- Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:45:52 am
:( Partner twist STRIKES to your detriment :(

Kimmi wrote:I thought I did a good enough job separating myself from her in everyone else's eyes when I voted for Marissa (Sorry about that, btw, Marissa). The stupid idol twist was the biggest problem after that
David wrote:Kimmi <3 You're one of the good ones!
Liliana wrote:I liked you pre merge but then you became Sophie's bitch. I hope you enjoy Ponderosa
Kelly wrote:Hey Kimmi! Welcome to Ponderosa! Let me just say that I sincerely wanted to work with you to get to the end. (it's why i pushed for the Gabe boot because you were everyone else's automatic target)
Kimmi wrote:Kelly wrote:Hey Kimmi! Welcome to Ponderosa! Let me just say that I sincerely wanted to work with you to get to the end. (it's why i pushed for the Gabe boot because you were everyone else's automatic target)
I believe youYou almost definitely would've beaten me too.
Marissa wrote:Sorry to see you here. The sad thing is I would have been more loyal to you then Sophie because I knew Sophie if she got to the end would win the whole thing. Although to be honest I wasn't here enough to do anything about it.
So you were the girl that didn't vote for Flicka. Hate to say it girl but if only you kept me you would have gone much farther. Probabbly to the end.