By Sugar
Jeff Probst wrote:
Sugar wrote:Kinda funny to be called out for "not really doing anything" when there are people in this game that don't even show up half the time....just saying, at least I'm here icon_razz

What's the move tonight then, what needs to happen for Sugar to be satisfied?

rocky road iced cream and a good movie!!! the game on the other hand? It's kinda sad that a player as passionate as Shane or Liliana could be going home when there are clearly people still in the game that don't take it as seriously
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By Liliana
#5001 I was bossing people around? I was trying to get members of my alliance to stick together.

However, you. You literally made a camp thread telling EVERYONE to get off their asses and vote me. If that's not bossy then i don't know what is.
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By Jeff Probst
Liliana wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:I'm confused, you want to target the UTR players, but want everyone to vote out someone who is calling everyone out? Isn't that the exact reason you are being targetted in the first place?

I'm trying to get Shane out because he was, frankly, a dick to me.

But isn't that why people are targetting you tonight, because you were a dick to them? If I'm in your shoes, i'm saying... yea i'm a dick, but at least people are targetting me before they will target you... Keep me in and I'll be a shield. Instead you're saying that they should take out the dicks, just not you TONIGHT?... IDK...
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Jeff Probst

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By Shane
Liliana wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:I'm confused, you want to target the UTR players, but want everyone to vote out someone who is calling everyone out? Isn't that the exact reason you are being targetted in the first place?

I'm trying to get Shane out because he was, frankly, a dick to me.

You were a dick to me, Flicka, Artis, and every other person in this tribe. By calling them out and demanding they vote to keep David in. I only became a dick to call you out on it and give you a taste of your own medicine.
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  • Saramaka Tribe
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By Liliana
Sugar wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:
Sugar wrote:Kinda funny to be called out for "not really doing anything" when there are people in this game that don't even show up half the time....just saying, at least I'm here icon_razz

What's the move tonight then, what needs to happen for Sugar to be satisfied?

rocky road iced cream and a good movie!!! the game on the other hand? It's kinda sad that a player as passionate as Shane or Liliana could be going home when there are clearly people still in the game that don't take it as seriously

That's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes. It really does suck because I have spent so much time on this game... like at least over 3 or 4 hours a day. And now I might go home because some people didn't like me in tribal? It hurts. It really fucking hurts.
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By Jeff Probst
Sugar wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:
Sugar wrote:Kinda funny to be called out for "not really doing anything" when there are people in this game that don't even show up half the time....just saying, at least I'm here icon_razz

What's the move tonight then, what needs to happen for Sugar to be satisfied?

rocky road iced cream and a good movie!!! the game on the other hand? It's kinda sad that a player as passionate as Shane or Liliana could be going home when there are clearly people still in the game that don't take it as seriously

So what's the move then, do you think? Are the Liliana's/Shanes of the game just distraction before the real carnage begins? And if so, are you worried people will take that opportunity to blindside?
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Jeff Probst

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By Artis
Liliana wrote:I was bossing people around? I was trying to get members of my alliance to stick together.

However, you. You literally made a camp thread telling EVERYONE to get off their asses and vote me. If that's not bossy then i don't know what is.

Lil, before the revote last tribal you thought you had Kimmi eliminated and started dictating who would go next. You said it would be everyone who you thought was a traitor and anyone aligned with Sophie. You lost your support and lost the revote when people were able to see what exactly you thought about everyone else in the game.
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By Liliana
Jeff Probst wrote:
Liliana wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:I'm confused, you want to target the UTR players, but want everyone to vote out someone who is calling everyone out? Isn't that the exact reason you are being targetted in the first place?

I'm trying to get Shane out because he was, frankly, a dick to me.

But isn't that why people are targetting you tonight, because you were a dick to them? If I'm in your shoes, i'm saying... yea i'm a dick, but at least people are targetting me before they will target you... Keep me in and I'll be a shield. Instead you're saying that they should take out the dicks, just not you TONIGHT?... IDK...

I am literally just a colossal trainwreck and I have had no idea how to strategize for the past day. That's what happens when people you were friends with and you trust turn their backs on you. I've just been such a mess today. I want to stay in this more than anything, and to know I might be leaving by the hands of people I befriended earlier... ugh.
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By Jenna
Jeff Probst wrote:Jenna, you got into it a bit at camp and at Council, were you legitimately pissed off? Where do you stand tonight?

First of all, I just want to say that I love that the running theme of this Tribal is that Jeff keeps getting confused since we're all insane and contradict ourselves over and over.

Anyway, yeah, it's no secret that I was busy last weekend, so I was thrown for a loop by the last vote. I was pretty ticked that multiple people had fed me false info about what was gonna happen at Tribal, and when Jenna gets angry, she gets stabby. Also I just like screaming because it's fun. Fortunately, I've cleared everything up with everyone through PMs. But honestly, I'm not mad at a single living soul in this game. I love all these people, because they're insane like my family.

However, that doesn't mean everyone can win. There's some pretty clear voting blocs beginning to form within our tribe. People need to realize that they're on the bottom, and they need to be willing to fix that. As for the vote tonight, I'm voting so that I hopefully end up with some semblance of power next round.

Cryptic Jenna out. Word. Fresh.
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By Sugar
#5014 Hard to have "carnage" when there are inactives about no? get rid of the big players now so you can walk into the final because your competition didn't show, seems like an easy play to me
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By Shane
Jeff Probst wrote:
Liliana wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:I'm confused, you want to target the UTR players, but want everyone to vote out someone who is calling everyone out? Isn't that the exact reason you are being targetted in the first place?

I'm trying to get Shane out because he was, frankly, a dick to me.

But isn't that why people are targetting you tonight, because you were a dick to them? If I'm in your shoes, i'm saying... yea i'm a dick, but at least people are targetting me before they will target you... Keep me in and I'll be a shield. Instead you're saying that they should take out the dicks, just not you TONIGHT?... IDK...

true. Lil the thing is if you are voted out it is because you showed people your true colors AND you're s huge threat.
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  • Saramaka Tribe
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By Sophie
Sugar wrote:Hard to have "carnage" when there are inactives about no? get rid of the big players now so you can walk into the final because your competition didn't show, seems like an easy play to me

What inactive people are in the game? I've actually realized that this is one of the few seasons that have people showing up regularly, and almost all events with at least 90-95% attendance.
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  • Saramaka Tribe
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By Liliana
Artis wrote:
Liliana wrote:I was bossing people around? I was trying to get members of my alliance to stick together.

However, you. You literally made a camp thread telling EVERYONE to get off their asses and vote me. If that's not bossy then i don't know what is.

Lil, before the revote last tribal you thought you had Kimmi eliminated and started dictating who would go next. You said it would be everyone who you thought was a traitor and anyone aligned with Sophie. You lost your support and lost the revote when people were able to see what exactly you thought about everyone else in the game.

Put yourself in my shoes. For maybe the first time in this game, I had a chance to not be blindsided. Almost every tribal I've been in the minority. All i wanted was to make sure that I could just prove to myself that i don't fucking suck at ORGs. I just wanted a single vote where things could go my way.

I guess that can't happen for me.
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By Flicka
Jeff Probst wrote:Flicka, is tonight's vote an obvious one, and if so... isn't that the classic set up for a blindside?

After last night's tribal council, I have no idea. And even if something seems obvious, you have no idea what would happen. Obvious tribal councils are always the scariest because of just that, the set up of blindsides.
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