The Out Jury
By Kelly
#7192 Oh cool, I've only done my 3 Stranded seasons, didn't realize it's gotten to be such a big thing lol
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  • Posts: 697
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By Liliana
#7218 fuuuuuckkkk

if sophie gets to the end i'm probably not going to vote for her. she's only managed to stay in the game due to immunities, and I really don't think that's a good way to play the game. If you want a physical game, go play baseball. Orgs should be won by the most strategic imo
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  • Posts: 806
By Kelly
Liliana wrote:fuuuuuckkkk

if sophie gets to the end i'm probably not going to vote for her. she's only managed to stay in the game due to immunities, and I really don't think that's a good way to play the game. If you want a physical game, go play baseball. Orgs should be won by the most strategic imo

I wouldn't mind so much if she played a good social game on top of the immunities but it looks like every round she was still the main target. She seems to have alienated Sugar and Shane.
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By Kelly
Liliana wrote:haha nevermind

who's ready for Sophie to be voted out?

I'm ready to post all the happy smileys at tribal lol
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  • Posts: 697
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By Kelly
Liliana wrote:place your bets now

will Sophie be super bitter and upset?
or will she be ok with getting voted out?

I think she will be ok, she's already pretty much owned this season. Though it would be hilarious if she finds that hidden idol.
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  • Posts: 697
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By Kelly
Kimmi wrote:Yeah, she's had some crazy stuff fall in her favor but she's made it this far and is now probably going out. So, yeah, poor Soph.

Yeah, she's had an impressive run, I'm kinda hoping she makes it out of this alive somehow, this doesn't feel like a fitting ending to her storyline.
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  • Posts: 697
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