6th Place | Voted Out 3-(3)
By Jeff Varner
#7404 Hey Sugar, congrats on making the F6.

I'll keep it pretty simple for you here: with little game left to play, what's your plan to make it to the end? and what is your plan to win?

Also, please give me a status update. How do you feel about your place in the game?
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Jeff Varner

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By Sugar
#7414 Have you met me? I have no plan.

we have to get rid of Sophie tomorrow, then hopefully Mookie/Flicks and I will be final 3. All of my faith at this point is in other peoples hands. and Flicks is the only one I trust fully completely. Hopefully, I can win a couple challenges......if they stop being puzzles and word searches and other tech related foolishness!!!!

Give me a damn strategy game already!!!!!!
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