By Sophie
#8703 I may have addressed it a bit with David, but I do think there were other instances of luck that although were minor, definitely contributed to me getting here. One of the big ones was the jury unknowingly sealing Flicka's fate by posting their over the top emojis that clearly laid out how they felt about her. I had no say over that, but I do think it helped my game out, since it meant that Jenna was more likely vote for her. Although Flicka was amazing, having her in the final four would have been really nerve-wracking since her in a Final 3 is an instant win. Another instance of luck was the public immunity idol, because how can you knowingly go after that and say you had an indication of where it was? I searched through every thread as quickly as possible in order to beat others to the punch, but me lucking out by finding it relatively early definitely could have made the difference in me staying and going.

Now I know a lot of jurors may be like "well, there's more incentive to not vote for her. Perfect." And I get that, but luck was a part of everyone's game, including my own. There were many instances that without luck, I think I could've easily been out on the jury pretty early on.

So your second question actually was part of one of my earlier confessional posts, and basically, i would definitely be voting for me tonight. I know that's such a typical and eye-roll-inducing answer, but I thought about it a lot and really know that my game would've earned Sophie's respect if she was on the jury. Although I usually vote for the underdogs, like I did with David and have many times, there was no "underdog" in the final three next to me that I could in good conscience vote for. That isn't to say that Mookie and Shane had poor games, because they certainly didn't, but I fought HARD and I fought to the death in order to make it here. Since I've witnessed that rarely and have always felt that it deserved rewarding, I would have certainly voted for me. I think it would be based on both how strong of a connection they formed with me as well as how impressive they were, because I think both of my games in the social and physical department were superior than Shane and Mookie's. And although Strategy may go to Mookie (though I think that's debatable), my vote would certainly be going to the fighter in this season. And although she was a loudmouth bitch at times, I'd begrudgingly cast my vote for her over the other two without question.

Hopefully that answered your question, and I do understand that me winning a string of challenges doesn't make me look like a strategic player. But honestly, I think I had just as much of a strategic brain as everyone else here, and immunity challenges were only something I wanted as a fallback. Anyone can tell you that I was still trying to get myself out of the whole during every single round, and never just resigned myself to either winning the challenge or going home.

Thanks Artis!
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  • Saramaka Tribe
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By Mookie
Artis wrote: What factors outside your control helped you make it to the end? Where along the way did you get lucky?

Finding the only immunity idol that I did was a lot of luck. I googled the first thing that popped into my head, and that ended up being the idol password. When I used it, the vote would have been tied 3-3, and Shane assured me that he was going to vote Flicka on a revote (easy to say in hindsight, but I like to believe in Shanes trademark honesty), so it didn't save my game, but took away all doubt that I wasn't going home that night.

And here's my second question. If it were you sitting on the jury, how would you be voting tonight? I'm not asking you to name a specific person, just what factors would go into your vote. Would it be based on who you had a strong personal connection with or would you care more about how impressively they played the game? And do you think you would be getting your own vote based on those qualities you would look for?

I would vote for the person who best exemplified (what I consider) the 3 most important parts of Stranded. Strategic ability, social prowess, and challenge strength.

I would vote for the person who made the strongest bonds, steered the strategic ship, and was at least competent in the challenges. That's how I modelled my game, and I would vote for me in the end.
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  • Saramaka Tribe
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By Shane
Artis wrote:I am indeed here Jeff.

Impressive finish guys. I really am impressed that a cast this diverse and interesting made it to the end. I don't really think any of you are goats and you all played differently to make it this far.

Sophie, you were second to none in the challenges and the fact that you're still around after people wanted your head from even before the merge speaks volumes about your abilities. I do think your reliance on immunity does detract from your ability to say you played a very strong strategic game, but making it through those first two votes without playing your idol was still quite impressive. I feel like a lot of the hate you're getting is pretty undeserved from what I saw of how you played the game.

Shane, you played like no one else by being vocal and abrasive, calling out your targets directly. It worked well for you to get you to the end, but I do agree with others that you social game was a bit lacking. I won't say mine was much better, but the few times I tried to talk to you and start some sort of dialogue it didn't go very far.

Mookie, I thought you played a very impressive game even from the time I was still around. You had a lot of trust from a lot of people, and you definitely seemed to be playing a long term game from very early on. There were several times when I wanted to work with you myself that outside factors made difficult, like when Rupert left and our plans to vote out Sophie fell to the wayside or the tribal where I didn't vote because I just didn't have the time to be online and decided it would be better to just not vote at all than vote blindly. You seemed to be involved in the process and know what was going on far more than Sophie or Shane did.

Now, in any season of Survivor I would say it's hard to make it to the end without a certain amount of luck. Everyone here is on their second chance so it isn't just your innate talents that got you this far. So my question for all of you is, what factors outside your control helped you make it to the end? Where along the way did you get lucky? (I guess Sophie already addressed this question a little bit from David but might as well hear it from the rest of you as well).

And here's my second question. If it were you sitting on the jury, how would you be voting tonight? I'm not asking you to name a specific person, just what factors would go into your vote. Would it be based on who you had a strong personal connection with or would you care more about how impressively they played the game? And do you think you would be getting your own vote based on those qualities you would look for?

Hey Artis, I enjoyed played with you as well. Artis, there's a reason for the social factor. Before the merge when we were with Rupert, Flicka, Kim and them we had some great talks. I really enjoyed you man. I did however try to be short with you after the merge when you were allied with Sophie and I wanted her out. I didn't want to lie to you and tell you I'd vote with you, because it wasn't in my best interest so I tried to be short or change the subject so I wouldn't have to lie about my vote, because I liked you man.

First question, as soon as you said luck I think to he very beginning of this game. I was on the green tribe with Dave, Liliana, Diane, Sandra, and Sean. I was a day late and made s topic about my vote that was taken completely wrong and was a mistake by me and it was made obvious that if our tribe lost a challenge I would be voted out first. As luck would have it my tribe was the only one of the 4 not to vote someone out before the twist. That was luck. If my tribe lost the fist challenge i would have been first boot.

For me, as a jury member I would look to see whose strategy I liked the best and played more Impressivly at this social game. To be honest, I would be getting my own vote. At no tribal did I ever feel in danger of going home. I had no Immunities or idols and still made it here. Plus I think my strategy was unique and was risky to use but it worked to get me here so I would vote for me before I voted a challenge only person. It would be a difficult choice between voting for Mookie or myself, but in the end I would vote Shane, however, all 3 of us played our own chosen way so I guess of course we would vote all vote for ourselves haha. Good questions.
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  • Saramaka Tribe
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By Artis
#8713 Well thanks for all the replies guys. I think I've come to a decision at this point, but there's still some wiggle room for someone to change my mind.
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  • Posts: 170
By Flicka
#8716 What’s up, bitches? Congrats on making the final 3! I think it’s interesting how we have one original Kaikusi, one original Meku and one original Pirai. Sorry Wai Wai members, none of you guys made it! None of you started out together. Cool. It’s also interesting to see that all 3 of you were on Nu Wai Wai together. But enough about these random facts. It’s final tribal council time!

Also, don't any of you try to butter me up like the biscuit I am!

Mookie, congrats on being the last Faroe Islander remaining. I wanted that title.
Sophie, congrats on being the last Pirai member remaining. I wanted that title too.
Shane, congrats on… making it to the final 3. I wanted that title as well.

Honestly, I think you all have good reasons to win the game, so I am a little torn on who to vote for to win, so I hope the answers to my question will help me decide.

What I want to know from the three of you is what you did on your second chance that you didn’t do your first chance that you think helped you get to the end. Please be somewhat detailed since I don’t know all of your original games. Anything you weren’t willing or able to do the first time you played, PMing maybe, challenges, perhaps the way you decided to vote, etc. In a nutshell, how did you change your game this time around for the better? Examples would be great.

I tried very hard to make the changes I needed to make to get further than I did last season, so these answers will be very important to me in order to decide who I want to win. I want to give the winning title to the person who best exemplifies taking advantage to their second chance.

I will end by saying Shane, you are the only one in this final 3 that did not vote me. (Winks at Shane sexily.) Again, congratulations to you all and good luck. It’s been a hell of a ride. Peace, bitches. Flicka out!
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  • Posts: 524
By Mookie
What I want to know from the three of you is what you did on your second chance that you didn’t do your first chance that you think helped you get to the end. Please be somewhat detailed since I don’t know all of your original games. Anything you weren’t willing or able to do the first time you played, PMing maybe, challenges, perhaps the way you decided to vote, etc. In a nutshell, how did you change your game this time around for the better? Examples would be great.

I've alluded to this in previous answers and in my opening statement, but I'll try to add as much as I can here as well.

I didn't make the merge, I didn't get to find a hidden immunity idol, and I didn't get to make any real friendships with people IN my season.

This season, I obviously made the merge. A big plus for me.

I managed to find that hidden immunity idol at Final 6, and it was some of the most racked my nerves have been in this game waiting to find out if I had ACTUALLY got it, or if it was going to be snatched from my clutches by someone getting there a minute before me.

The biggest thing is the friendships I actually did form in this game. I'm grabbing Skype names, I hope to visit some people who are geographically close, and I've got a date for Bonnaroo. Win or lose, that's an awesome takeaway for me.

I know this is brief, but I'm just going to be repeating myself if I go into forming bonds and whatnot AGAIN icon_lol
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  • Saramaka Tribe
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By Sophie
#8725 I think I was MUCH more under the radar during this season than last. I was like a sleeper threat. You never really knew I was here. icon_wink

Nah, I'm just kidding of course. Honestly, I knew coming in to this season that I had to play differently than last season in at least some manner, and this season I know that the main change was my fight in general. I can't say that my PMing is any different. I think my messages have always been impressive and I always sent to people what I received in terms of quality and quantity, but the thing that allowed me to not get 5th again was me fighting much harder during this season. in my mind during Namibia, being on the jury was still a great prize since I would be able to roast the finalists and wouldn't have to go up against someone like Trash in the finale that would likely beat me. This season, I knew that there were others who could easily beat me, but I was determined so much more to make it here than I ever could have predicted. Every single challenge I studied up on things I had seen before and things that could come my way, since I knew that it could very well be the thing that sent me home. I also made sure to look thoroughly for all of the idols until I couldn't think of anything else. Last season was different in that I really was just deadset on getting the "Blue Bleeders" (the people who came in to the merge with a tribe of 7 versus our dwindling tribe of 5) that I really didn't think of what to do after all of the true ones were taken out and I had become the primary threat. Another huge difference is that I considered working with anybody this season, whereas last season, I was deadset on getting rid of a certain group of people (the blue bleeders). That ended up making me far too focused on their games when I should have been focused on me getting to the end and winning.

Another big difference was that in this season, I worked with people that had voted differently than me, and also with people who had voted FOR me. Many people wrote my name down, but I knew that I couldn't let that affect my judgement, since it wasn't like I had many options and I knew that anyone that could see the benefit in working with me was something that I had to utilize and not just ignore simply because I didn't want to.

My second chance was one of many ups and downs, but the main up was that I changed my entire level of motivation and drive as well as the way I viewed each player. EVERYONE was a potential ally to help me win this thing, and that was very different from my state in Namibia. Hopefully this helped!
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  • Saramaka Tribe
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By Flicka
Mookie wrote:
What I want to know from the three of you is what you did on your second chance that you didn’t do your first chance that you think helped you get to the end. Please be somewhat detailed since I don’t know all of your original games. Anything you weren’t willing or able to do the first time you played, PMing maybe, challenges, perhaps the way you decided to vote, etc. In a nutshell, how did you change your game this time around for the better? Examples would be great.

I've alluded to this in previous answers and in my opening statement, but I'll try to add as much as I can here as well.

I didn't make the merge, I didn't get to find a hidden immunity idol, and I didn't get to make any real friendships with people IN my season.

This season, I obviously made the merge. A big plus for me.

I managed to find that hidden immunity idol at Final 6, and it was some of the most racked my nerves have been in this game waiting to find out if I had ACTUALLY got it, or if it was going to be snatched from my clutches by someone getting there a minute before me.

The biggest thing is the friendships I actually did form in this game. I'm grabbing Skype names, I hope to visit some people who are geographically close, and I've got a date for Bonnaroo. Win or lose, that's an awesome takeaway for me.

I know this is brief, but I'm just going to be repeating myself if I go into forming bonds and whatnot AGAIN icon_lol

It's cool, You did answer most of this question in previous answers to other jurors' questions.
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  • Posts: 524
By Shane
Flicka wrote:What’s up, bitches? Congrats on making the final 3! I think it’s interesting how we have one original Kaikusi, one original Meku and one original Pirai. Sorry Wai Wai members, none of you guys made it! None of you started out together. Cool. It’s also interesting to see that all 3 of you were on Nu Wai Wai together. But enough about these random facts. It’s final tribal council time!

Also, don't any of you try to butter me up like the biscuit I am!

Mookie, congrats on being the last Faroe Islander remaining. I wanted that title.
Sophie, congrats on being the last Pirai member remaining. I wanted that title too.
Shane, congrats on… making it to the final 3. I wanted that title as well.

Honestly, I think you all have good reasons to win the game, so I am a little torn on who to vote for to win, so I hope the answers to my question will help me decide.

What I want to know from the three of you is what you did on your second chance that you didn’t do your first chance that you think helped you get to the end. Please be somewhat detailed since I don’t know all of your original games. Anything you weren’t willing or able to do the first time you played, PMing maybe, challenges, perhaps the way you decided to vote, etc. In a nutshell, how did you change your game this time around for the better? Examples would be great.

I tried very hard to make the changes I needed to make to get further than I did last season, so these answers will be very important to me in order to decide who I want to win. I want to give the winning title to the person who best exemplifies taking advantage to their second chance.

I will end by saying Shane, you are the only one in this final 3 that did not vote me. (Winks at Shane sexily.) Again, congratulations to you all and good luck. It’s been a hell of a ride. Peace, bitches. Flicka out!

Hey Flicka!!

Alright, so my last chance was 8 years ago believe it or not. Hard to believe. I was a little fuzzy on the details so before this game started and went back and saw what I did. I finished in a tie for 2nd place. As Kelly alluted to earlier, I was one vote away from winning. Anyway here is what I looked at before this game and changed.

First thing is that I attempted to talk in 3rd person and TYPE IN CAPS LOCK 24/7. I think that probably annoyed people and was difficult for people to take me seriously, I cut that out of the game, was too over the top. Second thing I changed is my approach. I back stabbed some people in my last game and it bit me in the end, people don't like to be voted out, and they really don't like being blindsided. I tried not lying at all costs. This is why I wanted it known who I was voting for, and also did it so people didn't fear me, like I said people fear the unknown but they won't fear me if they know who I'm voting for, and that's also why I was so short with some people who I wasn't voting with because I couldn't tell them I was against what they wanted ( that would have dis honored my agreements to others) and I didn't want to lie and tell them I was voting with them, like I was telling Artis earlier. So I tried to be short and change the subject. Gabe attempted a very similar strategy I noticed. I wanted to keep my "crazy" persona so I wasn't seen as a threat.

So all in all, that's what I changed and that's what I kept about from first chance.
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  • Saramaka Tribe
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By Jeff Probst
#8730 Thank you, Miss Flame <3

Next up, our most recent juror, Jenna:

Jenna wrote:Greetings, fellow Earthlings! Jenna’s here to make your day just a little bit dimmer. The mic is all mine right now, so I’m gonna make some beautiful music.

I know a lot of people would be cool with skipping FTC and casting their vote for the winner immediately. However, I am not one of those people. I may be leaning in a few different directions (idk if that’s physically possible), but my mind is still not made up. Any of you could snatch up this vote like it’s the last bite of your mama’s meatloaf.

I was kind of shocked that I was voted out last night, but I really, REALLY appreciate that you guys saved me 7 hours of answering jury questions just to lose anyway lol. You all get brownie points for that.

My vote will not be decided based on who I feel “deserves” it the most. Let’s be real y’all. Deservingness is so subjective, and not hip enough for fly cats like us. No, I will be voting based on who I want to personally see crowned with the title of Sole Survivor. I think I’m rambling at this point while saying nothing of substance at the same time, so let’s just jump right into the questions, shall we?

I’m not one of those people who wants to see you guys go through mental torture by being forced to answer 12 difficult jury questions. My questions will be short and sweet, like a fine tea. I’m gonna go in alphabetical order, because I really dig the English language.

I will ask each of you individual questions, and then I will have a few questions for all of you. Failure to answer any of my questions will result in severe penalties and/or death. Also, all answers must be given in the form of a question (jk unless you really want to).


Hey there, chocolate chip Nookie dough! How are you this beautiful evening? We started out this season #MekuStrong, and that came full circle by the end. You were a great friend and ally throughout the season. I think you’re a lovable person who should be showered with hugs and money. But I still need to hear your pitch as to why I should bestow my vote upon you.


1. If you could go back in time and change one elimination in this game, which one would it be? Note, changing any elimination before the Final 4 to me will result in instant disqualification from receiving my vote (jk--maybe).
2. What do you consider your proudest moment in this season? It can be a challenge win, the orchestration of a blindside, or just a fun joke you cracked. Pick your fav.


What’s up, Soup Pea? You deserve more props than they have on a movie set for being here at FTC. You were a target for elimination from, like, Day 1. I don’t know how you managed to get here, but color me impressed. Even though we often voted separately, you were always a delightful pal to talk to.


1. What do you think caused so many people to be alienated from you? Was it something in your personality, or just your status as a threat?
2. You left it all out on the table this season, but everything wasn’t always peachy keen in the Sophieverse. What is your biggest regret this season?


Yo yo yo, Candy Shane. You’re crazy cool, and just plain crazy. As in every season of Survivor, many people tried to be sneaky and underhanded, thinking they were sly geniuses or something. However, you cut right through that phony baloney and called it as you saw it. I completely respect that, and I loved working with you as the endgame approached.


1. If you were trapped inside of a snowy mountain cave, and you could bring 2 castaways from this season with you, who would you choose, and why?
2. What do you consider your finest achievement was this season? And what do you consider your biggest mistake?


1. If you had to bathe naked in a tub of ravioli with one castaway from this season, who would you choose and why?
2. What’s your favorite type of cookie? Note that there IS a correct answer.
3. Just to add a little holiday spirit; what is your favorite Christmas song? This is the most important question of them all.

That’s all I got. Thanks for a fun season, and good luck to all 3 of you!
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Jeff Probst

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  • Posts: 949
By Sophie
#8739 Hey Jenna!

Well so I definitely was alienated during the season, but I think I can't really blame it just on me winning challenges? A huge part of that was my personality. Let's be honest, I'm not peachy and I am not as nice as I would like to be, and I think that definitely rubbed some people the wrong way. I don't necessarily think people didn't like me just because I wasn't super nice, but I think the fact that I really did openly question people during tribal council without being too polite about it didn't make me liked, and the fact that I sometimes gave off an air of arrogance (which I never meant to give, I promise) didn't help at all either.

My biggest regret in this game is actually not being more willing to vote with Liliana during the second merge vote. I know she came to me and proposed a really good idea, which was the two powerhouses trying to work together, but in my head I didn't see a way in which it ended up doing anything but backfiring me. I should've been more open to it though and considered it more, since I was in the same boat that she was in for sure. She was someone that I never particularly got along with strategically, but probably was one of the people I respected most, since I completely could relate to her game and empathized for her as well, since I had been in that position before. It could've ended badly for me, yes, but I should've at least gave it more consideration than I did (which was some, to be fair, but not that much).


1. Obviously Gabe? I know he would give me like eight joints so I would probably eat the entire tub of it and then some, and we would be laughing the entire time. That's actually probably my biggest goal in life, now that you mention it.
2. My favorite cookie is a fucking half moon cookie. It's perfect for chocolate lovers and perfect for chocolate haters, and it's god damn delicious. That IS the correct answer bitch, and please don't pretend it's otherwise (if you say that it's like Peanut Butter then I don't want your vote anyways). icon_wub
3. The best Christmas song is Carol of the Bells/Christmas Canon by Trans Siberian Orchestra. If you need proof, here it is, and look how great it is at getting you in the Christmas spirit:

Anyway, I know these are the correct answers in terms of the last three. So you're welcome, and I'll see if we can get you an invitation to the Me-And-Gabe-Pasta-Bathtub-Party.
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  • Saramaka Tribe
  • Posts: 852
By Shane
Jeff Probst wrote:Thank you, Miss Flame <3

Next up, our most recent juror, Jenna:

Jenna wrote:Greetings, fellow Earthlings! Jenna’s here to make your day just a little bit dimmer. The mic is all mine right now, so I’m gonna make some beautiful music.

I know a lot of people would be cool with skipping FTC and casting their vote for the winner immediately. However, I am not one of those people. I may be leaning in a few different directions (idk if that’s physically possible), but my mind is still not made up. Any of you could snatch up this vote like it’s the last bite of your mama’s meatloaf.

I was kind of shocked that I was voted out last night, but I really, REALLY appreciate that you guys saved me 7 hours of answering jury questions just to lose anyway lol. You all get brownie points for that.

My vote will not be decided based on who I feel “deserves” it the most. Let’s be real y’all. Deservingness is so subjective, and not hip enough for fly cats like us. No, I will be voting based on who I want to personally see crowned with the title of Sole Survivor. I think I’m rambling at this point while saying nothing of substance at the same time, so let’s just jump right into the questions, shall we?

I’m not one of those people who wants to see you guys go through mental torture by being forced to answer 12 difficult jury questions. My questions will be short and sweet, like a fine tea. I’m gonna go in alphabetical order, because I really dig the English language.

I will ask each of you individual questions, and then I will have a few questions for all of you. Failure to answer any of my questions will result in severe penalties and/or death. Also, all answers must be given in the form of a question (jk unless you really want to).


Hey there, chocolate chip Nookie dough! How are you this beautiful evening? We started out this season #MekuStrong, and that came full circle by the end. You were a great friend and ally throughout the season. I think you’re a lovable person who should be showered with hugs and money. But I still need to hear your pitch as to why I should bestow my vote upon you.


1. If you could go back in time and change one elimination in this game, which one would it be? Note, changing any elimination before the Final 4 to me will result in instant disqualification from receiving my vote (jk--maybe).
2. What do you consider your proudest moment in this season? It can be a challenge win, the orchestration of a blindside, or just a fun joke you cracked. Pick your fav.


What’s up, Soup Pea? You deserve more props than they have on a movie set for being here at FTC. You were a target for elimination from, like, Day 1. I don’t know how you managed to get here, but color me impressed. Even though we often voted separately, you were always a delightful pal to talk to.


1. What do you think caused so many people to be alienated from you? Was it something in your personality, or just your status as a threat?
2. You left it all out on the table this season, but everything wasn’t always peachy keen in the Sophieverse. What is your biggest regret this season?


Yo yo yo, Candy Shane. You’re crazy cool, and just plain crazy. As in every season of Survivor, many people tried to be sneaky and underhanded, thinking they were sly geniuses or something. However, you cut right through that phony baloney and called it as you saw it. I completely respect that, and I loved working with you as the endgame approached.


1. If you were trapped inside of a snowy mountain cave, and you could bring 2 castaways from this season with you, who would you choose, and why?
2. What do you consider your finest achievement was this season? And what do you consider your biggest mistake?


1. If you had to bathe naked in a tub of ravioli with one castaway from this season, who would you choose and why?
2. What’s your favorite type of cookie? Note that there IS a correct answer.
3. Just to add a little holiday spirit; what is your favorite Christmas song? This is the most important question of them all.

That’s all I got. Thanks for a fun season, and good luck to all 3 of you!

Lmao at these questions!

Personal question 1. If I was trapped in a snowy cave and could only bring 2 castaways I'd take Diane and Rupert. They would provide the most warmth in the gave if I got snug in between them. And if it came to it, they would have the most meat on their bones to sustain my hunger for the longest period of time. Gotta survive.

Personal question 2. Finest achievement : rallying the tribe against Liliana. She was a big threat and could have gone far. Biggest mistake - day 2 I made a really dumb move on my original tribe and posted some shit about my vote being up in the air. They didn't take it well at all, it was a huge mistake that I was lucky to get out of.

Question for all 1. Kim P. Easily had the hottest avatar in the game, and I would finally be able to fulfill my fantasy of getting kinky in a bathtub full of ravioli with a hot chick.

Question for all 2. snicker doodle!

Question for all 3. Easily Dominick the Italian Christmas Donkey.
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  • Saramaka Tribe
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By Mookie
I know a lot of people would be cool with skipping FTC and casting their vote for the winner immediately. However, I am not one of those people.

Oh man. Thank goodness you're here to ask these questions instead of skipping FTC icon_lol

If you could go back in time and change one elimination in this game, which one would it be? Note, changing any elimination before the Final 4 to me will result in instant disqualification from receiving my vote (jk--maybe).

I would have LOVED for Ozzy to make the merge. We were primed to work together and run some shop in this game. He was awesome to talk to, and I was really looking forward to playing with him.

What do you consider your proudest moment in this season? It can be a challenge win, the orchestration of a blindside, or just a fun joke you cracked. Pick your fav.

Marissa blindside. Hands down. I worked my ASS off all day putting that shit together. As I've said before, I wasn't the only one working on it, but I'm proud of the work I put in to take out someone who was going to take me out down the road.

If you had to bathe naked in a tub of ravioli with one castaway from this season, who would you choose and why?
Sugar. Picked my all time favorite Survivor crush as her avatar, and also loves camping and lives up here in the Great White North. Close second being Flicka and that hippie vibe.

What’s your favorite type of cookie? Note that there IS a correct answer.

Chocolate Chip Mookie. That is the correct answer. Let's move on.

Just to add a little holiday spirit; what is your favorite Christmas song? This is the most important question of them all.

I listen to the Cantina song on repeat to try to keep Christmas jingles out of my head. If this answer costs me your vote, so be it. Cantina song > all Christmas songs.

Thanks for giving me some fun questions, Jenna. Looking forward to this thing being over so we can shoot the shit again!
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