- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:11:22 am
Sorry to rush, but we need to post lists like yesterday!
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:11:35 am
Ooooh! Good idea. Maybe have at least 2 people going after the highest number ball though but that depends on how many of us will be playing per round.
Artis wrote:If there are multiple balls at once we should have people targetting different things. So Flicka says her internet is fast, she should go for the highest number ball. I'll go for the lowest number ball since maybe if people are all doing the highest number I can get the lower number one while people are focusing on that.
Ooooh! Good idea. Maybe have at least 2 people going after the highest number ball though but that depends on how many of us will be playing per round.
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:11:52 am
I'm good with that. Rupert?
Sophie wrote:K we need three people. Artis and Kim have expressed some concern, so how about RUpert/me/flicka? w
I'm good with that. Rupert?
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:12:05 am
1. Sophie
2. Flicka
3. Rupert
Sound good to everyone? Kim and Artis? Sorry if I rushed on this, but we need to get this down! <3
2. Flicka
3. Rupert
Sound good to everyone? Kim and Artis? Sorry if I rushed on this, but we need to get this down! <3
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:12:35 am
Sophie wrote:1. Sophie
2. Flicka
3. Rupert
Sound good to everyone? Kim and Artis? Sorry if I rushed on this, but we need to get this down! <3
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:12:35 am
Looks like it's 3 people. So one high, one low, one person goes for the middle ball if it exists or doubles up on the high ball.
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:12:57 am
I feel pretty confident. So me?
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:13:45 am
You're on the list!
Again, sorry if I rushed, but she said 9:15 so I didn't think we had time to really talk this out much further, and I've seen what happens if teams take too long on this lol. But Artis has a great strategy for sure!
Again, sorry if I rushed, but she said 9:15 so I didn't think we had time to really talk this out much further, and I've seen what happens if teams take too long on this lol. But Artis has a great strategy for sure!
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:14:18 am
So I'll go after a lower number ball if there is one. I think you girls should go for the highest ball. If there are 3 balls should we have 2 go after the highest or have 1 automatically go for 1st and the other for 2nd (and then me 3rd)?
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:15:02 am
I'm all good! You got this guys!
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:15:05 am
I'll go for the three ball, Flicka you go for 2, and Rupert goes for 1? Sound good to you two?>
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:15:48 am
Alright, so I say Flicka gets high ball, Rupert gets low ball, Sophie goes for middle ball. If there's more than 3 balls then Sophie should go for second highest and after their first posts Flicka should go for #3 while Sophie does #4 and Rupert works his way up from the bottom, so second to last after last, etc. Sound good?
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:16:01 am
okay i'll go for the 3rd highest ball. but if we miss our balls remember to make sure to keep trying and get some ball posted!
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:16:26 am
Sounds good to me.
Sophie wrote:I'll go for the three ball, Flicka you go for 2, and Rupert goes for 1? Sound good to you two?>
Sounds good to me.
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:17:33 am
Yeah, this is a good point as well! Again, sorry if I was a bossy bitch when it came to getting people on the list, but I didn't want to get a penalty. Good luck team!
Rupert wrote:okay i'll go for the 3rd highest ball. but if we miss our balls remember to make sure to keep trying and get some ball posted!
Yeah, this is a good point as well! Again, sorry if I was a bossy bitch when it came to getting people on the list, but I didn't want to get a penalty. Good luck team!
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:18:00 am
My understanding:
Sophie goes after highest ball posted (so like "3" of 3, "5" of 5, etc.)
Flicka goes after 2nd highest ball posted (so like "2" of 3, "4" of 5, etc.)
Rupert goes after 3rd highest ball posted
Sophie goes after highest ball posted (so like "3" of 3, "5" of 5, etc.)
Flicka goes after 2nd highest ball posted (so like "2" of 3, "4" of 5, etc.)
Rupert goes after 3rd highest ball posted
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:18:31 am
I concur. Everyone should use this list, since like 3 of us posted a different order at once
Rupert wrote:My understanding:
Sophie goes after highest ball posted (so like "3" of 3, "5" of 5, etc.)
Flicka goes after 2nd highest ball posted (so like "2" of 3, "4" of 5, etc.)
Rupert goes after 3rd highest ball posted
I concur. Everyone should use this list, since like 3 of us posted a different order at once
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:18:50 am
If there is only 1 ball posted then we all of course post that ball. If it's 2 balls you 2 girls go after the highest ball and i will go after the 2nd.
- Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:20:52 am
Games on Rupert, stay out of this forum and just keep refreshing that challenge page
Rupert wrote:If there is only 1 ball posted then we all of course post that ball. If it's 2 balls you 2 girls go after the highest ball and i will go after the 2nd.
Games on Rupert, stay out of this forum and just keep refreshing that challenge page