6th Place | Voted Out 3-(3)
By Stephannie Favor
#6505 Well well well, hopping into the later stretch of the game!
We saw it at the challenge: discussions about goats and threats is becoming more and more common. Of course the most important thing for you to do is get to the end and win - how are you going to do that?

Do you think you have a good shot at making it to the end, or are there a lot of obstacles in your way? What are the obstacles? Who do you need to get rid of so that you're sitting there at the final tribal council?

Was the immunity challenge tonight telling, or was it just more of what you already knew?
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Stephannie Favor

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By Sugar
#6534 UMMM, I want to answer this in detail. but I need some time. if you want to do a legit back and forth about it please do.
reading my response to yesterday may be a better form of reference also....no thoughts on my speech at tribal???? c'mon man :)
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By Sugar
Stephannie Favor wrote:Your speech at tribal was great! icon_wub It was too bad nobody seemed to jump onto it. Do you think making the speech is going to hurt/help your game at all?

I talked to Kimmi, she understands that I have to play the game. which is good cause I like her.
I think there's a combo of reasons that I'm gonna be a target. Flicks and I and K & S are the last partners remaining and I'm the most vocal out of Flicks and I so that's another reason.

I hope that this all holds together, Kelly leaving really hurts our plans, But Mookie/Flicks and I are still solid in theory.

I don't get where peoples heads are at? "Kelly's in our alliance but hey shes a threat so lets get rid of her" so fucking stupid.....I mean get rid of a threat if you must, but not the one in your alliance dummies
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By Stephannie Favor
#6612 You said you see yourself emerging as a threat - do you have a plan in place to survive these next rounds then? What's the best thing you can do to be still in the game next round?
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Stephannie Favor

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By Sugar
#6628 it's all going to be very situational, Kelly knew she was going and didn't really fight till it was too late, I on the other hadn will have my brilliant wit at my disposal everyday if I must....plus again I'm adorable and hopefully after tonight, I'll be adorable with and idol :)
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