6th Place | Voted Out 3-(3)
By Nate Gonzalez
#4605 Hey Sugar, N8 the Gr8 No H8 without Hesit8tion here,

So, that was a tribal council.

1. How do you feel about David going?
2. How do you think the PII changes the game?
3. What do you think is going to happen going forward?
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Nate Gonzalez

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By Sugar
#4652 David going is irrelevant to my game, nice guy just don't need him to be here.
another idol????really fucking annoying that's what it is

Shit is gonna hit the fan, Shane is throwing down the gauntlet whether it changes anybodys mind or not, there are 2 sides in this game and until both Lil and Sophie are gone they are gonna control the tempo
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