and she repeatedly tells me that I'm the only one she trusts fully. She and her temper keep me sustained. However, she obviously has to go home some time down the road, because I feel she'll curb stomp me in the end.
Kelly: Everyone seems to want a slice of Kelly pie, and that makes sense. She's really likable, and she's got a good head on her shoulders. She's like a Mama Bear, and I'm one of her cubs. Again, she's awesome, but she needs to go home eventually.
Mookie: Nookie is a really cool guy. He's chill and laid back, and he's an OG Meku, so that's automatically +1000 points in my book. However, I know I'll have to be wary of any connections he may have formed over on the other tribe.
Gabriel: Gabe pretty much just trolls people and makes puns during serious moments, and that's EXACTLY the kind of person I get along with. I don't care what anyone says, puns are gr8. He's an original Waiwai, and I'm close with Kimmi and Sugar, so I'm hoping we can work together in this season.
Kimmi: Kimmi is fantastic, and I know her outside of the game. I want her to go far because why not? I know she might be a little bit nervous after the Ozzy blindside, so I need to make sure to calm her fears and let her know that I'm still protecting her best interests.
Sugar: All she ever really says to me is that I'm adorable, so...good job! Keep stroking my ego please. She seems a little put off by the Ozzy vote too, but I think she'll get over it. I heard she played an idol or something...? But now Sugar told me that it was Liliana that played an idol instead. I don't know. I'll figure this fiasco out eventually.
David: David has really grown on me. We pretty much only talk about the game, but he's a cool guy. I'm blessing his soul for telling me about Liliana's movement. I think I can trust David, and who knows? I may end up trying to go to the end with him, because it doesn't sound like he's made that many bonds with people.
Liliana: Until about 5 seconds ago, I thought Liliana was golden. I thought she would be a solid ally throughout the post merge. But now I'm a little more nervous. I like Liliana A LOT, but I'll quash any movement she's trying to stir up against me without a second thought.
Shane: Here's another fella who says what he wants to and doesn't care what other people think. I love that quality in a person. We haven't talked that much yet, and I know he's part of the Pirai empire, but if we get past that stage in the game, I could totally see us working together.
Sophie: Sophie is HILARIOUS, and she's a trainwreck too. That's my favorite kind of person. A+. I know I may have to vote her out soon because she's an uber threat to win, but I'll savor every second that she's still in the game as if I was enjoying the last Oreo in the box.
Flicka: She was on my tribe for about a day, so I don't know too much about her yet. She seems cool and real though, y'know? Like, Flicka seems pretty down to earth and willing to call it as she sees it. I have to keep her in the back of my mind throughout the season.
Artis: Artis is another OG Nepalian, which makes me happy. However, despite being on the same 2 seasons, I have yet to say a word to him. Fate has just torn us apart like that. We'll see how he is when he finally gets a chance to respond to my greeting PM. I remember hearing in the PW Lounge that he was basically a robot put into a human body, so I can't wait to meet Artis the calculator.
As for my chances of winning the game? At this point, I have no idea. I'd say about so-so right now. I think I have the social game to drum up a little bit of support in the end, but that's not enough to win it all. To get to the end, first I have to squeeze into the right alliances. I gotta play with the structure of the tribe like how you play with Play-Doh. I need to make sure I'm not the one in an alliance that will be the first target, and so far, I think that's working out pretty well for me. But of course, not being the biggest threat in an alliance won't get you the win. I've got good bonds with people, but don't think that means that I'll be afraid to blindside my fellow castaways when the time comes. I completely separate my emotions and friendships from the game, and I'm not gonna have some whack moral crisis storyline. I'll vote out whoever I need to vote out, and I'll try to do so from a seat of power. If I manage to control who goes home and when, maybe the jury would be willing to vote for lil' ol' "adorable" Jenna in the end. Just maybe.
Stay tuned for more of the Jenna Roller Coaster Experience.
- Sun Nov 29, 2015 3:21:07 pm
Oh, Liliana just said that the group she's forming is just to take out Sophie, lolz. I'm still suspicious though. I can't take her word for it. I'm gonna have to keep an eye on things.
- Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:05:51 am
I'm voting Sophie tonight, which pains my chest. It's just not the time to make waves. However, the Liliana/Mookie duo is crazy powerful, and that scares me. Something will have to be done about that soon.
- Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:21:51 am
I'm done with this
Clearly no one respects me, so I'm gonna destroy everyone, and then dance in their ashes.
No Pirai is going home next round. All these
needling questions have brought out the beast within. Buckle up.
![icon_censored icon_censored](./images/smilies/icon_censored.gif)
Clearly no one respects me, so I'm gonna destroy everyone, and then dance in their ashes.
No Pirai is going home next round. All these
![icon_censored icon_censored](./images/smilies/icon_censored.gif)
- Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:46:48 am
I think I want to target Liliana or Mookie next. Pirai is no threat any more. The world is against them.
- Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:52:10 am
That was officially the last straw
Kelly and Marissa seem equally blindsided
Everyone else is going down, and I don't care if I sink with the ship.
That was officially the last straw
Kelly and Marissa seem equally blindsided
Everyone else is going down, and I don't care if I sink with the ship.
- Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:53:11 am
Dang, this is tough. I feel like David is one of the only people I can beat in the end, at least at this point. But Kimmi is Kimmi.
- Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:56:07 am
Eh forget it
I'm not giving into Liliana's demands. I probably won't win this season anyway, so I'm gonna make everyone else suffer.
I'm not giving into Liliana's demands. I probably won't win this season anyway, so I'm gonna make everyone else suffer.
- Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:06:22 am
I really hope Kelly and Marissa find their balls and vote for David too. I'm done being lied to.
Sorry I sound really aggressive right now, here's a cute puppy.
Sorry I sound really aggressive right now, here's a cute puppy.