6th Place | Voted Out 3-(3)
By Stephannie Favor
#6011 Hey Sugar!
Two idol plays in one tribal! Did you expect what happened tonight to have happened?

Getting closer to the end of the game, do you think you're building a strong enough resume to present to the jury if you do make it to FTC?

Did the immunity challenge tell you anything you didn't know about alliances and pecking orders?

And what is your plan moving into this next round?
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Stephannie Favor

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By Sugar
#6041 Oh HI!

I knew Sophie was gonna play hers last fricking second and then throw a pout if a host said anything about the deadline. weird right?
Kelly told me she was playing her idol maybe an hour before tribal, so I had that covered too

I'm "building my resume" in a much different fashion. I'm obvi likeable as all hell so I got that covered. But now it's all about Tribal, aside from Shane nobodys gonna call Princess out on her BS....so I make a point of doing it.....LOTS, thus making the jury love me more.

Princess got lucky and took me out, it might've been more telling had she been wrong and Artis and Gabe went after me as well. I think our voting block just wants to get rid of Team Princess and then it might get uglier...but until then I'm pretty solid.

even when we do start "eating each other" my 4 way deal with Mookie/Kelly and my Panda will hopefully get me at least that far.

Being away from the game for so long, I honestly am surprised at how far I've gotten on virtually my likeability alone....as long as I out last Sophie, I think I'll be pretty happy about how this game has gone for me, now is that the "best" attitude to have Hell Nah! I should be cut throat, but coming in to this game I was more worried about whether or not the game had passed me by than how far I 'd get...at this point every place up that ladder is a gift.

Thanks so much for having me back after all this time
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By Jeff Probst
#6043 <333 aw i love you girl!

So are you worried about being seen as "just likable" and a floater if you do make it to the final 3? How are you gonna prove to the jury that you got game too?
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Jeff Probst

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By Sugar
#6046 I'm kinda worried about it, I'm kinda hoping my public lippyness shows the jury that I'm not afraid to speak my mind which should count for something. I mean ultimately I could lie my ass off and say that Panda and I have been running this game since the birth of our partnership but that's not really my style.

I gotta say that if the final 3 is any combo of me/panda/Kelly/mookie I'm just going to be happy that somebody "cool" won...cheesy yes, but hey you know me...I'm kinda cheesy :)
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