5th Place | Voted Out 3-2
By Stephannie Favor
#6491 Well well well, hopping into the later stretch of the game!
We saw it at the challenge: discussions about goats and threats is becoming more and more common. Of course the most important thing for you to do is get to the end and win - how are you going to do that?

Do you think you have a good shot at making it to the end, or are there a lot of obstacles in your way? What are the obstacles? Who do you need to get rid of so that you're sitting there at the final tribal council?

Was the immunity challenge tonight telling, or was it just more of what you already knew?
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Stephannie Favor

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By Flicka
#6525 Although a war was ended and a land claimed through accord,
The journey wasn't smooth, they had to fight for their reward.
Go back again, into history, to find the safety you desire.
Be quick and clever, survivor, there's an idol to acquire.

Juts a place to put the clue
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By Flicka
#6569 This is bizarre, but I feel like a huge asshole for voting Kelly out. She's the only one so far that I feel genuinely shitty about voting out. I feel so bad for some reason. I never promised her I wouldn't vote her out or made plans to go to the end with her or anything, but I just feel like cabbage crap. icon_weep

Obviously, she was a threat to win which is the only reason I did it, but it sucks knowing that my vote is potentially the vote that caused her to go. I feel like I killed a puppy or some shit.

That picture I made of me, her, Sugar and the cantaloupe is just a symbol of my betrayal now. (I have to be the first person in history to say that sentence.)

I'm sorry, Kelly. icon_cry
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By Flicka
#6616 Breakdown of what's to come (hopefully):

So we're at the final 8 now.

Scenario 1: Sophie does not win immunity. Sophie is nearly unanimously voted out. May be a bit of a stretch, but everyone knows that Sophie would win against any of the other 7 in the final 3. As a result, myself & Sugar will be the last pair of partners and then we're both guaranteed at least final 6 due to the immunities we will receive.

Scenario 2: Sophie wins immunity. Most likely Kimmi or Gabe will be voted out because they are the next biggest threats. People may consider Sugar since she too is a threat, but everyone knows if Sugar gets voted out, then Sophie & Kimmi will get the immunities for being the last pair of partners left and no one wants that. Everyone would prefer me and Sugar to be the last pair, which is great for us.

Scenario 3: Sophie does not win immunity, but has found the hidden immunity idol and plays it, saving herself and effectively voting out Sugar to make Sophie/Kimmi the last pair of partners. This is worst case scenario, but I would still be in the game. I can't imagine I would be voted out over Sugar.

Now, let's assume scenario 1 happens because it's the easiest one to follow and the one I want to happen the most.

Me, Sugar, Gabe, Shane, Jenna, Kimmi & Mookie will be the final 7. Myself and Sugar would be stupid not to play the immunities we would receive. So, assuming we'd both use them, Gabe or Kimmi would most likely be voted out. This isn't even including the scenario of me or Sugar winning immunity and not needing to use the partner immunity.

Ideally, Kimmi would be voted out. This would leave me, Sugar, Gabe, Shane, Jenna & Mookie in the final 6. This would be great because there would still be Gabe around to vote out because he is very likable and could easily win. It also leaves Mookie and Sugar to be voted for because they are also perceived as threats to win. I would guess that Shane, Jenna and myself are seen as the least deserving or goats or whatever, but that could change. Well, it could change for me and/or Jenna. Not Shane.

I could be wrong about the way people are perceiving me on the jury and I hope I am, but I think I'm not seen as a big player. BUT, in a final 3 of me, Shane and Jenna, I think I'd be seen as the best chance to win.

The only person I know I would lose against 100% is Sophie. I feel like any other two people that would be with me in the final 3, I have at least a decent chance with and even if I don't, I feel like I could make a jury speech and answer questions that would at least put me in a much better spot. I can be very persuasive. icon_wink

IN CONCLUSION, BITCHES, I honestly think I'm good for the next two votes. I could of course be wrong and I could get voted out next for whatever reason, but I think I'm a lock for the final 6 right now. Beyond that, I'd have to do some work. This would be the ideal boot order for me:

F3- Flicka, Jenna, Shane

PS: No luck on that idol yet. Clue is as vague as Andy Dick's sexuality, but I'm gonna keep looking for that mofo. Not so much because I would have it, but just to know that no one else has it.
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By Flicka
#6618 I'm trying to look at this from everyone else's perspective in the game. I don't think it would really benefit anyone's game getting rid of me before Sugar. From my point of view, anyway, Sugar is playing and good game. She does well in challenges, she's somewhat likable, she hasn't received a vote yet, to my knowledge (at least since the merge) and it doesn't look like she's made many enemies on the jury.

Of course, if Sugar happens to win immunity then I could be screwed.
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