By Jeff Varner
#5439 Quick Round 11 Recap

Some intricate and detailed plans going down in this round. Kimmi won immunity for the second round in a row.

Artis, Flicka, Gabe, Jenna, Kelly, Kimmi, Marissa, Mookie, Shane, Sophie, Sugar
With Liliana leaving and Sophie having the public immunity idol, there was no clear cut next boot. Things were a bit messy following tribal council trying to figure out who is with who and who will be targeted next.

The Meku alliance finally got tired of Marissa's obvious attempts to keep Sophie in the game, so they decided it was time to cut her loose. Kelly came up with a three level plan to ensure someone she wants out goes home. Kelly's plan was to have her alliance vote for Marissa, but maintain in group chats that she was going along with Marissa's plan. Marissa's plan was to make Sophie believe the votes are coming in on her so that she plays the idol, but they vote out Flicka. Kelly had a handful of people willing and seemingly able to enact this plan, with Kelly and Mookie convincing about half of them to vote for Marissa and half voting Sophie, all of which trying to not let anyone not involved with the plans know what is going on.

This of course led to a lot of confusing PMs and a confusing lack of PMs, as certain people became very aware that they were being left out of something - namely Sophie. Others believe they are leading plans that aren't going to result in what they expect - namely Marissa. Others are going to be completely confused - namely everyone minus Kelly and Mookie.

With tribal council looming, the factions seemed solidified in who they were going to vote (or not vote, if you are Artis and you missed the tribal council and forgot to leave a pre-vote), it seemed like complete confusing trying to figure out who everyone else was going for.

Sophie, contemplating whether or not to play the idol or just bluff and not play it again like she did two tribal councils ago, pulled an Angie and gave the idol to Kimmi in private. Kimmi, meanwhile, was in on Kelly's plan all along and has shown no reluctance to vote Sophie out.

In a 4-3-3 vote, it was Marissa who was ultimately sent home. Sophie did not play her idol of course because she gave it to Kimmi. (Kimmi, Mookie, Shane, Sugar voting Marissa; Flicka, Jenna, Kelly voting Sophie; Sophie, Marissa, Gabe voting Flicka)

Artis was expected to vote for Sophie but he did not leave a pre-vote. On a re-vote, all of the Marissa votes would have gone onto Sophie because she had the public immunity idol (so they thought) and didn't play it. Sophie once again barely escaped elimination for probably the 4th time now.

Looking forward, Sophie is in the game but without a public immunity idol - but nobody knows that except for her and Kimmi. With the public immunity idol still being in play for yet another tribal council and no clear target, I would assume the 'usual suspects' that always seem to have their names thrown around (Flicka, Artis, Kimmi, Sophie) will continue to have their names thrown around. It will also be interesting to see how Sophie/Kimmi play this public immunity idol thing.

Idol update: Sophie gave the idol to Kimmi.
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Jeff Varner

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By Jeff Varner
#6021 Quick Round 12 Recap

I missed a good portion of this round so there won't be a ton of detail here.

Artis, Flicka, Gabe, Jenna, Kelly, Kimmi, Mookie, Shane, Sophie, Sugar
After Marissa left, everyone seemed to shift toward the same goal, although Gabe, being left out of the previous vote, was feeling left out.

Shortly after tribal council, Kelly found the idol. Gabe also found the idol about two minutes behind Kelly, so he knew it was found. Kelly denied denied denied and then only told Sugar. Also, Kimmi gave the idol back to Sophie. Sophie also learned that Kimmi is not really with her, nor is Shane.

The plan between most people remaining in the game was again to attempt to flush out the public idol so the votes were split between Artis and Sophie. Sophie used another one of her nine lives as had she not used her idol, she would have gone home on a re-vote as a literally last second vote switch from Jenna to Artis would have tied the votes. Instead, that last second vote switch prevented a tie between Artis and Jenna and sent Artis home in a 4-0-2 vote (Flicka, Kelly, Shane, Sugar voting Sophie; Jenna, Kimmi, Mookie, Sophie voting Artis; Gabe, Artis voting Jenna). Kelly also needlessly played her idol in this tribal council.

Looking forward, the hidden immunity idol was found and used and the public immunity idol was used. No more immunities out in the game except for the ones won in challenges. Without an idol, it seems like the votes will once again come in on Sophie unless she wins immunity.

Idol update: Sophie used the public immunity idol. Kelly found and used the hidden immunity idol.
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By Jeff Varner
#6511 Quick Round 13 Recap

Not a super exciting round here. A blindside turned into a "I know I'm going home" side and Kelly went home.

Flicka, Gabe, Jenna, Kelly, Kimmi, Mookie, Shane, Sophie, Sugar
With Sophie finally playing her public immunity idol, all eyes immediately returned to getting her out. That is, until Kimmi and others started eyeing Kelly as a potential target. The day went by as most of the tribe seemed set on Sophie, so set in fact that they didn't even bother coming up with a plan B.

Meanwhile, Kimmi, Sophie, Gabe needed two more to enact the plan and Flicka, Jenna and Mookie were the ones they talked to. Jenna and Flicka agreed to vote out Kelly while Mookie was hesitant. Sophie ended up winning immunity, and while she was unlikely to go home, it caused some last minute panic among those planning to vote her out. Shortly before tribal council, Kimmi approached Sugar and filled her in on the plan which caused Sugar to feel betrayed, attempting a last minute rally against Kimmi. She got some support but ultimately the team decided to put their votes on Gabe.

In tribal council, Kelly admitted that she knew she was going but didn't put up too much of a fight. I personally think she could've swayed at least Jenna back to her side which, either with Sugar's vote then or with Sugar's vote on a re-vote, would've been enough. Unfortunately it wasn't in Kelly's favor as she was voted out 5-3-1 (Kimmi, Sophie, Gabe, Flicka, Jenna voting Kelly; Mookie, Kelly, Shane voting Gabe; Sugar voting Kimmi).

Looking forward, Sophie seems to remain public enemy #1 however Kelly leaving opens up a wide variety of options for the players that she was previously holding together. Meanwhile, Sophie might be able to roll some momentum alongside the players who voted with her.

Idol update: none found.
Last edited by Jeff Varner on Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:14:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By Jeff Varner
#7028 Quick Round 14 Recap

I missed a good portion of this round also so there won't be a ton of detail here either.

Flicka, Gabe, Jenna, Kimmi, Mookie, Shane, Sophie, Sugar
With Sophie still as public enemy #1, it seemed to be Sophie against the world (or Sophie with Gabe rooting for her against the world, even). Everyone was planning to vote for Sophie had she lost immunity.

Sophie used up another one of her 9 lives as she once again won immunity. With only two pairs of partners remaining in the game (Flicka and Sugar, Kimmi and Sophie), and the fact that both members of the partnership that lasts the longest gets an immunity talisman (basically an immunity necklace), all eyes turned toward Kimmi to prevent Sophie from getting yet another round of immunity. Knowing full well she was a target because of the partner twist, Kimmi tried to pin the target on someone else who didn't have a partner (ie, not Flicka or Sugar) so that they could delay that decision a little longer, and posted a final plea to get rid of Shane in tribal council.

Unfortunately for Kimmi, it fell on deaf ears. Kimmi was voted out by a vote of 5-3 (Jenna, Mookie, Sugar, Shane, Flicka voting Kimmi; Kimmi, Sophie, Gabe voting Shane). And with that, Flicka and Sugar earned themselves an immunity talisman each for being the last partnership remaining.

Looking forward, Sophie is still the obvious target that everyone talks about voting out. Gabe could be in trouble because of being on the wrong side of the vote pretty much every time. Shane could be in trouble because of his public call out threads and the obvious fact that he himself admits to that he will be dragged to the final 3 as someone who won't win, occupying a spot that a competitor may want (see: Joe's plea; Survivor: Cambodia).

Talisman update: Sugar and Flicka both have one.

Idol update: none found.
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By Jeff Varner
#7445 Quick Round 15 Recap

A relatively boring day with easy plans resulted in a decently exciting tribal council.

Flicka, Gabe, Jenna, Mookie, Shane, Sophie, Sugar
With Sophie's partner, she was down a number and it once again seemed like Sophie (and Gabe) versus the world. The entire day was basically "wouldn't it be so great if Sophie were to lose immunity? ha ha ha ha... yeah..". Meanwhile, Sophie was working on getting people to flip to her side to try and chip away at the counter alliance. She was making some headway individually with both Flicka and Jenna, both of whom at least led her on that they were interested in working with her.

Immunity challenge appears and Sophie wrote in her confessional that she was writing herself off for winning the challenge, almost giving up when she has been the main target this entire merge. However when it became clear that most people in the challenge were not trying particularly hard, Sophie turned it on and gave a solid effort that almost gave her the win. It was Flicka however who pulled off the victory in this immunity challenge, leaving Sophie immune to be voted out for the first time in a few votes.

Everyone seemed to be prematurely celebrating their victory of taking down Sophie. Sophie was still pushing to try and get Flicka and/or Jenna to vote Mookie with her, but the two of them remained strong with the plan to get Sophie out now that they finally had the chance. Signs were pointing toward a sure Sophie boot.

That is, until mere minutes until Tribal Council began, Sophie pulled out yet another rabbit from her hat and found the hidden immunity idol (Gabriel, for the second time, found it seconds(!!) too late). Sophie played her idol on herself and negated all votes against her however Mookie and Jenna discussed splitting the votes on Gabe in case of a Sophie idol play, which ended up saving Mookie's ass. It was Gabe who ended up biting the bullet, with a final vote of 0-2-1 (Flicka, Shane, Sugar voting Sophie; Mookie and Jenna voting Gabe; Sophie voting Mookie). Also, Sugar used her partner talisman thing.

Also of note: Gabriel missed the voting period by over 1-minute. If he were to vote, and if he were to vote for Mookie, a tie-breaker likely would have sent Gabriel home. Gabriel instead intended to vote Sophie which would have been negated so it didn't end up mattering.

Looking forward, Sophie is still the obvious target that everyone talks about voting out (still). With only three people left to go, it's really an open game as to who will make the final three. Shane and Jenna both seem resigned to the fact that they will be taken to the end as goats, but at this point I don't think that is the case.

Talisman update: Flicka both have one. Sugar used hers in this round.

Idol update: Sophie found and played it in this round.
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By Jeff Varner
#7741 Quick Round 16 Recap

Last tribal council for idols and such to be played. Flashback to the time in Nepal where three idols were played in this round and only 2 people were vulnerable. Fun times.

Flicka, Jenna, Mookie, Shane, Sophie, Sugar
Stop me if you've heard this before.. the tribe was set to vote Sophie out if she lost immunity.

Without Gabe, it actually was Sophie vs. the world in this round. People made backup plans to vote either Sugar or Mookie out if Sophie lost. It seemed very undecided, with hopes that Sophie would lose and allow them to delay that decision.

It was not to be however, as Sophie once again saved herself with an immunity victory, beating Flicka by about 10 seconds. The tribe split up and started talking about who they prefer to be voted out, the names still being Sugar and Mookie as Flicka would be immune with her partner idol talisman.

Shortly before tribal, Mookie found the hidden immunity idol and ended up playing it on himself, negating three votes and avoiding a re-vote. Instead it was Sugar who bit the dust tonight, in a 0-3 vote. (Jenna, Mookie, Sophie voting Sugar; Flicka, Shane, Sugar voting Mookie). Flicka used her immunity talisman thing and was immune from the vote.

Looking forward, Sophie is still the obvious target that everyone talks about voting out (still, again). With only two people left to go, it seems to be a question of whether or not Sophie can pull it out, and if she can win immunity (which is a high %), then who between Flicka and Mookie will get booted before the finale, since Shane and Jenna both consider themselves to be goats with little chance to win --- so they say, but nothing would surprise me with this season.

The unnamed-but-consider-themselves-ftc-goats alliance Shane created a few rounds ago that consists of himself, Jenna and Flicka on the premise that they didn't think they could beat anyone left in the game except each other (I think this was formed before Kelly was voted out) stands a good shot of actually making the final 3 together if Sophie loses one of these next two challenges.

Talisman update: Flicka used hers.

Idol update: Mookie found and played it in this round.
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By Jeff Varner
#8093 Quick Round 17 Recap

Final 5

Flicka, Jenna, Mookie, Shane, Sophie
So, in a shocking turn of events, the tribe planned to vote Sophie out if she lost immunity. She won again for like the 100th time in a row. In the previous tribal council, Sophie decided to vote with Mookie (mostly because Sophie was immune), which ended up saving Mookie. Mookie claimed that he would vote with Sophie and not against Sophie this vote, but it didn't matter because she won.

The decision came down to Flicka or Mookie. Shane, Jenna and Flicka formed a "we're probably the worst so let's go to the final 3 together" alliance a few rounds ago and Mookie and Sophie were voting together.

On one hand, you could say it was a mistake that Flicka and Mookie didn't just vote together and take out one of the self-proclaimed goats to ensure one of them makes the final 3, and that the two of them who are each clearly better than Jenna or Shane (combined) in challenges face off against Sophie to give them a better shot at beating her. In my opinion, watching all of this go down, I don't think that would've worked. I think that Jenna and Shane vote together, likely still Mookie. If Flicka and Mookie vote together, they vote Shane or Jenna which is a 2-2 tie with Sophie's vote remaining. Between the two options, it would be silly for Sophie to keep someone who is a threat to beat her and a threat to win the challenges, so I don't think that would've worked unless they convinced one of Jenna/Shane to vote out the other.

As it turned out, Mookie and Sophie voted Flicka while Flicka and Shane voted Mookie. Jenna broke the tie with a vote for Flicka "because of the smilies", I assume were too positive in favor of Flicka. Flicka went home in a 3-2 vote (Mookie, Sophie, Jenna voting Flicka; Flicka, Shane voting Mookie)

Looking forward, Sophie is still the obvious target that everyone talks about voting out (still, again, still). One more person will go before we have our final 3. Jenna and Shane are likely voting Sophie out, Mookie and Sophie plan to vote together (so they say).

At this point, I'm thinking either Sophie or Mookie have the edge to win but it's just a matter of who gets there. But while the only constant in this game is that Sophie wins every immunity, I have no idea what will happen in any combination of finalists.
Last edited by Jeff Varner on Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:54:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By Mia Galeotalanza
#8109 I think Flicka played herself into a corner regardless of Sophie's immunity wins or not.

And thank you for these, they've been very helpful. I've not been around much for a while but They've helped me take time to stay on top of this game in the little free time I have. I'll post some cast reveal stuff later!
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By English Fuckwit
#8126 I'm pretty sure the jury votes for:

(big gap)

I don't think any combination will change that order. If Mookie were to be able to make the case against Sophie that just being immune all the time isn't good Survivor, he might be able to beat Sophie with a combination of that and bitter jurors. But the chances they'll both be there is pretty slim.

Personally, I've always thought that needing to win immunity meant you'd messed up somewhere along the way. If you need to win immunity every round since Final 12, you've not been playing an excellent game.
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By Mia Galeotalanza
Penner wrote:Personally, I've always thought that needing to win immunity meant you'd messed up somewhere along the way. If you need to win immunity every round since Final 12, you've not been playing an excellent game.

I don't disagree with this. Like if it was Cochran who was immune the whole time I'd probably be hella pissed. But I just love Sophie so much...

I should check myself.
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Mia Galeotalanza

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By Jeff Varner
#8142 I agree. I see relying on winning immunity as a crutch. I don't think winning immunity every round is a sign of good gameplay when, in cases like this season with Sophie, if she misses even just once and doesn't have a backup hidden immunity idol to save her, she goes home. I see immunity challenges in two lights: 1) winning it when you need it so that you get a chance to restructure your game when you would have otherwise gone home; 2) winning it so that the person you want to target doesn't win so you can vote them out.

Sure, Sophie fits in category #1 but she never really restructured her game/alliances in a way that would have kept her in the game if she ever lost, which is why I think they were just a crutch to keep her in longer and not a sign of any kind of winning gameplay. I also kind of feel like Sophie would agree with this. She knew she had to win and she won a lot, which deserves kudos for being so good at winning challenges but I don't think that translates to winning Survivor gameplay, like Penner said.

Also, I just wanted to say before the F4 immunity takes place:

I actually like Shane's game but only if Sophie is in the F3 with him. I think he unintentionally found himself in a weird but possibly winning position. I think that Shane has committed himself to being the anti-Sophie candidate and I think he could get a lot of votes in the same vein in Palau where Coby told Katie that he is not voting for her, but against Tom. I think that people on the jury could read Shane's name as "NOT SOPHIE" and vote for him because of that and not because of anything he's done to earn it on his own. If Sophie is not in the F3 with him, I don't like Shane's chances nearly as much.

I'd personally rank the F4 in terms of winning as Mookie > Sophie > Shane > Jenna, with Shane only edging out Jenna because of the potential for a 'vote for the worst' scenario but I wouldn't be surprised at all to see Jenna pull out a win.
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By Jeff Varner
#8193 I'm not sure if we're doing a cast reveal + host comments or not, so maybe this will be what I use for them or maybe this will be something different.

Jim - ...

Carl - If only you had more time to play, I think you could've done pretty well. In the 6 hours that you actually played, you made a pretty good impression on your tribe and probably found yourself in the core of that alliance. Unfortunately you could only show up for 6 hours so you turned out to be an easy boot for them.

Yau-Man - I'm still not sure if you showed up past day like 3. Ozzy tried to get you into an alliance but I don't think you ever came back which made it an easy boot for your tribe. I was hoping for some Yau-Man antics like taking the public immunity idol in Faroe Islands, but we really got nothing here except for an easy boot for the Waiwais.

John - Your boot was the first boot that wasn't specifically because of inactivity/not showing up, because you actually showed up for things unlike the first 3 boots. Unfortunately you were the least active and the last to show up on a tribe that had some active players on it, all of whom formed an alliance before you even showed up. I would've liked to see you play more, both in placement and in activity levels.

Sandra - You went home way too early. I honestly don't think your boot was a result of anything you did wrong. Mookie's tribe divisions made Kaikusi the minority on both tribes and you just so happened to be the most competent Kaikusi on your tribe, which made you the biggest threat when the game turned away from 'boot inactives'. I think it's totally fair to think that you got swapfucked and I would've liked for you to have lasted longer. I think you could've done really well.

Diane - I was enjoying watching you play in the early days of the original Kaikusi tribe. Unfortunately, Mookie set the tribes up so the Kaikusis were the minority on both tribes. Your back was up against the wall and you had to do something, however your something was messaging Sophie about potentially getting rid of one of her allies, Kim, which was not really a smart move. I don't think it significantly hurt your game because the Kaikusis on Waiwai were doomed from the swap but I think it put you first in the firing line. Again, I'm not sure there was anything that you could've done to save yourself on new Waiwai once the Pirai alliance scooped up Shane.

Kristina - I think I remember you having some lulls in activity. Unfortunately for you, Kelly wanted to fracture the Waiwai alliance on Kaikusi and voted for Ozzy to go home in the first TC. Your prior relationship with David made it incredibly easy to create a believable lie, that you were working with David. So believable that your tribemates all turned on you thinking you turned on them first, and you went home probably without even knowing what happened.

Sean - Like Diane before you, the Kaikusis on new Waiwai were doomed from the swap. You were making some progress on forming solid bonds with people like Artis and Gabe (iirc) but unfortunately for you the dominant Pirai alliance wasn't budging from their original plans to boot all the non-Pirais except for Shane. I don't think there was much you could've done to save yourself short of winning all of the immunities or finding all of the idols.

Kim - It always seemed like you had the lowest profile and maybe were the least active of the Pirai tribe. When you swapped tribes with Marissa, I thought your planned cross-tribal alliance bonds would have been enough to keep you in. Unfortunately for you, the Pirai alliance was too big of a threat to allow to keep together and you were in the vulnerable position of being the only Pirai on the Kaikusi tribe. You blowing up the cross-tribal alliance in your final moments had lasting impacts on the game and really shook things up, so props on going out with a bang.

Rupert - I was actually really enjoying watching you in the early days of Pirai, easily one of my favorites. When the swap happened, the combination of you finding yourself in a dominating alliance and your constant need of reassurance and advice from Sophie made your charm begin to wear a bit thin. Your removal from the game was sudden, but it did sort of work as poetic twist of fate, where you figuratively fell on your sword to prevent your closest ally and mentor in the game from going home, even though that wasn't the reason you left. Hope all is going well.

Ozzy - Coming into this game, you were an unknown that not a lot of people had on their radars. I thought you could be a darkhorse because of that, with literally no track record for others to learn about you. Throughout your game, I couldn't help but notice similarities between you and my game in Nepal, even becoming close allies with my close ally. You made quick work of the Waiwai alliance and found yourself at the top, then also found yourself in a good position in the Kaikusi tribe. Unfortunately for you, the cross-tribal alliance allegations against Kimmi were enough to cause distrust within your alliance and you ended up going home tragically before your time. I still maintain you would have won if you made the merge.

David - I don't know what to make of this. You were so under the radar that I sometimes forgot you were even there. And when I did notice you, it seemed like you were just a vote in Liliana's pocket. You'd say in your confessionals that you were prepping to make a move, or that you were ready to make a move but it always seemed like you were always playing someone else's game which makes it hard for me to write an individualized blurb for you.

Liliana - You were probably in the best position out of anyone in the original tribes. Mookie set up tribes that benefited himself and not you, and you screwed him over and took the tribe he planned for himself - hilarious. You were finding yourself in the minority of both tribes and managed to cause an upheaval against the Pirai and against Sophie - awesome. You managed to find both halves of the idol on your own - great. I think that the fact that your reckless but effective gameplay brought you to the merge caused you to become super cocky and it seemed the longer you lasted, the more obnoxious you became which continued through Ponderosa. I'm sure every jury member enjoyed hearing how they got voted out solely because they voted you out 10 votes ago. You played well pre-merge, though.

Marissa - Pre-game, I was pumped to see you were playing and I was anxious to see you in action. You had some time conflicts and weren't around as much as you would have liked which often stifled your momentum. I kept waiting for you to make a move to better your position but it seemed for a long time that, even though you had your Mekus who wanted to work with you, you were resigned to working with the cross-tribal alliance that you and Sophie planned out, even after Kimmi and Jenna booted Kim. Your reluctance to let go of Sophie ultimately cost you as your allies caught on and found you expendable.

Artis - If Carl hadn't gone inactive, you would've been a first boot. I was hoping that would cause you to be more willing to flip on them later on the game, but you seem to resigned to just sticking with the numbers, even though you were always at the bottom of the Pirai+Shane alliance. You along with Flicka were all ready to send Sophie home pre-merge but when she ultimately made the merge, you receded back to your previous spot of staying by her side. The most impactful thing you did (or didn't do) was not voting in the vote that sent Marissa home over Sophie, which is kind of sad. I had higher hopes for you. I was afraid you'd not show up for FTC but not only did you show up, you made a pretty astute speech and had some of the best questions of the night.

Kelly - You immediately started a punctual alliance on Meku and I was sure you were going to get booted for playing too hard too fast. Not only did that not happen but the alliance you created ended up lasting pretty far together. You hit new Kaikusi and immediately found yourself in a great spot with the Waiwais. You planted the Ozzy hinky vote on Kristina flawlessly. It felt as though this season was going how you wanted it, from start to your boot, until people noticed how good you were. For having not played in 8 years, you played great - a little rusty, but still great. It feels a little weird to say that the best player finished in 9th place so I will just say that you were easily the best player up until your boot. Good game.

Kimmi - Oooooooweeeee. From the jump, you and Ozzy found yourselves at the center of the Waiwai tribe. You somehow got yourself included in the Sophie and Marissa cross-tribal alliance without even knowing about it, which should be a good thing. However the combination of being partners with Sophie and being involved in the cross-tribal alliance once Kim blew it up in tribal put you into the spotlight you could never get out of and put a target on your back that you could never shake off and with her winning every challenge, using her as a shield could only work so long until they started shooting at her allies, which they did. You played well enough to make me not regret picking you as my winner pick, so good job.

Gabriel - I will admit, I was a bit down on you during your time in the original Waiwai. When you were the only former Waiwai to stay on the Waiwai tribe, I was even more down on your chances. You totally impressed me in your time there that, despite voting in the minority almost every time(?), everyone still loved you. You played a pivotal role in the almost overthrow of the Pirai in Waiwai. Merge comes and somehow you're still voting in the minority but everyone loves you anyway. I think that while using Sophie as a shield should have been a good strategy in any other season, her dominance in challenges made that not such a great strategy. Getting those two idols would've helped, too - so close. You played well though, good job.

Sugar - Like Gabe, I thought that based on the past seasons I've seen, people who send super short messages usually don't make it too far. I couldn't have been more wrong. You not only made it far but you made people love you using only those short messages which was amazing to watch. You always seemed to have a knack of finding yourself in the correct alliance at the right time which was also fun to watch. You were an undeniable jury threat based simply on how much the jury liked you. Good game.

Flicka - I think an underreported storyline in this game is how you've played a sort of Charlie Brown type game - so close to something only to get it pulled away from you. From blindsides to hidden immunity idols, to ultimately getting knocked out in 5th place, it seemed like you always came up just short of getting what you wanted. I think you played the middle pretty well and never really closed off any doors like some others. You definitely had your fans on the jury which actually seems to be the exact reason you finished in 5th instead of better. All in all though you played well. Good game.

Jenna - I think you more than anyone else was underestimated because of your previous placement. You were quickly seen as "she's really nice and enthusiastic, though". Throughout the game, there were times you were so UTR that you were borderline invis and I think it was trying to juggle two games at once. Once you decided to turn into #ChaosJenna after you were lied to, you became super entertaining. You were just 3 mere minutes away from making it to the end of this. Good game!

Shane - When you were late to show up, I pretty much counted you out of the game. Your "message me if you need my vote" didn't help your case either. When you got swapped to Waiwai, I found it frustrating that you coddled up to the majority Pirai, even though you were basically given a free ride to the merge. When the merge hit, my opinion of you totally changed. From your call outs to your no nonsense, right to the point PMs, you became so totally entertaining. Even though you feel like you were a goat, you being in this season made it much better.

Last edited by Jeff Varner on Tue Dec 15, 2015 8:34:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Jeff Varner

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By Jeff Varner
#8388 Quick Round 18 Recap

Final 4.

Jenna, Mookie, Shane, Sophie
Mookie had a family emergency (condolences to Mookie and his family) so the final immunity challenge was postponed a few days. The plan was likely for Shane, Mookie and Jenna to vote Sophie if she lost, and for Sophie and Mookie to vote Jenna if she won.

They reconvened to participate in the final immunity challenge of the season which was a compilation of a bunch of previous challenges. Sophie got out to a quick lead but Jenna quickly gained on her once she got out of the first challenge.

However it was not enough as Sophie won by a grand total of 3 minutes (in a 40 minute challenge), securing herself a spot in the final 3.

Sophie and Mookie were voting Jenna. Jenna was voting Mookie and it came down to Shane's vote as to whether it would be a tie or if Jenna would be sent home. He ultimately voted Jenna out (Sophie, Mookie, Shane voting Jenna; Jenna voting Mookie).

Mookie, Shane and Sophie clinched their positions in the final three. I might talk about each one in my next blog post or maybe I won't.
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By Jeff Varner
#8411 The Final 3.

Mookie, Shane, Sophie - three incredibly different people with incredibly playing styles. Here are there stories from my perspective as a host, and not the likely filled with exaggeration and bullshit that the finalists write in their speech. You can consider this to be that little prelude they do before the finale on Survivor where they recap everyone's game, if those things lasted for 15 minutes and went on for much longer than people wanted.

Mookie was the lovable idiot who, through the beginning of the game, always seemed to bungle shit up even though he had the best of intentions. Beginning with the tribe divisions, he tried to set himself up with a bunch of his allies. But here's the thing about those tribe divisions - in retrospect, they were actually brilliant. I thought he was a buffoon when it happened - and it definitely was accidental - but they couldn't have worked out better for him!

Here's why: he set up the tribes up such that the Kaikusis were split up between two tribes (eg, easy targets) and he also set up the big bad Pirai alliance to be a thing that needed to be dealt with, that the rest of the players could rally around. Like an idiot savant, it worked out for him. His original tribemates and the tribe members that he had had allies on (Ozzy and Kimmi) could unite on one tribe to take out the easy boot Kaikusis (Sandra) and the big bad Pirais could also take out the easy boot Kaikusis (Diane, Sean). Then, the Meku + Waiwai could form together to become the new-Kaikusi at the merge against the new-Waiwai aka the Pirai alliance. There is no way he planned this out, obviously, but I don't think his tribe divisions could have worked out any better for him, except if maybe Sophie went home instead of Ozzy. But for giving him so much shit about it in my blogs, I take it back because it worked. If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid. Anyway, back to Mookie's game:

He set his alliance up so that he could join his former tribemates, then Liliana fucks him over by choosing that tribe. He and Liliana find themselves at the bottom of their respective tribes, so they swap tribes and gather immunity and plan to continue to do that each round because Liliana was unlikely to survive on either tribe at that point. He goes along with it, and then Liliana refuses to swap back with him and leaves him back Waiwai, where he was previously in the minority, but amidst a tribe mutiny to try to overthrow Sophie from the Pirai alliance. He, Liliana and Gabe successfully got Flicka and Artis to be willing to flip to vote out Sophie but a Rupert removal and immunity win nullified the overthrow.

Mookie went into the merge in a great position. He had his former Meku allies, he had his new ally from Kaikusi in Kimmi, his partner Liliana and her close ally David and his partner in the crime of overthrowing Sophie in Gabe, with now working relationships with Flicka and Artis. Liliana proved to be a good shield for Mookie at first, as no one would ever target Mookie over Liliana. His entire alliance bungled the attempt to flush out Sophie's public immunity idol, which is yet another failed attempt at kicking the football for ol' Mookie Brown.

Liliana was booted and Mookie no longer had his shield and most of his allies flipped to vote out Liliana. From that point forward, Mookie voted for the person who ended up going home every time except one (Kelly's blindside) and played an integral part (usually along with varying others, however) in those plans. He also didn't get any votes until the F7 where he began a run of taking on every vote minority vote in the game. He would have been voted out at the F6 TC but a hidden immunity idol saved his ass and allowed him to make a push toward the end of the game, where, when his former allies Sugar and Flicka were no longer willing to work with him, and Shane was constantly working against him, he turned to Sophie for her vote and made it through.

Sophie came into this game with a reputation of being among the most competent players in this season of returning players - and throughout the season she showed why. She made quick work of her original Pirai tribe and found herself at the top pretty much immediately. She was the shot caller and had pretty much all of the power of that tribe. She quickly won over Rupert who would often seek her advice and suggestions for how to approach other players which pretty much confirmed that Rupert was firmly planted in Sophie's pocket.

It wasn't until the tribe swap where things started to unravel. During the 'one tribe' period, Sophie and Marissa began talking and they mapped out a cross-tribal alliance with members of the original Meku, Waiwai and Pirai tribe. Marissa brought in Jenna as a loyal soldier. Sophie brought in Kim due to her alliance with Kim in Pirai and Kim's prior relationship with Marissa in their previous season. They both then agreed to bring in Sophie's partner, Kimmi, to reach the Waiwai side of the game. Between Sophie, Marissa and Kimmi, the alliance would contain the - or one of the - power players from three of the four tribes. On paper, this alliance could have run this game from that point forward. The major downfall of this alliance and the reason that it ultimately failed is really quite silly - Marissa and Sophie forgot to alert Kimmi and Jenna that they were involved in it, or if they did, convince them that it was real.

Sophie found herself on the new Waiwai with all of her former Pirai tribemates. In this tribe, Shane also conveniently fell right onto her lap as he was chomping at the bit to get out of his former Kaikusi tribe and get rid of the people on it, which allowed Sophie and her allies convenient boots in Diane and Sean. When Kim and Marissa were swapped, the Pirai alliance lost a member (as she would be voted out on Kaikusi) but she gained her close ally from the 'cross-tribal alliance' who would work closely with her at her time in Waiwai, keeping an ear open on the streets while Sophie controlled the Pirai alliance. During this time, Sophie led on and frankly lied to the outsiders, telling them she was going to vote one way and then voting another. She did this several times, which annoyed them (Mookie, Liliana, Gabe) so much that the combination of this this and Sophie's general brash and sometimes rude demeanor, caused them to take a step back and realize that they needed to do something or they would be voted out next.

With a few outsiders now actively targeting her and besmirching her name to the members of the other tribe, Sophie became public enemy #1. Even her own tribemates Flicka and Artis were willing (and actually pre-voted such) to vote her out. Her cross-tribal ally and confidant, Marissa, was also getting tired of her shit and was haphazardly in on the plan to get rid of her. Their tribe lost immunity and Sophie had a foot and a half out the door, until Rupert suddenly had to be removed from the game for personal reasons, allowing Sophie to live to fight another day. And on that day, her tribemates were beyond ready to vote her out, except they ended up winning the challenge.

Merge hits and Sophie is still public enemy #1 with people like Liliana, Kelly and Sugar actively targeting her. During the first immunity challenge, she grabbed the public immunity idol. Sophie very likely would have been booted in this round, except the counter alliance split their votes between Sophie and Kimmi to flush out the idol -- which Sophie didn't end up using. They didn't end up having as many votes as they expected and the split vote plan cost that alliance a member. Liliana's outburst at tribal calling out Flicka and Artis, when Flicka actually voted with Liliana, pushed Flicka back toward Sophie's alliance.

In the next tribal council, Sophie won the first of what would become very many immunity challenges. In this tribal council, Sophie was able to get out one of her "arch-enemies" in Liliana. After Liliana went, the target went right back to Sophie. The remaining players concocted a plan that would split the votes to flush out Sophie's idol. With Marissa's former allies becoming suspicious of her relationship with Sophie, they split the votes between Sophie and Marissa. Artis was supposed to vote for Sophie but he ended up not voting which left the majority on Marissa, saving Sophie since she once again didn't use her public idol. They split the votes in the next tribal, intending to do the same thing except replacing Marissa with Artis. Sophie used her public immunity idol and saved herself for that round.

The next tribal councils provided a string in which Sophie's allies (Kimmi and Gabe) were voted out because they couldn't vote Sophie out (immunity from challenges and a hidden immunity idol). During the entire merge, Sophie was only truly vulnerable to go home in two tribal councils. She won immunity, played a hidden immunity idol or played a played a public immunity idol in all of the rest. During any of those tribal councils that she was immune, if she was not immune just once, at any point from F10 to F4, she goes home. Despite being immune pretty much every round, she was rarely in the loop and was only used for a vote in a few of these tribal councils, including the Kelly blindside and when she and Mookie paired up in the final three tribal councils to keep Mookie in the game.

Shane played a completely different game from the other two. He showed up a few days late in Kaikusi and would've likely been their first boot. When he did show up, he posted in the camp saying something along the lines of "I'm late. If anyone needs my vote, hit me up" which caused a stir among the Kaikusis. They ended up winning out until the tribe swap, allowing Shane to survive.

Shane ended up on the Waiwai tribe with the Pirai alliance and former Kaikusi tribemates Diane and Sean. Shane approached Sophie and the other Pirais and offered himself as a vote to their alliance, which they obviously accepted, and used his vote to vote out Diane and Sean. Shane remained loyal to this alliance despite many attempts from Gabe and Mookie to try and crack the alliance. During this time, Shane planned to use this alliance to bring him to the merge and then flip on Sophie, as she is a big power player.

Merge comes and Shane re-unites with former ally in a previous season 8 years ago in Kelly who keeps him in the loop of the Sophie/Kimmi split. After this tribal council and the tantrum from Liliana, it becomes obvious to everyone (if it wasn't obvious already) that there were two figureheads of two opposing sides of the post-merge tribe. Shane decided to make a call-out thread where he encouraged his tribemates to take out these two threats so they could move forward in the game. It initially worked, as Liliana was voted out (and probably would have been anyway). He then turned his sights on Sophie and made another call out thread, calling out Sophie. Because Sophie kept winning immunity, Shane was able to keep calling her out and not needing to call anyone else out. Shane also created a shit bitch list where once again he called people out.

At that point, Shane was on the wrong side of the votes almost every tribal council, only voting Kimmi and Jenna out from the F10 to F4. He spent most of his time being so anti-Sophie. That, in addition to most people already being anti-Sophie made Shane have a non-zero chance of winning in the finale, though his odds probably aren't great. Outside of the Liliana call out which happened on the same day that Liliana went home, Shane didn't call any shots. In a glimmer of strategy, Shane formed an alliance with Jenna (called "Darkness") where they planned to go to the end together as goats at around F10. Seeing Flicka as the next likely to be a goat, the three of them formed a F3 pact and all three were together in the final 5, but were unable to make the end together. He also could not post images from his iPad which made him effectively useless in challenges which made him a self-admitted goat who stood almost no chance of winning any immunity. And yet, he is not completely out of it just yet.

If I was privy to all of this knowledge as a juror, I would likely vote for Mookie to win. I don't think Mookie was the best player of the season (that was Kelly imo) but he had a much larger impact on the season, I think, than either of the other two. Sophie had a pretty big impact in that she prevented the counter-alliance from ever needing to turn on each other because she was always winning immunity and a last minute plan B sent most of them (all of them) home. I don't really value immunity wins, especially when - as I said before - the immunity win is just delaying the inevitable vote off instead of changing the direction of the game. Sophie deserves a load of props for being able to win clutch immunities and playing clutch idols but I don't believe she played a better winning game than Mookie did.
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Jeff Varner

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