By Stephannie Favor
#6504 Well well well, hopping into the later stretch of the game!
We saw it at the challenge: discussions about goats and threats is becoming more and more common. Of course the most important thing for you to do is get to the end and win - how are you going to do that?

Do you think you have a good shot at making it to the end, or are there a lot of obstacles in your way? What are the obstacles? Who do you need to get rid of so that you're sitting there at the final tribal council?

Was the immunity challenge tonight telling, or was it just more of what you already knew?
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Stephannie Favor

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By Sophie
#6574 I seriously don't even know how I'm still here. I think the clutch immunity wins are definitely helping. I would hope that I wouldn't have gone if I had lost, but I'm not that dumb, and know that there would've been a pretty significant chance of someone flipping to get me out.

My plan right now is to go after Flicka as hard as I can, or at least one of those two. I need to get that idol or nobody gets that idol, because having two idols released in to the game is SERIOUSLY dangerous and it's pretty scary that by the end of the next round, Sugar and Flicka could have them ://///
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By Sophie
#6634 Okay so I really need to figure out a way to get this necklace. But it's not going to be easy, especially since right now, Shane is firmly against me and I need him back with me. How to do that? No clue.
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By Sophie
#6881 Well, Kimmi just literally fucked herself.
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