5th Place | Voted Out 3-2
By Stephannie Favor
#6987 Final 7! icon_mml
So it looks like you and Sugar are the last group standing and will be receiving the immunity talismans, congrats! Did you expect to be the final group when the partnerships were made?

We only have a few more rounds before the finale, do you think you'll be able to get from here to the FTC? What's your game-plan?

Who are your ideal people to be sitting next to at the end?
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Stephannie Favor

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By Trashley Markwood
#7039 So you're still looking for the idol? BTW a second clue was released. Do you think someone else will have found it before you (for not paying attention :o )
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Trashley Markwood

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By Flicka
#7047 First of all, why was the clue in the challenge? Why not a message like last time? Or at camp... or something! OH THE WASTED YEARS OF LOOKING WITH THAT CLUE!

Probably found due to my own incompetence, but I've been looking.

The two vessels part makes me think it has something to do with the P101 & P102 thingies.

My eyes are burning right now from not blinking and looking at my screen.

Wars, boats, wars, boats...
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By Flicka
#7050 It was the second which gave the land the Dutch claimed
Perhaps the second Anglo-Dutch War? Since the first clue mentioned war.

But another didn't relinquish its hold without fight
I'm thinking another piece of land that the Dutch conquered or took hold of and they fought back like a motherfucker.

In recognition of your answer, two vessels were named
Maybe the two boats of the Suriname military?

My brain is mooshifying.

Keep watch, Sail swiftly, your immunity is in sight.
Something to do with said boats.
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By Flicka

Wait, not an idol from this season? We didn't have an idol on the first day............right?
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By Trashley Markwood
#7053 No this current idol alol. The first night that first clue was up, one of the losers became a legend.

How's your hunt going? What've you been trying?
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Trashley Markwood

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By Flicka
#7054 Essentially every single word on every Wikipedia page I come across that has to do with Surinamese Wars, Dutch pieces of land, people that have to do with those wars and lands.

I feel like a fool. I feel like I've wasted time.

And now, a clue to the emotion that I am feeling right now:

I kind of want to die looking for this idol
Feeling hopeless and clueless like a dumb shit
This is starting to make me feel suicidal
Ready, my wrists are for a nice, good slit

Clue 2:
It's irritability.
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By Flicka
#7087 So it's looking like Shane and Jenna are down for a final 3 deal. I didn't even go to them, they came to me. They could be doing this to everyone, but I think Jenna know that her best chance at winning is against me and Shane. And Shane knows (or thinks) he can't win and he'd rather to to the end with me and Jenna because he likes us the best and would want one of the two of us to win.

This is pretty kickass. I don't know how well I would do against anybody aside from those two and this was my dream final 3. This seems very doable as well based on the amount of people left.
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By Flicka
Flicka wrote:this was my dream final 3.

Trashley Markwood wrote::) That's what your dream F3 was right?

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