By Stephannie Favor
#6002 Hey Shane!
Two idol plays in one tribal! Did you expect what happened tonight to have happened?

Getting closer to the end of the game, do you think you're building a strong enough resume to present to the jury if you do make it to FTC?

Did the immunity challenge tell you anything you didn't know about alliances and pecking orders?

And what is your plan moving into this next round?
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Stephannie Favor

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By Shane
#6022 Sophie was def always going to play hers. Didn't see Kelly playing hers though. It was so badass when she did it.

I don't think I'm building s strong enough case. I am HATED by the entire jury and will continue to be. I can make that my plea to stick around, everyone will want final 3 with me there. I don't have a shot at winning but I'll try to make some big moves regardless.

The immunity challenge basically saw Sophie and Artis get knocked out and the rest didn't matter. I think that if you're not Sophie or Artis then it didn't matter.

My plan is to call Sophie out in public. I'm going to try to avoid all the drama and squabbling this time around. Fuck Sophie. She's a goner.
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