- Tue Dec 08, 2015 6:15:48 am
i know how this feels and i can completely see why you guys perceived me to be doing that. but once you watch my confessional videos and read the stuff i've said in there... you'll see that i'm more on you guys' side than i am hers. i just was trying to be aware of where people were in the game and if i was in trouble. if i knew i wasnt in trouble then i could vote in the majority and it be okay...
i went to a total of 11 tribal councils, i think. and i only voted for the person that left 3 of those times, and the other one was when rupert was removed.
Liliana wrote:Sorry if I'm acting really bitter. I just don't understand what it is about Sophie that makes people flock to her and want to surround her and vote with her, while I was perceived as some sort of shehitler because I was mad at members of my alliance who flipped. It hurt so much when I trusted so many people on the tribe and they all turned on me. That was a horrible day.
i know how this feels and i can completely see why you guys perceived me to be doing that. but once you watch my confessional videos and read the stuff i've said in there... you'll see that i'm more on you guys' side than i am hers. i just was trying to be aware of where people were in the game and if i was in trouble. if i knew i wasnt in trouble then i could vote in the majority and it be okay...
i went to a total of 11 tribal councils, i think. and i only voted for the person that left 3 of those times, and the other one was when rupert was removed.