- Tue Dec 15, 2015 5:51:25 am
I may have addressed it a bit with David, but I do think there were other instances of luck that although were minor, definitely contributed to me getting here. One of the big ones was the jury unknowingly sealing Flicka's fate by posting their over the top emojis that clearly laid out how they felt about her. I had no say over that, but I do think it helped my game out, since it meant that Jenna was more likely vote for her. Although Flicka was amazing, having her in the final four would have been really nerve-wracking since her in a Final 3 is an instant win. Another instance of luck was the public immunity idol, because how can you knowingly go after that and say you had an indication of where it was? I searched through every thread as quickly as possible in order to beat others to the punch, but me lucking out by finding it relatively early definitely could have made the difference in me staying and going.
Now I know a lot of jurors may be like "well, there's more incentive to not vote for her. Perfect." And I get that, but luck was a part of everyone's game, including my own. There were many instances that without luck, I think I could've easily been out on the jury pretty early on.
So your second question actually was part of one of my earlier confessional posts, and basically, i would definitely be voting for me tonight. I know that's such a typical and eye-roll-inducing answer, but I thought about it a lot and really know that my game would've earned Sophie's respect if she was on the jury. Although I usually vote for the underdogs, like I did with David and have many times, there was no "underdog" in the final three next to me that I could in good conscience vote for. That isn't to say that Mookie and Shane had poor games, because they certainly didn't, but I fought HARD and I fought to the death in order to make it here. Since I've witnessed that rarely and have always felt that it deserved rewarding, I would have certainly voted for me. I think it would be based on both how strong of a connection they formed with me as well as how impressive they were, because I think both of my games in the social and physical department were superior than Shane and Mookie's. And although Strategy may go to Mookie (though I think that's debatable), my vote would certainly be going to the fighter in this season. And although she was a loudmouth bitch at times, I'd begrudgingly cast my vote for her over the other two without question.
Hopefully that answered your question, and I do understand that me winning a string of challenges doesn't make me look like a strategic player. But honestly, I think I had just as much of a strategic brain as everyone else here, and immunity challenges were only something I wanted as a fallback. Anyone can tell you that I was still trying to get myself out of the whole during every single round, and never just resigned myself to either winning the challenge or going home.
Thanks Artis!
Now I know a lot of jurors may be like "well, there's more incentive to not vote for her. Perfect." And I get that, but luck was a part of everyone's game, including my own. There were many instances that without luck, I think I could've easily been out on the jury pretty early on.
So your second question actually was part of one of my earlier confessional posts, and basically, i would definitely be voting for me tonight. I know that's such a typical and eye-roll-inducing answer, but I thought about it a lot and really know that my game would've earned Sophie's respect if she was on the jury. Although I usually vote for the underdogs, like I did with David and have many times, there was no "underdog" in the final three next to me that I could in good conscience vote for. That isn't to say that Mookie and Shane had poor games, because they certainly didn't, but I fought HARD and I fought to the death in order to make it here. Since I've witnessed that rarely and have always felt that it deserved rewarding, I would have certainly voted for me. I think it would be based on both how strong of a connection they formed with me as well as how impressive they were, because I think both of my games in the social and physical department were superior than Shane and Mookie's. And although Strategy may go to Mookie (though I think that's debatable), my vote would certainly be going to the fighter in this season. And although she was a loudmouth bitch at times, I'd begrudgingly cast my vote for her over the other two without question.
Hopefully that answered your question, and I do understand that me winning a string of challenges doesn't make me look like a strategic player. But honestly, I think I had just as much of a strategic brain as everyone else here, and immunity challenges were only something I wanted as a fallback. Anyone can tell you that I was still trying to get myself out of the whole during every single round, and never just resigned myself to either winning the challenge or going home.
Thanks Artis!