The Out Jury
By Kimmi
Liliana wrote:I find it hard to drum up any sympathy for her.

I can, however, say that I feel bad for you because you were voted out just for partnering with her.

I don't blame you. You guys were pretty active enemies, and that's fine. I may have wanted her out but I still like her, and from a game perspective I just think it sucks to see someone who's struggled so much to get as far as they did to come so short. I will admit that part of me is ok with it just because I also don't like a predictable winner, though. I think we talked about that with Mike and World's Apart icon_laughing

And thanks, I appreciate the sympathy, lol. I honestly didn't expect so much trouble to come out of partnering with her.
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  • Posts: 543
By Kelly
Liliana wrote:Is Artis ever going to talk? I saw he was online for a bit, but then he left.

he probably hates us.
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By Kimmi
Liliana wrote:
Kelly wrote:
Liliana wrote:Is Artis ever going to talk? I saw he was online for a bit, but then he left.

he probably hates us.

I'm starting to think he actually does icon_laughing

He pretty much did the same thing when he got voted out of Nepal. Just ducked out and never really spoke again
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  • Posts: 543
By Liliana
#7360 i told you all and you didn't listen

we had a chance to weaken sophie and stop her from being immune and like every single tribal council. but no. you thought that sticking with that beast was a good idea. well, look what's happening! exactly what I told everyone what would happen.

still pissed that people flipped on that alliance. ugh
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  • Posts: 806
By Kelly
Liliana wrote:have to admit i like anti-sophie shane

Yeah, Shane's like the most straight-forward player in the game and he's been harping on getting rid of Sophie for forever.
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By Kelly
Liliana wrote:Jesus fucking christ gabriel. "I voted myself out because i didn't listen to sophie."

what the fuck is wrong with you?

that's exactly why I didn;t want to work with him all game, he worshipped Sophie's feet completely.
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By Gabriel
#7389 i did NOT worship sophie's feet. :/ ugh... i'm sorry you guys. dammit... i always take loss pretty hard. hope i can muster up the strength to stick it out in ponderosa.. by the looks of it, doesnt look like im gonna get a lot of love once i read through these threads, if i even do
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  • Posts: 690
By Kelly
Gabriel wrote:i did NOT worship sophie's feet. :/ ugh... i'm sorry you guys. dammit... i always take loss pretty hard. hope i can muster up the strength to stick it out in ponderosa.. by the looks of it, doesnt look like im gonna get a lot of love once i read through these threads, if i even do

no Gabe, you played a great game, and I still love you despite it all lol.
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