The Out Jury
By Gabriel
Liliana wrote:Sorry if I'm acting really bitter. I just don't understand what it is about Sophie that makes people flock to her and want to surround her and vote with her, while I was perceived as some sort of shehitler because I was mad at members of my alliance who flipped. It hurt so much when I trusted so many people on the tribe and they all turned on me. That was a horrible day.

i know how this feels and i can completely see why you guys perceived me to be doing that. but once you watch my confessional videos and read the stuff i've said in there... you'll see that i'm more on you guys' side than i am hers. i just was trying to be aware of where people were in the game and if i was in trouble. if i knew i wasnt in trouble then i could vote in the majority and it be okay...

i went to a total of 11 tribal councils, i think. and i only voted for the person that left 3 of those times, and the other one was when rupert was removed.
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By Gabriel
#7444 no, it's not that i didn't trust you. i DID trust you. i knew everything you were telling me was the truth and you were being genuine. i didn't vote you out of the game, liliana. we just weren't on the same page when it came around to voting.
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By Kimmi
Liliana wrote:Sorry if I'm acting really bitter. I just don't understand what it is about Sophie that makes people flock to her and want to surround her and vote with her, while I was perceived as some sort of shehitler because I was mad at members of my alliance who flipped. It hurt so much when I trusted so many people on the tribe and they all turned on me. That was a horrible day.

I can't speak for everyone, but personally I saw Sophie as an ideal shield. She wasn't established as a challenge beast early on, what with Kelly and I guess myself and who knew who else winning immunities, and everyone wanted her out at some point. And she was willing to work with me, so why not use that short term? I'm probably not the only one who thought that, too. Also no one expected that public idol.

As for you, I didn't push/vote for you to leave because I hated you or anything, but due to lies on my part (and maybe on yours? I'm honestly not sure) there was definitely not as much of a chance of trust between us, so no real chance of working together at least in the short term, maybe in the long term, but I didn't want to throw away an ally for a maybe.
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By Liliana
#7447 The thing is everyone thought like you Kimmi. Literally EVERYONE thought she was their ally, and she would stay with them and they could use her as a shield.
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By Kelly
#7449 I agree with Kimmi in the sense that Sophie was a perfect shield since she was such a huge figure in the game so i don't blame you guys at all for working with her.
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By Kelly
Liliana wrote:The thing is everyone thought like you Kimmi. Literally EVERYONE thought she was their ally, and she would stay with them and they could use her as a shield.

the irony of this is that all the people who were working with her are now in the jury. Flicka I think is the last person who she's worked with and she's been very vocal from the merge onwards that she's against her.
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By Gabriel
#7452 what were y'alls first impressions of me?

kimmi - i liked you a lot. thought you would be more devious than you were. we vibed really well
kelly - you were pretty aggressive but was complimentary of me and seemed genuine enough
liliana - we were sort of smushed together from the getgo but i read you as someone VERY game oriented and not so much personally oriented. i couldve been wrong but its probably just due to when we actually got around to talking to each other
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By Liliana
#7453 This is when over thinking harms you.

"Hmm... this insane social and strategic threat will be voted out soon. I should ally her because... she'll go before me!"
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By Kelly
Gabriel wrote:what were y'alls first impressions of me?

kimmi - i liked you a lot. thought you would be more devious than you were. we vibed really well
kelly - you were pretty aggressive but was complimentary of me and seemed genuine enough
liliana - we were sort of smushed together from the getgo but i read you as someone VERY game oriented and not so much personally oriented. i couldve been wrong but its probably just due to when we actually got around to talking to each other

I thought you were pretty cool, why else would I run to you and beg to be your partner? lol
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By Gabriel
#7458 i figured it could've been some strategic thing or you were just someone like me that likes these games a lot so tends to do tasks and stuff like that quickly. i was vry flattered to know you'd read about my game in venezuela 8)
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By Kimmi
Gabriel wrote:what were y'alls first impressions of me?

kimmi - i liked you a lot. thought you would be more devious than you were. we vibed really well
kelly - you were pretty aggressive but was complimentary of me and seemed genuine enough
liliana - we were sort of smushed together from the getgo but i read you as someone VERY game oriented and not so much personally oriented. i couldve been wrong but its probably just due to when we actually got around to talking to each other

I also thought I would be more devious than I was. icon_laughing I'd like to think I was at least a little devious though. icon_whistling I was just super nice about it.

It's kinda hard to remember, really, it seems like it was so long ago. I'd say my initial impression of you was that you were really chill and laid back and just genuinely likable, which made me think it might have been a facade to lull people into a false sense of security. And then I realized pretty quick that you're just chill, laid back, and likable, lol.
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  • Posts: 543
By Gabriel
#7462 LMAO thats sweet of u to say kimmi.

who wouldve thought that sugar would be the last WaiWai standing... i can honestly say i figured she wouldve been the first ones out, or maybe even the first one out, had yauman not disappeared
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By Gabriel
#7463 david! hey! sorry i voted you out. the first merge boot is always tough for me because i never feel like i have a good enough connection with everyone to really decide... which was definitely the case with you. ur probably super cool but i didnt get to know you :(
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By David
Gabriel wrote:david! hey! sorry i voted you out. the first merge boot is always tough for me because i never feel like i have a good enough connection with everyone to really decide... which was definitely the case with you. ur probably super cool but i didnt get to know you :(

that's okay! I love being on the jury! I loved your paint man story btw icon_lol
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  • Posts: 240
By Marissa
#7469 icon_cry why are you here? Ugh literally all the people I wanted to work deep with have been eliminated the last couple rounds. Even if yall were targetting me I can't help but feel you three would still be in the game if we just pulled the trigger on getting flicka or Sophie out on my boot.
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  • Posts: 355
By Gabriel
#7473 i wasnt targetting you!!! you were definitely one my most solid allies in the game. i didn't know you were trying to ride the middle so much or else i wouldn't have been as much of a fan of you as i was... but hell yeah. loved u marissa.

i'm here because i didn't realize how small the voting window was and didn't vote for mookie in time.
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By Marissa
Gabriel wrote:i wasnt targetting you!!! you were definitely one my most solid allies in the game. i didn't know you were trying to ride the middle so much or else i wouldn't have been as much of a fan of you as i was... but hell yeah. loved u marissa.

i'm here because i didn't realize how small the voting window was and didn't vote for mookie in time.

Omg for some reason I thought you were in on the get Marissa out plan. Sorry. Honestly I was going to take you and Jenna to the end. 100 percent. I love you Gabe. Legit you were my bestie in this.
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