- Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:44:58 am
Stephannie Favor wrote:well, that was a tribal council. here's your confessional, please tell me everything
And if you're wanting some explicit questions to answer, here are a few:
1. How do you feel about David going?
I was very happy with it! Finally the person I put my vote on went home! It was a very exciting time and represents a new point in my life in this game. or some shit like that. but yeah i had no connection to him.... he was seemingly a dud in the expanse of the 13 people that made it to the merge, and that was the person that i wanted out at the merge, instead of a huge target. it took a couple tries to get there, but finally david left, lmao.
2. How do you think the PII changes the game?
it doesnt. not right now at least. sophie is playing it tonight, everyone knows she's playing it tonight, and that's that.... if there are more public idols after tonight, then that could be a different story. it just depends on who gets it and what position they're in in the game. sophie, for example, always seems to have her neck on the chopping block now... thanks to me sort of opening peoples eyes to her being a target... and then also me sort of retracting on that and rebuilding a relationship with sophie that includes genuine trust, honesty, and loyalty. but the public idol doesnt change anything unless there's one after the one that's used tonight...
3. What do you think is going to happen going forward?
i think that i'll probably still be a question mark in some peoples minds but will hopefully be a solid PERIOD in other peoples minds... that's sort of a theory i've been having on this game... and picturing different people as punctuation marks. it's mostly just people being either question marks, periods, or exclamation points... which i think are pretty obvious things. some people to me are question marks... i don't really know where they stand. periods are the people that i'm solid with and have faith and loyalty in... and assume they have the same level back. exclamation points can also be good but just generally realize someone that is a threat to my game in the near future... and i'm always trying to figure out what the question marks are and eliminating exclamation points. tonight the exclamation point is liliana. hopefully in the future... people like mookie. flicka. jenna. and... more recently, possibly kelly will go. kimmi and sophie i see as people that will eventually need to go too....
that leaves me with who? sugar? marissa. shane. artis.
hmm... interesting
Trashley Markwood wrote:<3 What do you think of that tribal? Are you happy David is gone? :)[/quote[
i am happy that david is gone and what i make of that tribal is that we as game players are insufficient at covering all of our bases before a trbal and always seem to want to stir things up at least a LITTLE bit at tribal. but yeah im happy that david is gone
When do we get your next video?
tomorrow or maybe later tonight
What do you make of the idol clue?
I DONT KNOW! i think it has to do with the soil... maybe the maroons or some shit like that again. i need to look up saramaka things probably